AGRIS - Sistema Internacional para la Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícola

Fecha de publicación

Resultados 1-10 de 21

Barriers to agricultural products diversification: An empirical analysis from lotus farming in Central Vietnam


Nguyen, Chung Van | Abwao, Martin | Nguyen, Hue Van | Hoang, Ha Dung

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Environmental sustainability aspects in short food supply chains: The views of organic farmers and consumers


Ušča, Maija | Aļeksējeva, Lāsma

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Fatty acid composition of different breed goat milk


Marcinkoniene, Liga | Ciprovica, Inga

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Evaluation of pine cone syrups and changes in physical parameters during storage


Karklina, Klinta | Ozola, Liene

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Evaluation of fatty acid composition in amaranth pasta developed for a vegan diet


Marisheva, Alla | Beitane, Ilze

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Municipal transport route planning based on fair mobility budget


Arhipova, Irina | Bumanis, Nikolajs | Paura, Liga | Berzins, Gundars | Erglis, Aldis | Rudloff, Christian | Vitols, Gatis | Ansonska, Evija | Salajevs, Vladimirs | Binde, Juris

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Potatoes as wheat flour substitute in gluten-free pastry cream


Kince, Tatjana | Zilinska, Elina | Galoburda, Ruta | Tomsone, Lolita | Straumite, Evita | Goldmanis, Juris | Sabovics, Martins

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Isolation and characterisation of pigments from pigment-producing microorganisms isolated from environment and their antibacterial activity


Deveikaite, Goda | Zvirdauskiene, Renata

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Retrospective analysis of 81 feline lymphoma cases diagnosed in surgical biopsies in Latvia (2011–2020)


Geine-Romanova, Lilija | Matise-Van Houtan, Ilze

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Impact of fungicide treatment schemes on the severity of leaf blotches in winter wheat


Švarta, Agrita | Bimšteine, Gunita | Bankina, Biruta | Kaņeps, Jānis | Gaile, Zinta

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia