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Performance of Boro Rice in Response to Different Application Methods of Urea Fertilizer
Ashick Ahmed | Mahbubur Rashid | Julfiker Rahman | Sirajul Islam
N (nitrogen) is an essential element that is very complex to manage. Adjustment to different application methods of N containing urea can be a crucial option for effective management of N. The experiment was carried out at the BRAC Agricultural Research and Development Centre, Gazipur during 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 growing seasons with the objectives to find out the response of genotypes and different urea fertilizer application methods on growth parameters, yield and yield attributes of Boro rice. The experiment was arranged in split-plot design with three replications having two genotypes viz. (i) V1 = GSR I Sal Y 1242 and (ii) V2 = BRRI dhan28 placed in main plot and four urea application methods viz. (i) T1 = 220 kg ha-1 PU at three equal splits (ii) T2= 2% foliar spray @ 80 kg ha-1 (iii) T3= 75 kg N ha-1 USG (2.7 g) and (iv) T4= LCC based urea @ 67.5 kg ha-1 placed in sub plot. Results showed that genotypes had non-significant influence for most of the growth parameters and yield components, whereas urea fertilizer application methods had significant effect on all growth parameters, yield and yield attributes except plant height at 40 DAT and 50% flowering stage. . With different methods of urea application, T4 achieved significantly the highest value of all growth parameters, yield and yield components with total N content hill-1 (3.859%) and harvest index (50.70%) except filled grain panicle-1 (82.98) at harvest. Among the interactive treatments, the highest number of tillers m-2 (351.66), dry weight hill-1 (88.13 g), panicle number m-2 (340.83), panicle length (23.33 cm) and grain yield (7.32 t ha-1) was obtained at V1T4. So, in aspect of yield and other parameters, V1T4 was the best treatment under the present study.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Bakteriyel Yollarla Metal Nanopartiküllerin Sentezi
Fikriye Alev Akçay | Ayşe Avcı
Nanoteknolojik yöntemlerle nano boyuta indirgenen metal partiküller temelde biyomedikal ve fizikokimya olmak üzere eczacılık, elektrik-elektronik, otomotiv sanayi, gıda sanayi gibi pek çok farklı alanda karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Fiziksel, kimyasal ve biyolojik olmak üzere üç farklı üretim yöntemi bulunan nanopartiküller ağırlıklı olarak kimyasal yöntemlerle üretilmektedir. Ancak fiziksel ve kimyasal yöntemler yüksek sıcaklık, yüksek basınç ve toksik kimyasalların kullanımını gerektirdiği için çevre dostu ve ekonomik değildir. Bu nedenle yeşil teknoloji olarak da adlandırılan, çevre dostu ve sürdürülebilir bir yaklaşım olan biyolojik yöntemlerle metal nanopartiküllerin üretimine olan ilgi son yıllarda artmıştır. Bazı bitki ekstraktlarıyla ve mikroorganizmaların hücre içi ve hücre dışı salgılarıyla birtakım indirgenme reaksiyonları gerçekleşmekte ve metal nanopartikülleri üretilmektedir. Bakteriler doğadaki çeşitlilikleri, kolay izole edilebilir olmaları ve nanopartikül üretimindeki kolaylıkları sebebiyle son yıllarda etkin birer nano fabrika görevi görmektedirler. Bu makalede, metal nanopartiküllerin bakteriyel yöntemlerle üretimleri ve uygulama alanları derlenmiştir.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Impacts of Macronutrients on Gene Expression: Recent Evidence to Understand Productive and Reproductive Performance of Livestock
Md. Mahmodul Hasan Sohel | Yusuf Konca | Mehmet Ulas Cinar
In order to identify the effects of nutrients on gene expression and to assess the interactions between genes and nutrition by means of various cutting-edge technologies, the interdisciplinary branch ‘Nutrigenomics’ was created. Therefore, nutrigenomics corresponds to the use of knowledge and techniques of nutrition, genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, epigenomics, and metabolomics to seek and explain the cross-talk between nutrition and genes in molecular level. Macronutrients are important dietary signals that control metabolic programming of cells and have important roles in maintaining cellular homeostasis by influencing specific gene expression. Recent advancements in molecular genetics studies, for instance, use of next-generation sequencing, microarray and qPCR array to investigate the expression of transcripts, genes, and miRNAs, has a crucial impact on understanding and quantitative measurement of the impact of dietary macronutrients on gene function. This review will shade a light on the interactions and mechanisms how the dietary source of macronutrients changes the expression of specific mRNA and miRNA. Furthermore, it will highlight the exciting recent findings in relation to animal performance characteristics which eventually help us to identify a dietary target to improve animal production.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The Effect of Some Organic Acid and Plant-Derived Material Treatments on The Germination, Emergence and Seedling Quality of Broccoli
