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Fertility Status and Spatial Distribution of Soil Properties for Tobacco Growing Lands in Tokat Province
Hikmet Günal | Elif Günal
In this study, a total of 202 surface (0-20 cm) soils were collected from the lands of the producers who made contractual production with private companies in the villages where tobacco cultivation is intensively carried out in the Erbaa district of Tokat province. Basic soil properties, macro phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sodium (Na) and micro nutrient (Fe), zinc (Zn) copper (Cu) and manganese (Mn) concentrations of soil samples were determined. Spatial distributions of clay content, pH, EC, calcium carbonate, macro and micro nutrient concentrations of tobacco growing lands were modeled using geostatistical methods and spatial distributions were mapped. The coordinates of the sampling locations were recorded using a precise GPS. Soils were mostly neutral and slightly alkaline. Neutral soil pH is desired for sustainable tobacco production. Plants may not be able to uptake some of nutrients in soils with moderate alkalinity. In this case, the use of acid character fertilizers is recommended. All of the macro nutrients are at sufficient levels in the tobacco growing lands. Copper and iron concentrations were at sufficient levels in all fields. Plant available manganese was sufficient in almost half of the sampled lands, while it was insufficient in the other half. Available zinc concentration was well below the sufficient level in most of the lands. In order to increase the production to the desired level, fertilizers should be applied based on the plant requirement and soil analysis results. The registration of the soil sampling locations provides an opportunity to create a very useful database for researchers, producers and suppliers who want to understand how the quality of the tobacco growing lands has changed over time.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Determination of Selected Profile and Productivity Characteristics of Soils Formed on Meriç River (Turkey) Terraces
Orhan Yüksel | Hüseyin Ekinci
This study was conducted to determine profile and productivity characteristics of soils formed over the alluvial terraces located at different elevations and distances from Meriç River. Soil profiles were sampled at four different points located vertically at different distances from Meriç River and soil horizons were defined in these profiles. Twenty-eight disturbed soil samples were taken, and physico-chemical analyses were performed on these profile samples. While paddy farming is practices over the fields where profile 1 (P1), profile 3 (P3) and profile 4 (P4) are located, the field where profile 2 (P2) is located has long been used as pasture. Organic matter content of soils was generally “low” and “very low”. The highest organic matter contents were observed in A1 horizon of P2 (3.22%) and Ap horizon of P4 (2.09%). Soil pH values were generally “slightly acidic” and “neutral”. Soils were “calcareous” in P2 and “slightly calcareous” in the other profiles. Salinity was encountered in P2. Electrical conductivity (EC) of A1 horizon of this profile was measured as 6.51 dS m-1. Sodium (Na) content of this horizon was also “very high”. As compared to other profiles, P2 was located at a lower elevation, thus wet through majority of the year. Therefore, P2 was generally wet and had redoximorphic characteristics, high clay content and thus poor drainage conditions. P1 was located at the closest position to the river, thus had higher sand contents than the other profiles. Based on clay content, cation exchange capacity (CEC) was the greatest in P2 and the lowest in P1. Available nutrient contents of the profiles decreased through the depth of the profile. Phosphorus (P), iron (Fe), cupper (Cu), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) contents of upper layers were “sufficient” and “excessive”. On the other hand, potassium (K) content was “sufficient” only in P2 and “low” in the other profiles.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Surface Coating Applications on Active Parts of Tillage Machines
Yaşar Serhat Saygılı | Bülent Çakmak
