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Effect of Production Systems for Laying Hens on Hen Welfare
Brian Tainika | Ahmet Şekeroğlu
This review article discussed the effects of various production systems on the welfare of laying hens. The global egg production capacity has been increasing with the evolving production systems which are driven by the consumer preferences. In developed countries, the egg industry has shifted from focusing on quantity and quality of eggs to asking questions of how these eggs are produced. Animal welfare issues emphasized by consumers in these countries led to the banning of conventional cages as seen by European Union in 2012. Such legal measures have uplifted research in various alternative production systems which are thought to be animal friendly. Countries that have adjusted to alternative systems such as free range are registering an increase in the number of free range eggs which is a positive sign for an industry that is willing to adapt and move forward. However, in developing countries, conventional cages are still being used because they are fundamental to the quantity of egg production which is a success indicator of the egg industry. In addition, lack of awareness within the consumers and local producers that birds are sentient has not helped the poultry industry in such countries. However, the alternative production systems have also not fulfilled all the behavioural needs of the animals and, hen welfare issues such as keel and bone damage are common in enriched and perched systems. Also, the high prevalence of diseases and parasites are observed with significant levels in litter floor and outdoor systems an issue attributable to the direct contact between birds and soil or faces. Due to the continuing welfare issues in all laying hen production systems, it is suggested that in addition to genetic selection for traits like bone strength, reduced feather pecking, research should combine both the modification of equipment’s or materials used in each production system and environmental factors such as illumination and temperature as an alternative to improve hen welfare.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Bulb Quality and Storability of Onion (Allium cepa L.) as Affected by Varieties and Intra-Row Spacing in Antsokia Gemza, Ethiopia
Birtukan Asmirew | Yohannes Gedamu | Asrat Ayalew
This experiment was conducted in Antsokia Gemza district, Ethiopia in 2017/18 to evaluate the effect of intra-row spacing on bulb quality and storability of onion varieties. A 4×4 factorial experiment with four different varieties (Adama Red, Bombay Red, Melkam and Shendi) and four levels of intra-row spacing (5.00, 7.50, 10.00 and 12.50 cm) was laid on randomized complete block design with three replications. Data were collected on bulb quality attributes and storability and subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using statistical analysis system (SAS) computer software 9.1. The mean separation test was done by list significant difference (LSD) test at 5% probability level. Simple linear correlation analyses between and among the different parameters were made using Pearson Correlation Coefficient. Accordingly, most of the parameters were significantly affected by intra-row spacing and variety. Variety Melkam exhibited the highest bulb diameter, bulb length, bulb dry matter content and bulb fresh weight. Melkam and Adama Red were with the lowest weight loss in storage while Bombay Red and Shendi scored the highest weight loss in storage. Most of the bulb quality parameters were significantly highest at the widest intra-row spacing of 10.00 and 12.50 cm. However, there was no significant variation between 7.50 and 10.00 cm intra-row spacing on average bulb weight which is considered as the most important bulb quality parameter for the producers from the market point of view. Weight loss was higher at the widest intra-row spacing for all varieties. Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that the bulb quality and storability of onion in Antsokia Gemza district can be optimized through cultivating variety Melkam at intra-row spacing of 7.5 cm.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]A Perspective on “Imece” and “Cooperative” Culture in Turks
Şennan Yücel | Birol Baki