Levent Arın | Haydar Balcı
The research was carried out to investigate the effect of plant materials which are used as an alternative to synthetic chemicals in organic agriculture (thyme, mint, basil and garlic oil, hot pepper, and neem tree seed extract) and some organic acids (salicylic and jasmonic acid) on the germination, emergence, and seedling traits in broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) cv. Jade. The seeds of broccoli treated with these materials were subjected to germination and emergence tests at 20±1°C and 60±5% RH in autumn period. After that, all seeds (including untreated) were kept at 5±1°C and again evaluated for germination, emergence, and seedling traits in spring period. In spring period, the seeds treated with neem seed extract gave highest germination percentage (91.75%). Also, they germinated in shortest time (3.80 days). The lowest germination/emergence percentage and highest mean germination/emergence time was obtained from the seeds treated with thyme oil in both periods. The seeds treated with basil oil had the higher infected seedlings than others. There were no significant differences among treatments in term of seedling traits (except leaf number).
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Munzur Çayı (Tunceli-Türkiye)’nın Algal Florasının ve Su Kalitesi Değişimi
Banu Kutlu | Burcu Demir
Şubat 2015-Ocak 2016 tarihleri arasında aylık olarak Munzur Çayı’nda belirlenen iki istasyonda gerçekleştirilen çalışmada fitoplankton dağılımı ile fiziko-kimyasal parametreler belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Yerüstü Su Kalitesi Yönetmeliği’ne göre suyun kalitesi, sıcaklık, pH, oksijen, amonyum nitrat I. Sınıf özelliği; nitrit ise II. Sınıf özelliği niteliğinde değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca II. İstasyon evsel atık sebebiyle organik kirlenme tehdidi altında olduğu belirlenmiş ve bu duruma markerleri olarak bölgedeki fitoplankton dağılımı incelenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar göstermiştir ki: Munzur Çayı’nda Chlorophyta (6), Bacillariophyta (54), Cyanobacteria (15), Rhodophyta (1), Ochrophyta (1), Euglenophyta (2), Charophyta (3), Miozoa (2) sınıflarına ait toplam 84 takson tespit edilmiştir. Fitoplanktonda organizma sayısı bakımından iki istasyon içinde Bacillariophyta divizyosunun dominant, Cyanobacteria ise subdominant olduğu gözlenmiştir. Fitoplanktonda Bacillariophyta’dan Ulnaria ulna, Nitzschia palea, Bacillaria paradoxa ,Encyonema sp., Navicula sp. ve Nitzschia acicularis türlerinin çoğunlukla bulunduğu; Cyanobacteria üyelerinden Lyngbya sp., Spirulina labyrinthiformis, Oscillatoria labyrinthiformis ve Oscillatoria mougeotii türlerinin ise önem açısından ikinci sırada yer aldığı raporlanmıştır. Chlorophyta, Charophyta ve Euglenophyta türleri ise önemli sayılara ulaşamamışlardır.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Extent of Microbial Contamination of Refined and Unrefined Vegetable oils sold in South-west Nigeria
Oluwafemi Flora | Oni Eniola Oluyemisi | Kareem Sarafadeen Olateju | Omemu Adebukunola Mobolaji | Kolapo Lawrence Adelodun
Oils constitute a major source of plant-based protein. A major limitation to optimal oil consumption in sub-tropical region is fungal infestation and consequent mycotoxin contamination. Ten refined and eight unrefined vegetable oils were randomly purchase from open markets and screened for microbial contamination using standard microbial procedures. Twenty six fungi isolates were obtained from the vegetable oil samples, the isolates were identified as Aspergillus fumigatus (43.0%), Mucor (17.9%), Saccharomyces cerevisiae (10.7%), Aspergillus niger (7.1%), Aspergillus flavus (7.1%), Penicillium spp (7.1%), Aspergillus oryzae (3.6%), Mucor (17.9%) and Rhizopus spp (3.6%). Five out of the ten refined vegetable oil samples had no fungal contamination. A. flavus and A. oryzae were absent in all the refined oil samples while A. niger was absent in all the unrefined oil samples. Isolation of mycotoxigenic fungi such as Aspergillus spp. is of vital importance in the food industry. Education and training of processors and consumers is recommended.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Analysis of Consumer’s WTP for Cowpea Varieties in Osun State, Nigeria: the Hedonic Pricing Approach
