A comparison of goat genotypes in terms of their kid recognition and suckling behavior | Ke�i genotiplerinin o�la��n� tan�ma ve emzirme davran��lar� bak�m�ndan kar��la�t�r�lmas�
T�l�, C., Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Agriculture, �anakkale (Turkey). Div. of Animal Science | H�d�ro�lu, �., Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Agriculture, �anakkale (Turkey). Div. of Animal Science | Sava�, T., Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Agriculture, �anakkale (Turkey). Div. of Animal Science
英语. In mammalian, providing the kid with the colostrums soon after the birth, discriminating one s own offspring from other offspring, and protecting and raising it are the most important duties of motherhood. This study investigated the mother�offspring relationships in three different goat genotypes (Gokceada, Maltese and Turkish Saanen) on the basis of their discrimination of their kids from other kids and their ability to suckle.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]土耳其. Memeli hayvanlarda do�umdan k�sa s�re sonra a��z s�t�n�n yavruya verilmesi ve di�er yavrulardan kendi yavrusunu ay�rmas�, kollay�p b�y�tmesi en �nemli annelik g�revleridir. Bu �al��mada, �� farkl� ke�i genotipinde (G�k�eada, Malta ve T�rk Saanen) o�laklar�n� di�er o�laklardan ay�rt etme ve emzirebilme yetene�i temelinde ana�yavru ili�kileri irdelenmi�tir.
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