Turkish geography in terms of socio-economic and socio-cultural aspects, are miniatures of Turkish civilization. We see that the culture of “imece” has come into play as an example of solidarity in rural areas, which constitute the cornerstone of Turkish geography and where the power of the state cannot reach. “Imece which is defined as “the gathering of many people and performing the work of a person or a community together and thus finishing the works in order”; It partially complies with the applications in the Anatolian geography. Some definitions will be made without examining the site; The culture of the “salma-salvage” function, which is defined as “collecting money from every house by the decision of the elderly committee to see the works in the villages”, is mixed with the solidarity of imam. As there is no coercion in the living “imece” culture, it is usually a collaboration based on voluntary aid to the person who feels the need. On the other hand, “Cooperatives” emerged as a search for solidarity and mutual aid in order to solve the problems arising from the livelihoods and working conditions of the working class after the French revolution and spread to all countries of the World. The first cooperative in the field of consumption was founded by 28 weaving workers in England as “Rochdale pioneers” in 1844 and applied the basic rules adopted by the International Cooperatives Association (ICA) as principles of cooperatives. Known as the first cooperative established in Turkey, “the ark of the Homeland” organization close to two out of the past century when, although we are not able to say that cooperatives Umeda received adequate road. An agricultural country as defined in Turkey, Turkish society is at the core of “shared work” desired revitalizing the cultural development of cooperatives should be provided.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Usability of Antimicrobial Peptides in Poultry Nutrition
Senay Sarıca
Peptides with antimicrobial properties as an alternative to antibiotics antibiotic growth promoters in poultry nutrition have been studied in recent years. These peptides, which can be supplemented to diet or water, are effective not only against bacteria but also against fungi, viruses and parasites. In this article, the definition, the structures, the types, the sources of production, the application areas, the microorganisms they act on and the mechanism of action of antimicrobial peptides and information about the studies related to their use in poultry nutrition will be given.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Changes in Semen, Hormonal profile and Testicular Morphology of West African Dwarf Goat Bucks treated with Danazol
Lukman Oladimeji Raji | Mohammed Babashani | Ganiyu Jimoh Akorede | Aishat O Olatunji | Fatima Sanusi | Yusuf Idris | Khalid Tahlia Biobaku
This study was carried out to investigate the changes in semen characteristics, hormonal profile and testicular morphometry of West African Dwarf (WAD) goat bucks treated with danazol. For this purpose, eighteen matured WAD bucks average of about two years were randomly divided into groups A, B and C comprising of six bucks per group. Group A was the control while B and C bucks were given danazol at a dose rate of 20mg/kg body weight orally daily for four weeks. The group B bucks’ testes were harvested thereafter for gross and histo-morphometric studies while those of group C were left intact but danazol treatment was withdrawn for four more weeks. The bucks’ semen samples (collected by electro-ejaculation) and hormonal samples (taken via the jugular vein) were analyzed. The semen characteristics studied included color, volume, mass activity, motility, percentage normal live-dead ratio, morphology and concentration; while the hormones studied included testosterone, follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. Results show that there were significant decreases in semen characteristics of group B and C bucks compared with those of group A in the first four weeks. The semen characteristics of the group C bucks were reversed to normal range (similar to those of group A bucks) two weeks after danazol treatment was withdrawn. Similar results were observed with the hormonal studies. In conclusion, danazol caused a reversed reduction in sperm cells characteristics suggesting its possible use as a contraceptive in WAD goat bucks.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Fasulye Bakteriyel Adi Yaprak Yanıklığı Hastalığına Karşı Farklı Bor Bileşiklerinin Etkileri
