A comparison of goat genotypes in terms of their kid recognition and suckling behavior | Ke�i genotiplerinin o�la��n� tan�ma ve emzirme davran��lar� bak�m�ndan kar��la�t�r�lmas�
T�l�, C., Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Agriculture, �anakkale (Turkey). Div. of Animal Science | H�d�ro�lu, �., Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Agriculture, �anakkale (Turkey). Div. of Animal Science | Sava�, T., Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Agriculture, �anakkale (Turkey). Div. of Animal Science
anglais. In mammalian, providing the kid with the colostrums soon after the birth, discriminating one s own offspring from other offspring, and protecting and raising it are the most important duties of motherhood. This study investigated the mother�offspring relationships in three different goat genotypes (Gokceada, Maltese and Turkish Saanen) on the basis of their discrimination of their kids from other kids and their ability to suckle.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]turc. Memeli hayvanlarda do�umdan k�sa s�re sonra a��z s�t�n�n yavruya verilmesi ve di�er yavrulardan kendi yavrusunu ay�rmas�, kollay�p b�y�tmesi en �nemli annelik g�revleridir. Bu �al��mada, �� farkl� ke�i genotipinde (G�k�eada, Malta ve T�rk Saanen) o�laklar�n� di�er o�laklardan ay�rt etme ve emzirebilme yetene�i temelinde ana�yavru ili�kileri irdelenmi�tir.
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