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The Effects of Using Gamma Irradiated Wheat and Barley in Layer Diets on Egg Product Parameters and Quality
Turgay Yıldız | Necmettin Ceylan
In this study, the effect of using gamma irradiated barley and wheat 0, 10 and 100 kiloGray (kGy) and enzyme supplementation on the egg product criterions and external and internal egg quality was examined. In this experiment, 36 weeks old, 324 Brown Nick laying hens were used for ten week. The study was a randomized complete block design with 9 dietary treatments within 6 blocks of 54 pens each 6 birds per pen. Although egg weight was not significantly affected by gamma irradiation; enzyme supplementation of barley based diet significantly increased egg weight compared to barley control group. As egg mass production was considered, enzyme and 100 kGy gamma irradiation significantly improved the egg mass production compared to barley control. The feed conversion ratio was significantly improved by using gamma irradiated barley and enzyme in barley based diets (P
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Physicochemical Evaluation of Seeds and Oil of Nontraditional Oil Seeds
Adam Ismail Ahmed | Awad Mohammed Babeker | Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed Elamin | Elshiekh Awadelkarim Ibrahim
The present work was conducted in the Laboratory of Biochemistry and Food science department, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, University of Kordofan, in order to evaluate some nontraditional oil seeds these are i.e. Marula (Sclerocarya birrea), Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) seeds and Christ’s thorn (Zizyphus spina-christi) seeds. The seeds of the roselle and Christ’s thorn fruits were procured from Elobeid local market, North Kordofan State, while marula fruits were obtained from Elnuhod, West Kordofan State. The proximate composition of the seeds, cake and christ’s thorn pulp was done. Some chemical and physical properties were performed for the extracted oil. The results revealed that proximate composition of the seeds and cake differ statistically among the studied materials. Significant differences were observed among the oil extracted from these species; moreover, these oils differ significantly in color and viscosity only.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effects of Essential Oils on Feed Efficiency, Digestion, Ruminal Fermentation, Milk Production, and Milk Composition in Dairy Cows
Hayrettin Çayıroğlu
Essential oils are secondary compounds obtained from several parts of plants. They play an important role in the protection of the plants as antibacterials, antivirals, antifungals, insecticides in nature. Along with the prohibition of the use of antibiotics as feed additives in a lot of countries around the world, scientists have accelerated the search for safer and more natural feed additive. In this respect, essential oils and their active components have come to the fore as an alternative feed ingredient. In this review, effects of essential oils on feed intake, feed efficiency, nutrient digestibility, rumen fermentation, milk yield and its composition in dairy cattle were evaluated.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effect of Egg Shape Index on Hatching Characteristics in Hens
Erol Aşcı | İsmail Durmuş
In this study, the effects of egg shape index on hatching characteristics (fertility rate, embryo mortality, hatchability of fertile eggs and hatchability), egg weight loss, chick weight, sex ratio and quality of chicks were investigated. A total of 960 eggs of ATAK- S hybrid parents obtained from Ankara Poultry Research Station were divided into three different groups (SI≤71, 72≤SI≤76, SI≤77) based on shape index and were used. A significant relationship between fertility rate and late embryonic mortality was found in the shape index groups. On the other hand, no differences were found in the rate of weight loss at 18 day, early and middle embryonic mortality, malposition rate, hatchability, sex ratio and chick quality among the shape index groups. It was concluded that shape index affected the hatching results and also that eggs of abnormal shape index should not be used for hatching.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Yesterday and Today of Organic Farming in KOP Region
Havva Eda Üstüntaş | Ramazan İlhan Aytekin | Sevgi Çalışkan
Organic farming aims not to use chemical inputs, to increase quality not the yield, control and certify every steps of the production and is a human and environmental friendly production system. In recent years, use of organic food has increased parallel with the increasing interest in the environmental protection and safe foods in the developed countries. Turkey has a great potential for organic farming due to its wide diversity of climatic and soil conditions. KOP (Konya Plain Project) Region, includes the provinces as Aksaray, Karaman, Konya, Niğde, has a wide agricultural fields where not used chemical fertilizer and not contaminated with pesticides. Therefore this region is very important for organic agriculture. In 2013 year, planting area is 769.014 hectares and organic production is 1.620.466 tons in Turkey. KOP Region has a 0.47% planting area and 3.4% organic production in Turkey. Niğde which had the first rank in terms of organic production, constituted about 61% organic production amount. KOP Region could present significant opportunities and benefits to potential investors in terms of organic farming. In KOP Region, organic farming practices should be cared and supported.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Some Environmental Factors Affecting Birth Weight, Weaning Weight and Daily Live Weight Gain of Holstein Calves
Erdal Yaylak | Hikmet Orhan | Alim Daşkaya