Rabirou Kassali | Abayomi Yusuf Oyewale | Olufemi Adedotun Yesufu
Analysis of consumer preferences for cowpea varieties in Osun State was carried out with a view to identifying attributes that determine price variation among cowpea varieties and the effect on consumer’s willingness to pay for those varieties. A multistage sampling technique was used to randomly select 240 respondents for the study, comprising 180 cowpea consumers and 60 retailers. Primary data were collected on cowpea varieties, their attributes and the consumer’s willingness to pay for cowpea varieties using well structured questionnaire. Data collected were analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed that out of thirteen varieties found in the area, only nine varieties of cowpea were common in the market. The quality of each variety differs which explained variation in their price. In terms of preference the Oloyin variety is preferred most by 78% of consumers. Weevil resistance had the highest rank among the cowpea attributes. Oloyin had the highest WTP followed by Milk and Drum with ₦303, ₦237 and ₦213 per kg, respectively. Hedonic pricing methods provide a statistical estimate of premiums and discounts for cowpea attributes. Results indicated that weevil resistance was the most important attribute to consumer. Cowpeas with weevil damage tolerance, brown colour, large grain size and short cooking time commanded price premium for almost all the varieties. The consumer discounted prices for insect damage, small size, white colour, smooth skin and grain colour mixed together. The study concludes on the need for breeders and research institutes to incorporate these cowpea attributes that attracted price premium into their cowpea breeding programmes.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]An Investigation on Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr, Fe Levels in Diopatra neapolitana (Delle Chiaje, 1841) and Sediments That Inhabit
Elif Çağrı Taş | Zeki Ergen | Uğur Sunlu
This study was carried out to determine the concentrations of some heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cr and Fe) in Diopatra neapolitana (Delle Chiaje, 1841) and sediments in the middle region of İzmir Bay. In the two-year period between autumn 2002 and summer 2004, it has been determined that metal concentrations in D. neapolitana vary over time. The order of accumulation of metal concentrates in D. neapolitana was determined as Cd
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Nominal-Time Analysis of Cotton Prices in China Impacts the Use of Granger Causality in Vector Error Correction Model
Eddy Hope Kabasele Bambe | YA-BING LI
The paper aims consists of modelling the cotton price index in China to determine the dependency of the previous increase in cotton prices on stocks and imports of cotton in the internal market during the sample period from 1991 to 2014. The paper opted for an empirical study using the time-series Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) framework. The paper provides empirical insights about the innovation of cotton price in domestic market of the China. It suggests that there are bidirectional relationships among the price and the stock in a system. It suggests also that cotton imports serve a significant role in the price index of current trends relative to future stocks. Thus, we concluded that the previous high cotton prices in China were attributed to the previous need to increase cotton stocks but not directly via the import of cotton; however, the latter may have a significant role in the future.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Evaluation of Cocoa Bean Hulls as a Fat Replacer On Functional Cake Production
Elif Öztürk | Gülden Ova
The effects of raw and leached cocoa bean hulls were investigated as a fat replacer in pound cakes. This substitution was applied for raw (RCBH) and leached (LCBH) grinded cacao bean hulls/oil in the ratios of 30/70 (30%), 40/60 (40%) and 50/50 (50%). Chemical, physical and sensorial properties of raw and leached cocoa bean hulls were studied as well as fat substituted cakes. Ash, protein, total phenolic compounds and total antioxidant activity decreased with leaching process. Crude fiber content increased in fat substituted cakes compared to control cake. RCBH cakes showed higher bioactive components than LCBH cakes because of raw cocoa bean hulls were higher phenolic compounds and total antioxidant activities than leached cocoa bean hulls. The results showed that 50% of vegetable oil replacement with raw cocoa bean hull in cake formulation significantly improved chemical, physical and sensory properties of fat substituted cakes.
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