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Meteorology monitoring of the precipitable water vapour distribution in the atmosphere based on operational GNSS data processing at reference station network ZAKPOS
Savchuk, S., Lviv Polytechnic National Univ. (Ukraine) | Kablak, N., Uzhhorod National Univ. (Ukraine) | Kalynych, I., Uzhhorod National Univ. (Ukraine) | Reity, O., Uzhhorod National Univ. (Ukraine)
Remote monitoring of the atmosphere is designed to obtain information about the state of the atmosphere. The principle of the remote monitoring system of the atmosphere is based on the registration and processing of spacecraft radio signals of the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). The wet tropospheric delay component of the electromagnetic signal (Δρ sup(tropo) sub(w)), which is derived from the GNSS observations data analysis, is used to calculate the water vapour content in the atmosphere. It is well known, that this parameter is critical to meteorologists, because the water vapour content in the atmosphere is a key parameter in the construction of numerical weather modelling. In this article the IWV - Integrated Water Vapour has been estimated and the expected accuracy of its determination on the basis of the operational GNSS data processing from reference station network ZAKPOS and the results of aerologic sensing of the atmosphere are given.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Advantages of using QGIS to solve spatial planning tasks
Hoptsii, Dmytro | Siedov, Arkadii | Anopriienko, Tetiana | Khainus, Dmytro | Yaremko, Denys
The article discusses the prospects and advantages of using QGIS for solving spatial planning tasks. Attention is focused on the strengths of QGIS compared to other geographic information system software and the programme’s potential to eliminate the monopoly position in the market by well-known geographic information system software manufacturers. Even though QGIS is open-source software, this software product is generally not inferior to expensive geographic information system software. At the same time, the advantages of QGIS include cross-platform, rich functionality, the ability to use different geographic information databases, and the ability to connect and integrate various plug-ins into the programme. Particular attention should be paid to the ability to independently write plug-ins for solving specific highly specialised tasks in the Python programming language and their quick integration into the QGIS software environment. Examples of QGIS software for solving specific spatial planning problems are given. The possibilities of using QGIS in solving the issues of settlement planning, territory management, land management and environmental monitoring are considered. The conducted research gives grounds to recommend QGIS for wide application by developers of project documentation, as well as by executive authorities and local self-government bodies for analysing cartographic and project materials in making management decisions. This approach will help create a competitive environment among developers of urban planning and land management documentation. After all, today, many specialists cannot afford expensive commercial licenses of well-known geographic information system software developers. And any legislative requirements that oblige them to use them in practice lead to monopolisation of the market for these services by individual enterprises. At the same time, it has been proven that using the open-source geographic information system software QGIS will not lead to a deterioration in the quality of project documentation. The programme can ensure the proper quality, accuracy and interoperability of design and mapping materials created with its help and solve a wide range of tasks in spatial planning.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Theory and practice improving of mathematical processing of geodetic measurements for land management and cadastre works
Trevoho, I., Lviv Polytechnic National Univ. (Ukraine) | Riabchii, Valeri, National Mining Univ., Dnipropetrovsk (Ukraine) | Riabchii, Vladyslav, National Mining Univ., Dnipropetrovsk (Ukraine)
The article generalizes theoretical and practical addition to the components of mathematical processing of geodetic measurements, which are the basis and used to support work in land management and cadastre. The research identifies general components of mathematical processing of geodetic measurements and components which are primarily used in the field of land management and cadastre. Completed investigation of the theoretical and practical foundations of these components and developed theoretical and practical additions improve the results of mathematical processing of geodetic measurements.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Problems of uninhabited housing in Latvia
Sidelska, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The aim of the research is to find out the causes of emergence of uninhabited dwelling houses, to state the criteria of their defining and identification, to work out possible solutions for improvement of the situation. The information from the Central Statistical Bureau, the data from the census of 2011 and the information about buildings or slums gathered by the local municipalities have been used in the research. As a result, the classification of uninhabited buildings and recommendations have been worked out.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Evaluation of the local geodetic network in Jurmala City
Celms, A., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Reke, I., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Brinkmanis-Brimanis, M., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Pukite, V., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia)
In order to evaluate the accuracy of the local geodetic network of Jurmala City, in research, comparison of fortyseven selected polygonometry network point coordinates with the obtained data was made by performing measurements by real time cinematic (RTK) method in LatPos base station system. Points were chosen so in order to cover evenly the entire territory of the city. At present, gradual renewal and improvement of the local geodetic network takes place in Jurmala. In Jurmala City, obtaining of data by GNNS data receivers is encumbered by large density of trees. Therefore the local geodetic network in city has very important role in order to ensure performance of geodetic measurements of high quality in the territory of the city. Aim of the research is to evaluate the accuracy of the local geodetic network of Jurmala City. The following tasks have been set for achieving the aim: research of the given problem, visit of the local geodetic network points, performing control measurements, data processing and analysis.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Research of the reliability of georeferential spatial dataset (GDR10LT) of the Republic of Lithuania
Gudritiene, D., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania);Kaunas Forestry and Environmental Engineering Univ. of Applied Sciences (Lithuania) | Abalikstiene, E., Kaunas Forestry and Environmental Engineering Univ. of Applied Sciences (Lithuania)
The systemized and methodically arranged according to the principles of geographic information systems set of the most important objects of Lithuanian territory’s geodetic base and topographic databases (GDR10LT) is collected and kept in data storage and covers the whole territory of Lithuania. The purpose of the georeferential base GDR10LT at the scale 1:10 000 is to collect, keep, use, renew and provide data to users. The literature analysis shows that the majority of authors presented studies about data composition and application but they did not analyse their reliability. The aim of the research was to revise the chosen territory of the georeferential base map by the field method and to determine the discrepancies between the situation in the area and in the map as well as the reasons of such discrepancies. It was necessary to verify the data reliability and outdated map information due to changes of the situation. The field research was conducted in three different areas, and the data was processed using tools provided by Statistical data analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel software. The object of the research was information depicted in georeferential base map (GDR10LT) of the chosen territories. The following research methods were used: literature analysis, analysis of cartography material, collation of field data, statistical data processing, and interviews. The conclusion can be made that GDR10LT data are reliable; two mistakes were found in the plot of 6407.5 hectares: a navigational obstacle and 800 metres of asphalt cover were not marked. Other determined discrepancies covered the territory of 17.46 hectares. The outdated map information was found. The marking of settlements generally were mismatched because of many new buildings in the area that were not mapped. Therefore GDR10LT should be updated more often in accordance with ORT10LT data.
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