Ayşegül Gedük | Kubilay Kurtulus Bastas | Şaban - Kordali | Ferah Yılmaz
Xanthomonas aXonopodis pv. phaseoli (Xap)’nin neden olduğu adi yaprak yanıklığı hastalığı, tropikal ve subtropikal iklimlerde önemli verim kayıplarına neden olan ve tohumla taşınan en önemli fasulye bakteriyel etmenlerinden biridir. Hastalıkla mücadelede antibiyotikler ve bakırlı preparatlar kullanılmakta, ancak patojenin dirençli mutantlarına ve fitotoksisiteye neden olmaları nedeniyle sorunlar yaşanmaktadır. Bor (B), bitki için temel bir besin elementidir ve ayrıca bitki hastalıklarına direnç sisteminde önemli bir rol oynar. Bu çalışmada, 12 farklı bor bileşiğinin Xap üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. In vitro denemelerde, kimyasalların Xap popülasyon gelişimlerine etkileri ve MIC değerleri belirlenmiştir. Kontrollü koşullarda, 6 haftalık hassas fasulye çeşidi Aras 98 bitkileri, 108 CFU ml-1 yoğunlukta Xap süspansiyonu ile inokule edilmişlerdir. Bitkiler, in vitro’da belirlenen ve kimyasala göre değişen 5 farklı (1, 5, 10, 20, 40 mM) konsantrasyonda 7 gün ara ile iki kez muamele edilmişlerdir. Hastalık şiddeti, 1-9 skalası ile değerlendirilmiş ve kontrole göre (%81,15) en düşük hastalık şiddetine sahip bileşikler; sodyum tetrafloraborat (%13,88) ve potasyum tetrafloraborat (%15,38) olarak belirlenmiştir. En düşük hastalık şiddeti ise borik asit uygulaması (%78) ile elde edilmiştir. Bitkilerde kimyasalların fitotoksik etkileri tespit edilmemiştir. Çalışmadan elde edilen bulgulara bağlı olarak, bazı bor bileşiklerinin, fasulyede adi yaprak yanıklığı hastalığı üzerindeki önemli etkileri ile organik ve sürdürülebilir tarım içerisinde yer alabileceği düşünülmektedir.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Trends and Challenges in Improved Agricultural Inputs Use by Smallholder Farmers in Ethiopia: A Review
Mideksa Fufa Jilito | Desalegn Yadeta Wedajo
Much of the sustained agricultural growth necessary for poverty reduction and sustainable development comes from adequate and expanded improved agricultural inputs use like hybrid seeds, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, and inorganic fertilizer. However, smallholder farmers faced various and empirically unidentified constraints in the sustainable use of improved agricultural inputs. This study, therefore, is to examine the trends and challenges farmers faced to use improved inputs. The study has used secondary data from various databases such as FAOSTAT, World Bank, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research and agricultural statistics. Simple graphical sketch, tabular and percentage analysis was employed for interpretation of the data. The study revealed that the trends in the use of various improved inputs are not based on the regular basis. The sustainable improved input intensification by smallholder farmers was influenced by various socio-economic, physical, and institutional factors. Understanding trends and challenges in input utilization provide baseline information for input intensification policies and strategies. Therefore, this review pointed out that it is possible to increase inputs intensification by smallholder farmers.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effect of Dietary Inclusion of Citric Acid with Phytase as Supplement on Growth Responses of Rainbow Trout
Suraj Kumar Singh | Mahendra Prasad Bhandari | Prem Timalsina
Rainbow trout, a salmonid species has an economic importance worldwide and contributes to the indigenous food security. The present study was conducted in complete randomized design (CRD) to evaluate the dietary inclusion of citric acid with phytase as supplement on growth responses of rainbow trout. There were four treatments of diets with 0.5% citric acid (T1), 1% citric acid (T2), 1.5% citric acid (T3) and 0% control (T4) of citric acid incorporated with 1200FYT phytase as supplement. The treatments were replicated three times. Total harvest weight of fish in T3 (5720.2±105.6g) was significantly higher and different than T2 (4595.9±434.9g), T1 (4589.8±240.2g) and T4 (4567.5±217.3g). The highest daily growth rate was seen in treatment T3 (1.1±0.0) which was significantly different than T2 (0.9±0.0), T1 (0.9±0.0) and T4 (0.8±0.0). The highest specific growth rate was seen in the treatment T3 (0.8±0.01) which was significantly different than T1 (0.7±0.0), T2 (0.7±0.1) and T4 (0.7±0.0). The lowest food conversion ratio was seen in T3 (2.2±0.1) which was significantly different with T2 (2.6±0.1), T1 (2.7±0.1) and T4 (2.8±0.1). Similarly, the highest protein efficiency ratio was seen in treatment T3 (1.0±0.1) which was not significantly different with T2 (0.8±0.0) and T1 (0.8±0.1) but was significantly different than T4 (0.7±0.0). No significant changes were observed in water temperature, dissolve oxygen and pH under different treatments. The present findings demonstrated that dietary inclusion of citric acid with phytase as supplement enhance growth by reducing the pH in the gut which increases the phytate hydrolysis, kills the pathogens, decreases the rate of gastric emptying, improves mineralization and nutrient absorption.