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Analysis of declaration data of farming land and crop areas
Sinkeviciute, V., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Domeika, M., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
Declaration data of farming land and crop are analyzed in the article. Ukmergė district is chosen for the more detailed analysis. Statistical data of farmers and other land users are analyzed in the article; the declaration data of farming land and crop are analyzed and mathematical statistical dependence between the declared area and soil productivity index is determined. The results show that there are 2,506 registered farms in Ukmergė district and they manage the area of 18,430.07 hectares. The average parcel size amount to 7.35 ha. The number of farming persons in Ukmergė district as well as in Lithuania have considerably decreased during 7 years period. In 2014, the number of farming persons was by 38.12 percent smaller in Ukmergė district and by 41.24 percent in the whole territory of Lithuania compared to 2007. The comparison of the declaration data of 2011 with the data of 2014 shows that the declared area of farming land and crop in Ukmergė district has increased by 2.46 percent although the number of received applications has decreased by 22.2 percent. During the period of 2011– 2014 the majority of assessed applications were received in 2013, i.e., 99.04 percent of all applications received that year. It shows that the size of land parcels has increased. Cereal crops (oat, wheat, triticale, barley, rye, buckwheat and corn) composed the major part of the declared areas in Ukmergė district in 2013-2014 (48.84 percent of all declared crops in 2013 and 53.79 percent in 2014). The analysed agricultural holding “Egvila” during 2011–2014 period declared the area of approximately 272 hectares annually. This company grows white clover for seed, timothy for seed and cumin. Direct payments are received for all land areas. The analysis shows that farmers generally declared their own land. The analysis of the declared land distribution in Ukmergė district by land property right shows that 75 percent of the declared land are private and the remaining 25 percent are leased either from the state or from natural persons.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Global navigation satellite systems technical solutions developments of farmland processing in Latvia
Ratkevics, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Celms, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Baumane, V., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) services in Latvia nowadays provide not only for a variety of navigation and surveying needs, but also they are used in agricultural production. The time period when satellite navigation systems equipment and services in agricultural businesses appeared in Latvia and were treated as objects of interest and research has passed. GNSS equipment and enabling modules are purchased, installed and used in agricultural equipment extending their capabilities. A growing number of entrepreneurs provide for this service segment. In the publication of 2014, the authors pointed out that a preparatory and investigation phase in using precision farming systems (including GNSS technology related to them) in Latvia has come to an end transforming into massive practical implementation in the process of agricultural business. The analysis of the obtained information confirmed that during the last year further satellite navigation technology usage in agricultural machinery has grown from simple and approximate level usage to high accuracy and stability navigation services. Growth dynamics and its further development forecasted earlier by the authors coincided with the last year’s actual development indicators of a stable and growing demand for global navigation system services for farming machinery and technical solutions for their user segment. The aim of the article is to justify the forecast expressed in the last year’s publication regarding the increase of the use of precision farming systems thus confirming the fact that their application has moved from a research phase to massive practical implementation and operation in agricultural production.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Methods of economic-mathematic programming in managerial decision making
Smoliarchuk, M., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine) | Soltys, O., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine) | Kulbaka, V., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine)
The article reveals difficulties to make managerial decisions as to optimization of recreational objects’ location considering economic and technological parameters of an impact with application of fuzzy modelling. The authors propose methods of evaluation of alternative variants of managerial decision making applying programs of Mathcad with the further prospect of choosing alternatives.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Nemunas loops regional park formation and application possibilities of digital map
Gudritiene, D., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Makstutyte, T., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
In order to preserve protected areas and to reduce their devastation, it is important to know the most common violations of these areas. The created map will provide the information about areas where the damage occurs most often. The Nemunas Loops Regional Park was selected for the research, the main aim of which was to identify the most common violations and the most problematic areas. The objectives of this research were to carry out a detailed analysis of violations in the Nemunas Loops Regional Park and protected areas for 2007- 2014 period of time and to create a dot distribution map of these violations. The main tasks were the following: 1) to review the aim of the Nemunas Loops Regional Park establishment, prohibited and promotional activities, 2) to carry out the classification of violations in these areas during 2007-2013 according to the Code of Administrative Offences of the Republic of Lithuania, 3) to group the violations of 2007-2013 according to the timing and to create a dot distribution map in order to provide its application possibilities. The study led to the following conclusions: most violations were made contrary to the requirements of the protected areas (Clause 76). For instance, arbitrary constructed mobile homes, environmental pollution, violations of visiting regime in the nature reservation, water protection requirements (Clause 55), parking a car in the protected area of the water reservoir, agricultural land, storing agricultural equipment which is not used etc. The map highlights the most problematic areas where violations occur every year. These are: Punios Šilas Strict Nature Reserve and the areas around it, Pociūnai and Balbieriškis towns, Birštonas. In 2014 the form of reports was changed and it was not possible to analyse the violations in detail. It was a negative factor for this research because no accurate violations and areas could be recorded. For this reason the map was not created. 230 various violations happened in the Nemunas Loops Regional Park during the period of 2007-2014. The created map can be used as an additional measure for prevention of violations.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The change of forest coverage in Lithuania