The present study was conducted to determine some environmental factors affecting birth weight, weaning weight and daily live weight gain of Holstein calves of a livestock facility in Izmir, Turkey. The data on 2091 calves born between the years 2005-2010 were used to assess the relevant parameters. Effects of calving year, calving month, calf gender and the interaction between calving year and calving month on calves’ birth weights were highly significant. The overall mean of birth weights was 39.6±0.15 kg. In addition, effects of calving year, calving month, gender, birth weight, weaning age, calving year x calving month, calving year x gender and calving year x calving month x gender interactions on weaning weight (WW) and daily live weight gain (DLWG) were highly significant. The overall means of WW and DLWG were respectively found to be 79.7±0.20 kg and 525±2.5 g. A one kilogram increase in birth weight resulted in an increase of 0.89 kg in weaning weight and a decrease of 1.26 g in daily live weight gain. Prenatal temperature-humidity index (THI) affected birth weight of calves (R2=0.67). Increasing THI from 50 to 80 resulted in 3.8 kg decrease in birth weight.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]A New Approach to Determine Time and Temperature Combination for Electrical Conductivity Test in Sorghum
Mehmet Demir Kaya | Onur İleri
This study was conducted to determine a suitable time and temperature combination for the electrical conductivity test to be used in sorghum seeds. Fifty seeds known initial seed moisture content and weight of fresh and dead seeds (105°C for 6h) of seven sorghum cultivars were used as material. The electrical conductivities of soaking water were measured using an EC meter in 20, 25 and 30°C for 4, 8, 12 and 24 h using 50 mL deionized water. The experimental design was three factor factorial (7 × 3 × 4) arranged in a completely randomized design; with four replications and 50 seeds per replicate. The results showed that increased time and temperature caused a remarkable increase in EC values of all of the cultivars. Temperature significantly affected the electrical conductivity values and the best results were obtained at 25°C. The cultivars with the lower germination percentage gave the higher electrical conductivity value. Dead seeds always gave higher electrical conductivity at 25°C for all periods. It was concluded that the temperature of 25°C and 24 h was the optimum combination for the electrical conductivity test in sorghum.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effect of Cooking on Quality Commonly Consumed Marine Fish Platycephalidae (Platycephalus indicus) in Iran
Ali Aberoumand | Saeed Ziaei-Nejad
Fish Platycephalus indicus usually are consumed by southern people in Iran. The present study assessed the effect of processing on proximate compositions in the fillets of P.indicus. The fish samples were prepared by boiling, baking and frying, while proximate analysis was done by standard methods. Boiling processing method significantly reduced ash content in the fillet whereas fat content was significantly increased in frying. Baking method recorded highest ash content of 10.64%. The highest protein concentration was obtained for boiled fillet (82.73%). Lipid content was recorded highest in fried fillet (17.27%). P. indicus was, rich in fat, protein, and ash, thus its consumption should be encouraged.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Determination of Bee Products Consumption Habits and Awareness Level in Some Provinces in Turkey
Rahşan İvgin Tunca | Atilla Taşkın | Ufuk Karadavut
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the factors affecting the consumption of bee products and honey and also determine consumption habits and awareness of bee products in some selected province in Turkey. The main material of the study was formed by the original survey data which were collected from randomly selected 1112 people from Batman, Bursa, Diyarbakır, Erzincan, Kayseri, Kırşehir, Mersin, Muğla, Muş, Ordu, and Samsun as random provinces in 2014. The data in the study were examined in two parts. The first part consisted of the consumption habits and awareness of honey, whereas the preferences of individuals usage of bee product such as pollen, propolis, royal jelly and bee venom were examined in the second part. Multivariate logistic regression model was applied for each section including variables data for bee products. According to the survey, it was found that 39.6% of consumers consumed honey between 0-500 grams on a monthly basis. 51.2% of consumers bought honey from beekeepers, and 41% of them stated that they received from the market and bazaar. 5.9% of consumers believe the advertisement on television about bee product. 45.8% of consumers using honey stated that they could understand the quality of the honey. The proportion of consumers who kept a trademark for bee products was determined as 52.7%. Age of the consumer, honey that where consumers bought, honey brand preference and convincing of honey advertisement were significant for P
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Estimating Combining Ability Effect of the Indian and Exotic Lines of Tomatoes by Partial Diallel Analysis
Suresh Baban Dagade | Nanadasana Jagdish Nasibhai | Hariprasanna Krishna | Bhatt Virendra Mulshankar | Dhaduk Lallubhai Keshavbhai | Barad Agarsang Virsanbhai
Eight nearly homozygous, horticulturally superior and optimally divergent lines of tomato having Indian and exotic adaptability were used for carrying out half diallel design to study General Combining Ability (GCA) and Specific Combining Ability (SCA) estimates for fruit weight, polar and equatorial diameter, locules fruit-1, pericarp thickness and fruit firmness. The variances due to both GCA and SCA were significant, suggesting that both additive and non additive genetic variance were involved for genetic control of the character fruit polar and equatorial diameter, and locules number in F1 and F2 generations. However, the variance due to GCA was more pronounced for fruit weight, pericarp thickness and firmness as a result of additive gene action. Due to their high general combining ability effects, exotic parents Ec 490130 and Ec 177371 producing firm fruited small to medium sized tomato fruits having constant expression of GCA effects over the generationsregarded as best general combiners. The crosses GT 1 x Ec 490130 and Ec 490130 x Ec 398704 having high x high and high x low combinations, respectively in F1. While in F2, GT 1 x Ec 177371 and H 24 x Ec 490130 having high x high and high x low combining lines were considered as best crosses for greater fruit firmness. Therefore, heterosis breeding in F1 and selection of desirable lines in F2 generation is recommended for further improvements were suggested for future hybridization programmes.
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