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O Estado e o Agro em tempos de liberalização
Guilherme Leite da Silva Dias
Os conflitos decorrentes de crises de endividamento rural e aqueles oriundos da excessiva concentração da posse de terras vêm sendo canalizados para o Executivo Federal, sem a intermediação das agencias de crédito, das representações locais dos produtores e dos movimentos sociais. A representação política destes interesses no Congresso e junto ao Executivo cria um viés fundamental pela socialização dos custos e maior concentração dos benefícios.<br>Conflicts following from rural credit indebt ness and excessive concentration of land ownership have been dealt by the central executive office without the intermediation of local farmers organization and social movements. The political representation of these interests in Congress and close to the Executive bare a fundamental bias toward cost socialization and further concentration of benefits.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Access and impact of Pronaf in Brazil: evidence on typologies and regional concentration
Bruno de Souza Machado | Mateus de Carvalho Reis Neves | Marcelo José Braga | Davi Rogério de Moura Costa
Abstract The objective of the study was to measure the impacts of Pronaf access on family farming (FF) performance measures with analysis for the FF and its typologies Pronaf B and Pronaf V of the 2017 Agricultural Census. Variables related to family farmers, their establishments and climate were used. The methodology was composed of Entropy Balancing for treatment analysis and Minimal Weighted Squares to measure the impacts. The use of different levels of intensity confirmed the presence of regional concentrations in access in all analyzes. The results of the impacts on FF showed to be related to the Pronaf V typology, confirming the need to analyze the disaggregated FF. The impacts on the Pronaf B typology were negative, suggesting that these farmers are potentially using the obtained credit inappropriately and/or inefficiently. This reaffirms the need to integrate Pronaf with other policies, such as technical assistance and rural extension.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]O Estado e o Agro em tempos de liberalização
Dias, Guilherme Leite da Silva(Universidade de São Paulo)
Os conflitos decorrentes de crises de endividamento rural e aqueles oriundos da excessiva concentração da posse de terras vêm sendo canalizados para o Executivo Federal, sem a intermediação das agencias de crédito, das representações locais dos produtores e dos movimentos sociais. A representação política destes interesses no Congresso e junto ao Executivo cria um viés fundamental pela socialização dos custos e maior concentração dos benefícios. | Conflicts following from rural credit indebt ness and excessive concentration of land ownership have been dealt by the central executive office without the intermediation of local farmers organization and social movements. The political representation of these interests in Congress and close to the Executive bare a fundamental bias toward cost socialization and further concentration of benefits.
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