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Kuraklık Stresi Koşullarında Dışarıdan Uygulanan Salisilik Asitin Turp (Raphanus sativus L.) Çeşitlerinin Çimlenme ve Vejetatif Büyüme Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi
Ayşe Gül Nasırcılar | Kamile Ulukapı | Zehra Kurt
Bu çalışmada ilk olarak dört farklı turp çeşidinin (siyah, beyaz, iri kırmızı, kırmızı fındık) farklı PEG6000 (%5, %10, %15, %20) konsantrasyonları uygulanarak oluşturulan kuraklık koşullarında çimlenme ve vejetatif gelişim parametreleri değerlendirilmiştir. Çimlenme parametresi olarak; çimlenme yüzdesi (%), çimlenme süresi ve vigor indeksi belirlenmiştir. Bitkilerde vejetatif gelişim parametresi olarak; yaprak sayısı (adet), sürgün boyu (cm), kök uzunluğu (cm), yaprak genişliği (cm), yaprak uzunluğu (cm), gövde çapı (mm), bitki yaş ve kuru ağırlıkları (g) ölçülmüştür. Beyaz, siyah ve kırmızı fındık turp çeşitlerinde %15, kırmızı iri turp çeşidinde ise %20 PEG uygulamalarında vegetatif gelişim parametreleri belirgin bir şekilde düşüş göstermiş olup, bu dozlar salisilik asit uygulamaları için eşik değer olarak belirlenmiştir. İkinci aşamada, çeşitlerin kuraklığa toleransını arttırmak amacıyla PEG6000 içeren ortamlara farklı dozlarda salisilik asit (0,25, 0,50, 0,75, 1,00 mM) uygulanmıştır. Salisilik asitin farklı dozlarının, kuraklık koşullarında turp tohumlarının çimlenmesi ve vejetatif gelişim parametreleri üzerine etkisi, çeşide bağlı olarak değişiklik göstermiş olup, çimlenmeyi teşvik edici etki yaptığı belirlenmiştir. İri kırmızı turp çeşidi hariç, bitki gelişimi üzerinde de genel anlamda olumlu etki yapmış, bu çeşitte uygulanan SA dozlarının inhibe edici etki yaptığı tespit edilmiştir. Siyah turp çeşidinde eşik değeri olarak belirlenen %15’lik PEG6000 konsantrasyonunda 0,50 mM salisilik asit uygulaması; beyaz ve kırmızı fındık turp çeşitlerinde ise eşik değeri olarak belirlenen %15’lik PEG6000 konsantrasyonunda 0,25 mM salisilik asit uygulaması vegetatif parametrelerinin iyileştirilmesi açısından oldukça iyi sonuç vermiştir.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Land Tenure System and Its Effect on Productivity, Profitability and Efficiency of Boro Rice Production in Northern Part of Bangladesh
Nazmoon Naher Moon | Md. Emran Hossain | Md. Akhtaruzzaman Khan | Md Ataur Rahman | Sourav Mohan Saha
Access to land in Bangladesh is governed by the state rule but informal tenure arrangement is existing all over the country. Land productivity differs with the contractual arrangement between landlord and tenant. Inefficiency may arise due to sharecropping which is known as Marshallian inefficiency. This study investigated the productivity the productivity, profitability and efficiency of different tenure arrangement of Boro rice cultivation selecting 120 farmers from Rangpur district of Bangladesh. The stochastic frontier production function was employed to determine the efficiency. Moreover, t-test was performed to see whether any significant difference exist among tenure categories in terms of productivity, profitability and efficiency. Four types of tenure arrangements were identified as cash tenant, fifty-fifty input-output sharing arrangement, only output sharing arrangement and owner farmers. Result revealed that productivity and profitability was higher for owner and cash tenant compared to others. Significant productivity and profitability difference were found between owner farmers and cash tenants versus sharecroppers. Result also found that inefficiency level was significantly high for fifty-fifty input-output share tenant and only output share tenant compared to cash tenant and owner operator implying that Marshallian inefficiency exist due to sharecropping system in the Boro rice production.
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