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Seafood Consumption Attributes and Buying Behaviours According to the Generations: A Study on Millennial Generation in Turkish Market
Osman İnanç Güney | Levent Sangün
This paper focus on the seafood consumption attitudes and behaviours of the millennials (Generation Y) and non-millennials (Generation X, Baby Boomers and Silent Generation) comparatively. The data was collected from a face to face survey which was applied to randomly select 407 individuals in the city of Adana, Turkey in November 2016. As a result of factor analysis applied in the study, it was found that Millennials was significantly and inversely correlated with consumption of wild fish and freshwater fish. Non-millennial generation was inversely correlated with consumption of marine fish, freshwater fish and mussels and the correlation is insignificant. According to the results of the chi square test, it was determined that Millennials mostly preferred to consume fresh (unprocessed) fish. Mann-Whitney test results show that they value health and nutrition factors for consumption and there is a significant difference between these two factors. Besides, factors mainly effecting their purchase behaviour of seafood are directed to freshness, seasonality, place of purchase and wild-aquaculture product classification and there are significant differences between these factors. The fact that the Millennial’s average response to consumption and purchasing is higher indicates that they are more cautious.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Attitude of Farmers towards Thai Koi Farming in Selected Upazila of Bangladesh
Farruk Ahmed | Mohammad Zulfikar Rahman | Shonia Sheheli | Debashish Sarker Dev
The main purposes of the study were to determine the attitude of farmers towards Thai Koi farming in a selected area of Mymensingh district. Attempt was also made to identify the problems faced by the farmers in Thai Koi farming. Data were obtained from randomly selected 70 Thai Koi farmers of Shaiod and Ahmedpur villages in Kheruajani Union under Muktagachha Upazila of Mamensingh district during April, 2015. Attitude of the farmers was measured in respect of different aspects of Thai koi production. A three-point rating scale was used to indicate the Thai koi farmers’ response against each statement. The possible score for each respondent could range from 15 to 45 and observed score ranged from 31 to 41. It is evident that ‘I believe that Thai koi farming in pond can supply protein and nutrition to the family members ranked first as a statement in attitude scale of Thai Koi farmers. Second is ‘I like Thai Koi farming because it has higher growth rate than that of other local Koi’. Most of the Thai Koi farmers had highly favourable attitude. Among the problems, ‘high sensitivity to disease of Thai Koi’ got the highest problem confrontation score and stood the first ranked problem and other problem were ‘High price of Thai koi feed’, High price of drugs’ and ‘High price of farm labour’ etc. Farmers suggested from their experiences that there should have need-based spot training on effective management of Thai Koi farming. In achieving this target, Department of Fisheries and allied NGOs may play a crucial role.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Asidifiye Sodyum Klorit ve Asidifiye Sadyum Klorit İçeren Sosun Broyler Pirzolalarında Salmonella spp. Üzerine Etkisi
Işıl Aydın | Halil Yalçın | Ali Arslan
Bu çalışma, Salmonella spp. ile deneysel olarak kontamine edilen broiler pirzolalarının 4oC’de muhafazasında bu patojen üzerine asidifiye sodyum klorit (ASK) ve ASK içeren sosun etkilerini incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Örnekler 4oC’de muhafaza edilerek 0., 2., 3., 5. ve 7. günlerde Salmonella spp. yönünden incelenmiştir. Salmonella spp. sayısı bakımından hem günler hem de gruplar arasındaki farkın önemli olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Salmonella spp. sayısında en fazla azalma 2,14 log kob/g ile 1800 ppm ASK çözeltisi uygulanan grupta, en az etki ise 0,08 log kob/g ile 1200 ppm ASK içeren sos uygulanan grupta belirlenmiştir. Kontrol ve sadece marinat uygulanan gruplarda ise patojen sayısında artış belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonunda Salmonella spp. sayısı üzerine en yüksek antimikrobiyel etkinin 1200 ppm ve 1800 ppm ASK içeren çözeltilerde 2 dakika bekletildikten sonra muhafaza edilen broiler pirzolalarında olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu nedenle, asidifiye sodyum klorit çözeltisinin broiler pirzolalarında Salmonella spp. riskinin azaltılmasında etkili olacağı sonucuna varılmıştır.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Karadeniz Sahil Kuşağında Yağlık Kolza (Brassica napus L.,) Bitkisinin Çiçeklenme Fenolojisi, Çiçek Sayısı, Nektar ve Polen Potansiyelinin Belirlenmesi
