AGRIS - Système international des sciences et technologies agricoles

[ Publié dans: Journal of Veterinary Research ]
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Résultats 11-20 de 331

Occurrence of herpesvirus in fish


Bergmann Sven Michael | Wang Yingying | Li Yingying | Wang Qing | Klafack Sandro | Jin Yeonhwa | Hofmann Arndt Christian | Kielpinska Jolanta | Becker Anna Maria | Zeng Weiwei

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

The prevalence of Mycoplasma canis in the vaginas of breeding bitches


Jagódka Dariusz | Kaczorek-Łukowska Edyta | Socha Piotr Andrzej

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

The effect of coffee husks used as pellet bedding material on the intestinal barrier, immune-related gene expression and microbiota composition in the broiler chicken caecum


Biesek Jakub | Dunisławska Aleksandra | Kozdruń Wojciech

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

The perfusion index as a method of assessing epidural anaesthesia efficacy in healthy dogs


Itoh Harumichi | Inoue Hajime | Itamoto Takuya | Tani Kenji | Sunahara Hiroshi | Nemoto Yuki | Nakaichi Munekazu | Iseri Toshie | Itamoto Kazuhito

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

The diagnostic value of selected immune parameters in peripheral blood of dogs with malignant mammary tumours – a preliminary study


Lisiecka Urszula | Brodzki Piotr | Śmiech Anna | Michalak Katarzyna | Winiarczyk Stanisław | Żylińska Beata | Adaszek Łukasz

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Investigation of doxycycline residues in bones after oral administration to broiler chickens


Gajda Anna | Szymanek-Bany Iwona | Nowacka-Kozak Ewelina | Gbylik-Sikorska Małgorzata

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Chickens’ eggs and the livers of farm animals as sources of perfluoroalkyl substances


Mikołajczyk Szczepan | Warenik-Bany Małgorzata | Pajurek Marek

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Effect of Curcuma longa maceration treatment on ovarian follicular development, serum oestradiol, uterine growth and vascularisation in female albino rats


Andriyanto Andriyanto | Putra Hamdika Yendri | Subangkit Mawar | Tarigan Elpita | Nugrahaning Widi Leliana | Irarang Yusa | Manalu Wasmen | Fadholly Amaq

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Effect on the splenocyte function of weaned piglets induced by continuous lipopolysaccharide injections


Yang Tingyu | Zhao Guotong | Zhu Wenlu | Yu Wanting | Jiang Yijie | Zhou Yunxiao | Li Yong

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Validation and application of a method for determination of multi-class pesticides in muscle chicken breast fillets using QuEChERS extraction and GC/MS


Tasic Aleksandra Mihail | Ninković Milan | Pavlović Ivan

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