Jukneliene, D., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Valciukiene, J., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Atkoceviciene, V., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
The article presents the Lithuanian forest land change in the period of more than a hundred years. The causes leading to forest land use change are analysed in the article. The beginning of forestry in Lithuania can be traced back to Sigismund Augustus times starting from 1557, when Wallach reform was launched. However, over time forest land and its use evolved for a variety of political, social and economic factors. In 1795 the state-owned forests in Lithuania amounted to 35% of the total area of forests; other forests were owned by landlords, churches and kulak farms. Later forests were cut down quite rapidly, many of them burned down, but reforestation work was insignificant. The smallest forest coverage during the analysed period was in 1945, just 16.5%. Forests were thinned out, wastelands and waterlogged areas dominated. Later, albeit with different variations, the forest coverage of Lithuania increased and today forest area accounts for more than 34% of the total area of the country, the majority of which are private forests. More detailed characteristics of forest land use and user trends as well as their causes are presented in the article. It also looks at the possible prospects.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Application of foreign experience for improvement of land relations in agriculture of Ukraine
Dudych, H., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine) | Dudych, L, Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine)
The main peculiarities of land relations abroad are highlighted in the article. Basic principles of foreign experience of land use regarding market circulation of land, concentration of major land resources by right of ownership as well as the process and ways of reformation of land relations are generalized and systematized. Some peculiarities of lease relations, collection of rents and restrictions on title to land for foreigners are analysed. Some positive aspects are distinguished in order to use them in Ukraine. Some ways of improvement of land legislation in Ukraine are suggested taken into account foreign experience.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Improvement of the procedure of division of rented land parcels in Ukraine
Trevoho, I., Lviv Polytechnic National Univ. (Ukraine) | Riabchii, Valeri, National Mining Univ., Dnipropetrovsk (Ukraine) | Riabchii, Vladyslav, Lviv Polytechnic National Univ. (Ukraine)
The current situation in land leasing in Ukraine is analysed, when a tenant of a land parcel with immovable property is sold in part, which causes the following controversy: the land parcel in someone’s lease has buildings or constructions owned by another physical or legal person (other than the tenant). The interested party wastes a lot of time on resolving this controversial situation with the existing procedures in Ukraine. This problem is not always solved professionally because of the lack of sellers’ and buyers’ knowledge of specific features of land management and geodesy. Three main variants of mutual location of the seller’s and the buyer’s buildings and constructions are defined, which determines the possibility of dividing a land parcel. Recommendations on the improvement of the procedure and normative legal acts of Ukraine concerning the issue are developed, aimed at significant acceleration of signing and registering new lease agreements.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Problems of uninhabited housing in Latvia
Sidelska, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The aim of the research is to find out the causes of emergence of uninhabited dwelling houses, to state the criteria of their defining and identification, to work out possible solutions for improvement of the situation. The information from the Central Statistical Bureau, the data from the census of 2011 and the information about buildings or slums gathered by the local municipalities have been used in the research. As a result, the classification of uninhabited buildings and recommendations have been worked out.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Role of land resources in region's economy
Taratula, R., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine) | Ryzhok, Z., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine)
The article describes aspects of maximum application of economic potential of land resources as an economic category for territorial organization of production. The author has analysed indicators of estimation of efficiency of economic potential of land resources on the territory of the region, where volume of gross output of agricultural production is considered a principal one.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Actual problems of agricultural land market in Latvia
Vesperis, V., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Agricultural land is one of the most valuable natural resources which can be found in Latvia, since agricultural land has long time served as an important resource of economic activity and food production. Efficient use of this valuable resource depends not only on technologies and knowledge at disposal of farmers but also on regulations concerning the real estate market and taxation of the real estate. Recent changes of the real estate market regulation as concerns agricultural land are analysed in this paper to identify a possible influence on the use of agricultural land.
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