Necda Çankaya | Ulviye Kumova
Bu araştırma, ülkemizde tarımı yaygınlık kazanan yağlık kolza (Brassica napus L.,) bitkisinin Samsun İli koşullarında, çiçeklenme fenolojisi, çiçek sayısı, nektar ve polen potansiyelinin belirlenmesi amacıyla 2011 ve 2012 yıllarında yürütülmüştür. Araştırmanın birinci yılında (2011), kolza bitkisinin 44 gün süre ile çiçekte kaldığı, bitkide 2.694 adet/da çiçek bulunduğu, günlük toplam 1,89 kg/da nektar salgıladığı ve 1330 kg/da polen ürettiği belirlenmiştir. Araştırmanın ikinci yılında (2012), kolza bitkisinin 39 gün süre ile çiçekte kaldığı, bitkide 701 adet/da çiçek bulunduğu, günlük toplam 0,38 kg/da nektar salgıladığı ve 331,57 kg/da polen ürettiği ortaya konmuştur. Kolza bitkisinin Samsun koşullarında yapılan iki yıllık sonuçlarına göre ortalama 41,5 gün çiçekte kaldığı, günlük nektar üretiminin 0,23 mg/çiçek/gün, nektar kuru madde düzeyinin %20,25 ve polen üretiminin 0,48 mg/çiçek/gün olduğu saptanmıştır. Samsun İlinde kolza bitkisinin, erken ilkbahar döneminde, çevrede bulunan birçok bitkinin çiçeklenmesinden önce çiçeklendiği ve başta bal arıları (Apis mellifera L.) olmak üzere pek çok tozlayıcı böceğe, nektar ve polen sağladığı belirlenmiştir. Kolza bitkisinin arıcılık açısından ekiminin yaygınlaştırılarak erken ilkbahar döneminde, bal arıları ve diğer tozlayıcı böcekler açısından elverişli bir besin kaynağı olabileceği ortaya konmuştur.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Analytical and Mathematical Determination of Shelf-life of Fresh-cut Red Cabbage
Fulya Şimşek | Özlem Kızılırmak Esmer
Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables have longer shelf lives when appropriate packaging materials having proper permeability properties are used. For this reason eight different packaging materials having different permeability properties were used and it was aimed to determine the appropriate packaging material and analytical and mathematical shelf lives of fresh cut red cabbage. Head space analysis, microbiological and sensorial analysis together with pH, weight loss (%) and colour analysis were performed. As a result of the study, it was determined that low density polyethylene (LDPE) film having 20 µm of thickness and 12276 cc/m2-day of oxygen permeability was determined as the most suitable packaging material for packaging of fresh-cut red cabbage. Mathematical microbiological shelf life was determined as 12.33 days and both analytical microbiological and sensorial shelf lives were determined as 12 days. It was shown that Gompertz equation can be used in determination of microbiological shelf life of fresh-cut red cabbage since the analytical and mathematical shelf life results fit to each other. Also, the equation that can be used in calculation of shelf life of fresh-cut red cabbage when packaged with AYPE film having 12276 cc/m2-day oxygen permeability was determined as log(Nt/N0) = 6,83 × exp{-exp{[(0,80*e)(6,83-t)/6,83]+1}}.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Farklı Ana Materyaller Üzerinde Oluşmuş Topraklarda Gidya ve Azot Uygulamalarının Kırmızı Biber (Capsicum annum L.) Bitkisi Gelişimine Etkisi
Ömer Faruk Demir | Hüseyin Dikici | Kadir Yılmaz
Bu çalışmada, Doğu Akdeniz Tarım Havzasında bazalt, serpantin ve kireçtaşı ana materyalleri üzerinde oluşmuş topraklarda gidya (% 0, 1, 2, 4) ve azot (0, 70, 140 ve 210 mg kg-1) uygulamalarının kırmızı biber bitkisi ve farklı toprak çeşitleri üzerine etkileri incelenmiştir. Araştırmada, vejetatif gelişim bakımından gidya uygulamalarında bitki ağırlıklarındaki artış istatistiksel olarak önemli bulunmuştur. Ancak, gidya uygulamalarının meyve verimi üzerine önemli bir etkisi gözlemlenmemiştir. Diğer yandan, 140 mg kg-1 ve 210 mg kg-1 azot dozlarında bitki ve meyve ağırlıklarında önemli oranda artışlar görülmüştür. Farklı topraklarda yetiştirilen kırmızı biber bitkilerindeki morfolojik değişimler bakımından en yüksek bitki boyu ve en yüksek bitki ağırlığı bazaltik topraklarda, en yüksek meyve ağırlığı serpantinli topraklarda ve en yüksek meyve sayısı kireçli topraklarda yetişen bitkilerde ölçülmüştür.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Changes in the Quality of Black Mulberry and Blueberry Sherbets During Storage
Ahsen Rayman Ergün | Yeliz Tekgül | Hamza Bozkır | taner baysal
