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Efficacy of Foliar Application of Micronutrients on Production of Onion Seed [Allium cepa L.] cv. Red Creol in Rukum West, Nepal
Sikendra Kumar Mahato | Sabuj Adhikari | Anish Paudel | Sabin Khatiwada
Field research was commenced in Rukum West on a standing crop of onion during the flowering stage to assess the effectiveness of foliar sprays of micronutrients on the yield of onion seeds (Allium cepa L.) cv. Red Creol. The experiment was carried out using two levels of Zinc (300 ppm and 375 ppm) and two levels of Boron (240 ppm and 360 ppm) in an RCBD design with treatments applied either separately or in combinations, comprising nine treatments and three replications. The treatments were administered before flowering, during flowering, and after flowering at the seed production stage at 15 days intervals. The application of Zinc and Boron increased total seed yield, seed yield per umbel, seed yield per plant, and germination percentage. The highest seed yield per plant, seed yield per umbel, and seed yield per plot were recorded from Treatment 8 (Zn 375ppm + B 360ppm) i.e. 52.8 gm per plant, 6.12 gm per umbel, and 966.67 kg ha-1 respectively. Similarly, Treatment 1 (Zn300ppm) and Treatment 8 (Zn 375ppm + B 360ppm) showed the highest germination percentage (70%), and Treatment 9 (control) showed the lowest (45%). The treatments did not affect the thousand seed weight.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effect of Dietary Zinc Supplementation on the Productive Performances, Carcass Traits and Blood Profile of Broiler
Firojul Islam | Md Ruknuzzaman | Abdul Gaffar Miah | Ummay Salma
This study was conducted to determine the effect of zinc on the productive performances, carcass yield and blood profiles of broilers. Experiment was done for a period of 35 days with a number of 60, day old broiler chicks. Birds were divided into four dietary treatment groups with 3 replications each having 5 birds per replication. The dietary treatment groups were; T0 (basal diet; no zinc), T1 (basal diet + 50 mg zinc/kg feed), T2 (basal diet + 100 mg zinc/kg feed), T3 (basal diet + 150 mg zinc/kg feed). Results revealed that body weight and body weight gain were significantly increased in the zinc supplemented group compared to the control group. Higher feed intake and better FE were also observed in the zinc supplemented group than the control group and the best performance was observed in the group fed 150mg zinc/kg feed (T3). Carcass yield was significantly higher in the groups fed dietary zinc. Net profit was slightly higher in the T3 group but not significantly (P.0.05) differed with the control group. However, T1 and T2 showed less profit even than the control group. Blood profile of the experimental birds including Hb, PCV, and ESR did not significantly differ among the groups. The results indicate that the addition of zinc in the broiler diet improves productive performances, carcass yield and increases net profit without affecting the health status of broiler. So, zinc can be used as an effective and useful micronutrient to improve the performances of broiler.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Evaluation of Serum Zinc Levels in Cattle with Trichophytosis According to Extensiveness of Trichophytosis
Taner Şimay | Basaran Karademir
This study aimed to reveal relationship between the extensiveness of trichophytosis on the body and serum zinc levels in cattle. This study was carried out on 92 cattle with trichophytosis and 50 healthy ones. Serum zinc levels of healthy cattle were evaluated as control. The cattle with trichophytosis separated into 5 groups according to diffusiveness of the diseases. Experimental groups of this study were designed as follows; Group 1: up to 1 cm, Group 2: 1-5 cm, Group 3: 5-10 cm, Group 4: 10-20 cm and Group 5: widespread on the body. Serum zinc levels measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometer equipped with flame system. In general, the mean level of Zn in trichophytosis groups (0.613±0.013 mg Zn/L) was statistically lower than healthy ones (0.900±0.017 mg Zn/L). A negative correlation was determined between the diffusiveness degree of trichophytosis and serum zinc levels (r = -0.772). Serum Zinc levels were statistically decreased from the control group to group 3. However, a stable course was observed from 3 to 5. Therefore, the value of group 3 (0.6 mgZn/L) was determined as a critical value for the cattle with trichophytosis. According to regression analysis results, it was observed that the extensiveness of the trichophytosis lesions affected the levels of serum Zn levels significantly (r2=59.6%). Consequently, serum zinc levels of cattle decreased in an inversely proportional manner to the diffusiveness degree of trichophytosis and stabilization was observed at the level of 0.6 mg Zn/L.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The Effect of Different Zinc Application Methods on Yield and Grain Zinc Concentration of Bread Wheat Varieties
Hatun Barut | Tuğba Şimşek | Seyyid Irmak | Uğur Sevilmiş | Sait Aykanat
This study was carried out to elucidate the impacts of zinc (Zn) treatments on growth, development, quality and yield of commonly sown bread wheat cultivars under field conditions of Çukurova Region. Three different bread wheat cultivars (Adana-99, Ceyhan-99 and Pandas) were experimented in randomized complete blocks-split plots experimental design with 3 replications. Field experiments were performed by two different Zn application methods; via soil and via soil+foliage. In the both trials, 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40 kg ha-1 pure Zn doses were applied to the soil. 0.4% ZnSO4.7H2O solution was used for foliar Zn applications. Current findings revealed that Zn treatments had significant effects on grain yield, grain Zn concentration, grain phosphorus (P) concentration and thousand grain weight of bread wheat cultivars, but significant effects were not observed on grain protein concentrations. Soil+foliar Zn treatments were more effective in improving grain Zn concentrations. It was concluded that 10- 20 kg ha-1 Zn treatment was quite effective on grain Zn concentrations.
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