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Diminution of aflatoxin toxicity to growing lambs by dietary supplementation with hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate.
Harvey R.B. | Kubena L.F. | Phillips T.D. | Corrier D.E. | Elissalde M.H. | Huff W.E.
Hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate (HSCAS), an anticaking agent for mixed feed, was added to the diets of growing wethers (mean body weight, 34.0 kg) and was evaluated for its ability to diminish the clinical signs of aflatoxicosis. The experimental design consisted of 4 treatment groups of 5 wethers each, consuming concentrations of 0 g of HSCAS and 0 g of aflatoxin (AF)/kg of feed (control; group 1); 20 g of HSCAS/kg (2.0%; group 2), 2.6 mg of AF/kg (group 3); or 20 g of HSCAS (2.0%) plus 2.6 mg of AF/kg (group 4). Wethers were maintained in indoor pens, with feed and water available ad libitum for 42 days. Lambs were observed twice daily and weighed weekly, and blood samples were obtained every 2 weeks for hematologic and serum biochemical analyses and for measurement of mitogen-induced lymphocyte-stimulation index. At the termination of the study, wethers were euthanatized and necropsied. Body weight gain was diminished significantly (P less than 0.05) by consumption of 2.6 mg of AF/kg of feed, whereas body weight of lambs consuming HSCAS plus AF did not differ from that of control wethers. The AF-alone treatment increased serum aspartate transaminase and gamma-glutamyltransferase activities, prothrombin time, and cholesterol, uric acid, and triglyceride values and decreased albumin, glucose, and urea nitrogen values, and urea-to-creatine ratio. A 27% decrease in lymphocyte stimulation index, increased spleen weight (as a percentage of body weight), and decreased liver weight were induced by AF-alone treatment. Results indicate that HSCAS may be a high-affinity sorbent for AF, that 2.6 mg of AF/kg of feed induces signs of aflatoxicosis in growing wethers, that lambs may not be as resistant to the effects of AF as previously thought, that 2.0% HSCAS can substantially reduce the toxic effects of 2.6 mg of AF/kg, and that sorbent compounds may offer a novel approach to the preventive management of aflatoxicosis in livestock.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Progression of aflatoxicosis in growing barrows.
Harvey R.B. | Huff W.E. | Kubena L.F. | Corrier D.E. | Phillips T.D.
Complement, bacteriostatic, and enzymatic activities in sera from guinea pigs given aflatoxin and/or rubratoxin.
Thurston J.R. | Sacks J.M. | Richard J.L. | Peden M. | Driftmier K.
The relationship of serum complement activity and bacteriostatic activity was investigated in male guinea pigs given aflatoxin and/or rubratoxin. In experiment 1, guinea pigs were given 0.6 mg of aflatoxin/kg of body weight, PO, once. In experiment 2, guinea pigs were given 0.02 mg of aflatoxin/kg, PO, and/or 8 mg of rubratoxin, PO, 11 times. Aflatoxin (0.02 mg/kg) had no effect given alone, but potentiated the effect of rubratoxin. In both experiments, changes in complement activity were accompanied by similar but not always significant (P less than 0.05) changes in bacteriostatic activity of serum. Guinea pigs given 0.06 mg of aflatoxin/kg had significant (P less than 0.05) changes in complement titers and in serum alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase, and aspartate aminotransferase activities. Guinea pigs given repeated oral doses of aflatoxin and/or rubratoxin had changes in complement titers, bacteriostasis, and alkaline phosphatase and aspartate aminotransferase activities, but not in alanine aminotransferase activities. Significant differences were detected only when average values for all guinea pigs given rubratoxin or rubratoxin with aflatoxin were compared with average values for guinea pigs not given rubratoxin.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]CYP450 1A1 and p53 expression and DNA adduct formation in the liver of rats treated with a single dose of aflatoxins
Lee, B.J.;Lee, S.J.;Kim, T.M.;Kim, D.J.;Nam, S.Y.;Hyun, S.H.;Kang, J.K.;Hong, J.T.;Yun, Y.W.(Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Republic of Korea) | Kim, C.K.(National Institute of Toxicological Research, Korea FDA, Seoul, Republic of Korea)
Aflatoxins are produced mainly by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus that grow in improperly stored cereals. Aflatoxin B₁ (AFB₁) is a potent hepatocarcinogen in a variety of experimental animals including human beings. In spite of a high attention to the hepatocarcinogenecity of AFB₁, the relative toxicity of aflatoxins (AFB₂ and AFG₁) is not fully clarified. Sprague-Dawley male rats were orally administered with AFB₁, AFB₂, and AFG₁ at the dose of 250 μg/kg (additionally including a dose of 1250 μg/kg for AFB₁) body weight.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Interaction of strains of non-toxigenic Aspergillus flavus with Aspergillus parasiticus on aflatoxin production | Interacções de estirpes de Aspergillus flavus não-toxígenas com Aspergillus parasiticus na produção de aflatoxinas
Hermínia Marina Martins | Maria Lígia Martins | Fernando Almeida Bernardo
Aflatoxins production is affected by abiotic, biotic and genetic parameters. Eugenesic and dysgenetic condition for aflatoxinogenesis are relatively well studied, such as: the influence of temperature, pH, Aw, Oxigen tension, osmotic pression, organic and inorganic nutrients, substance with fungistatic effects: however there are relatively few knowledge about endogenous regulator mechanisms, the kinetic of the anabolism and the interaction between the productive moulds and remaining microflora holding in eutrophying substrates. The main objective of this study is to evaluate biotic interaction between five indigenous strains of A. flavus, confirmed non-toxigenic, and a productive strain (A. parasiticus ATCC 15 517), cultured simultaneously on two substrates: one natural (cracked corn) and a synthetic one, modified Czapeck-Dox broth. Aflatoxins quantifications were performed by HPLC at 8th and 12th days. Results of those interactive cultures showed that all strains were synergic, increasing aflatoxins production in a range between 5.6 and 106.5% over the control values, with an exception registered on one of the strains cultured in cracked corn at the 12th day, where the production decreased (-7.6%). | A produção de aflatoxinas é afetada por parâmetros abióticos, bióticos e genéticos. As condições eugenésicas e disgenésicas da aflatoxinogênese estão relativamente bem estudadas, tal como as influências ecológicas (temperatura, pH, Aw, tensão de oxigênio, pressão osmótica, nutrientes e substâncias fungistáticas). Contudo, é muito escasso o conhecimento relativo aos mecanismos reguladores endógenos, à cinética do anabolismo e à interação dos fungos produtores com a restante microflora presente em substratos eutrofizantes. O principal objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a interação de cinco estirpes indígenas de A. flavus, comprovadamente atoxígenas, com uma geneticamente apta (A. parasiticus ATCC 15517), cultivadas simultaneamente em dois substratos: um natural (milho triturado) e outro sintético (Caldo de Czapeck-Dox Modificado). A quantificação das aflatoxinas foi efetuada no 8º e 12º dias de incubação, por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Resolução (HPLC). Os resultados demonstraram que todas as estirpes foram sinérgicas, aumentando o rendimento da produção entre 5,6 e 106,5%, quando comparados com os valores das testemunhas.
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