Tillage machines such as plow, cultivator, rotavator, and rototiller are widely used for this purpose. However, one of the major problems in working with tillage machines is the wear of active parts over time. Abrasion occurs differently in active parts of tillage machines and can cause the machines used to lose the functionality expected of them. It is preferred to cover the active parts with wear-resistant coating materials to reduce the level of wear to meet both agro technical demands and high tillage efficiency. The way of wear the active parts of the machines; it is abrasive wear caused by friction against solid materials in the soil (clods, stones, harder materials, etc.) and/or adhesive wear caused by soil moisture. Reducing the wear on the active parts with the coating process to be made will both prevent material loss caused by abrasion in the active part and increase the efficiency/effectiveness of the machine. Because of the limited number of studies on this subject in the agricultural sector shows that the subject is open to improvement. In this study, the use of new coating methods used in other production sectors (especially in mold manufacturing) for the last decade in coating the active parts of soil tillage machines and their effects on product performance and life by increasing wear resistance are compiled. Coating methods that can be adapted to the agricultural sector can be listed as; Gas Phase, Liquid Phase and Melted/Semi-Melted Phase. Among these, studies on Plasma Thermal Spraying (Molten / Semi-Molten Phase Coating Methods) and thin film coating (Vapor Phase Coating Methods) are prominent. On the other hand, it is predicted that the desired wear resistance can be further improved by applying different coating methods and combinations.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Gediz Havzası Tütün Tarımı Yapılan Toprakların Bazı Fiziksel-Kimyasal Özellikleri ile Besin Elementi İçerikleri Arasındaki İlişkiler
Seda Erdoğan Bayram
Gediz Havzası yaygın tütün tarımı yapılan toprakların verimlilik durumlarının incelenmesine yönelik yapılan bu çalışmada, 60 farklı noktadan 0-30 cm derinlikten alınan toprak örneklerinin bazı fiziksel-kimyasal özellikleri ile besin elementi içerikleri belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre topraklar; genel olarak kumlu-tın bünyeli, hafif alkalin reaksiyonlu, kireçli, organik maddece iyi ve tuzluluk yönünden herhangi bir tehlike içermemektedir. Yöre toprakları genel olarak değerlendirildiğinde, %94’ünde toplam azot %62’sinde alınabilir K yetersiz iken, %70’inde alınabilir P, %85’inde alınabilir Ca ve %56’sında alınabilir Mg yeterli bulunmuştur. Toprakların genel olarak alınabilir Fe (%83’ü) ve alınabilir Cu (%92’si) kapsamları yeterli iken alınabilir Zn (%86’sı) ve alınabilir Mn (%85’i) içerikleri yetersizdir. İncelenen toprakların fiziksel-kimyasal özellikleri ve besin elementleri arasındaki ikili ilişkilerde, pH-Elektriksel İletkenlik (EC), pH-kireç, pH-silt, pH-kil, pH-K, pH-Ca; EC-N, EC-P, EC-K, EC-Ca, EC-Cu, EC-Zn; organik madde (OM)-N, OM-P, OM-Ca, OM-Cu, OM-Zn; % kum-Fe; kil-K, Kil-Ca, Kil-Mg, Kil-Cu içerikleri arasında pozitif; pH-kum, pH-Fe, pH-Zn ve pH-Mn; OM-kum; % kum-kil, kum-silt, kum-K, kum-Ca, kum- Cu; kil-Fe içerikleri arasında önemli negatif korelasyonlar bulunmuştur. Besin elementleri açısından toprakların N-P, N-Ca, N-Cu, N-Zn; P-Cu, K-Mg, Mg-Fe, Mg-Cu, Fe-Cu, Fe-Zn, Fe-Mn, Cu-Zn, Cu-Mn, Zn-Cu, Zn-Mn arasında pozitif; Ca-Fe arasında ise güçlü negatif ilişkiler belirlenmiştir. Tütünde kalite özelliklerini doğrudan etkileyen azot, Zn ve Mn elementlerinin yöre topraklarında yetersiz olması nedeniyle yörede yapılacak gübreleme programlarında bu durumun göz önünde bulundurulmasında yarar vardır.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Koloni Verimliliğini Artıran Yeni Bir Kovan Modeli
Ethem Akyol | Mustafa Güneşdoğdu | Ayhan Ceyhan
Gezginci arıcılık; koloni verimliliğinin artırılmasında önemli bir uygulama olmakla birlikte son zamanlarda kolonilerin nakliyesinde için işçi bulmak önemli bir sorun haline gelmeye başlamıştır. Arı taşımacılığının genellikle iller arasında ve gece saatlerinde yapılması zorunluluğu, ayrıca arı sokması problemleri nedeniyle çalıştıracak eleman bulunamaması sorununu da beraberinde getirmiştir. Gezginci arıcılıkta taşımacılığın iller arasında yapılması yanında, kolonileri hem yüklerken hem de indirirken ayrı işçilik giderleri gerektirmesi de işletme giderlerini artıran bir diğer faktördür. Bunun sonucu olarak da arıların taşınmasında işçi bulmak hem güç olmakta hem de işçilik maliyetlerinin yüksek olması nedeniyle gezginci arıcılık ekonomik olmaktan uzaklaşmaktadır. Sürekli artan yakıt fiyatlarıyla birlikte nakliye giderlerinin de artması gezginci arıcılığı olumsuz etkileyen bir diğer olumsuzluktur. Arı yükleme ve indirmede yaşanan bu problemlerden dolayı bir arıcı konakladığı yerden memnun olmasa da kolonilerinin yerini hızlıca değiştirememekte ve sezonu verimsiz bir şekilde geçirmek zorunda kalmaktadır.
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