This study was evaluated the quality properties of traditional drink sherbets that are prepared from black mulberry and blueberry fruits. After production sherbets were investigated to determine their pH, acidity, °brix and colour values, total sugar, phenolic, anthocyanin and antioxidant contents. Moreover the sherbets stored at 4°C during 2 months and the changes in these quality properties were examined per month. As a result statistically significant changes were observed in the quality properties of these sherbets of black mulberry and blueberry fruits which are known with their rich content of phytochemical compounds. The results show that in blueberry sherbet the degradation of phenolics was faster than black mulberry sherbet. Anthocyanins that are higher in black mulberry sherbets after production were preserved better in blueberry sherbets at the end of 2nd month. L*and a* values decreased for blackberry and blueberry sherbets during storage. b* value decreased from 5.59 to 4.92 for blackberry sherbet while it increased from 0.62 to 0.79 for blueberry sherbet at the end of the storage time.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effects of Salinity Stress on Emergence and Seedling Growth Parameters of Some Maize Genotypes (Zea mays L.)
Ömer Konuşkan | Hüseyin Gözübenli | İbrahim Atiş | Mehmet Atak
Maize is a very important cereal all over the world and generally cultivated in irrigated agricultural areas. Salinity affects adversely maize productivity in these areas. Maize is known as a salt sensitive species. The salt tolerance level identification in the large genetic resources and breeding populations is an important research topic for solving the salinity problem. The effects of NaCl stress on germination and seedling growth of fifteen maize genotypes were investigated in this study. Electrical conductivity (EC) values of the NaCl were settled 0 (distilled water), 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 dS m-1. This investigation was performed as factorial arrangement of completely randomized design with four replications. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that genotypes, salinity levels and interaction between genotype x salinity were significant for all the investigated treatments emergence index (EI), root dry weight (RDW), shoot dry weight (SDW), root length (RL), shoot length (SL), and salt tolerance indexes (STI). Results also revealed that the highest reduction in emergence index (59.7%) were obtained in the highest level (12 dS m-1) of salinity. The results further revealed that the cultivars named DKC 6589, PR31G98, and PR31A34 were the most tolerant genotypes than the others under NaCI stress.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The Effect of Socio-Economic Factors on Adoption of Innovations in Dairy Farms
Aysun Yener | Cennet Oğuz
The research was conducted with the aim of determining the social and economic factors which are effective on the adoption of new technologies at dairy farms in the province of Konya. The data used in the research was obtained on a volunteer basis by questionnaire technique from 128 dairy farms determined with stratified sampling method that is one of random sampling method. 51.56% of enterprises investigated were high innovators and 48.44% of enterprises were low innovators. In conclusion, it was determined that the milk yield, enterprise income, education of enterpriser, family size, number of animals, existence of land, case of receiving services of consultancy and frequency of using mass media tools made positive contributions to adoption of innovations by enterprises in the research field. But the training level decreased as the age of enterpriser increased in the research field. This case retards the adoption process of innovations and deescalates the use of new technologies in the enterprises. The young farmers come to the forefront in the adoption and implementation of innovations.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Determination of Phenological Properties and Effective Heat Summation Requirements of Some Apples Varieties in Ankara (Kalecik) Conditions
Hülya Ünver
In this study, the phenological characteristics of some apple varieties grown in the Kalecik district of Ankara province, the number of days between effective heat summation requirements, and phenological phases were determined. The research was conducted on Royal Gala, Granny Smith, Jersey Mac, Spur Golden and Red Chief apple varieties. The threshold temperature of +10°C was accepted as the temperature value for the determination of the heat summation requirements of the varieties. The effective heat summation above +10°C during the growing season of varieties was determined as 819.1-1986.3°C days in 2015 and 865.1-2031.2°C days in 2016. The number of days from full bloom to harvest was 85-75 days in 2015 and 132-219 days in 2016.
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