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Résultats 121-130 de 367
Abortion in heifers inoculated with a thymidine kinase-negative recombinant of bovine herpesvirus
Jones, Ever | Whetstone, C.A. | Bello, L.J. | Lawrence, W.C. | Whitbeck, J.C.
The Cooper isolate of bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV1) was used to produce a thymidine kinase-negative (TK-) recombinant by insertion of a beta-galactosidase (bgal) expression cassette into the TK coding region. The recombinant virus (TK- bgal+) was tested for abortifacient activity in cattle by inoculation of 5 pregnant heifers at 25 to 29 weeks gestation. Five additional heifers were inoculated with the Cooper TK-positive (TK+) virus to serve as controls. After inoculation, both groups of heifers developed similar febrile responses and neutralizing antibody titers. Virus was isolated from blood of all heifers during the first postinoculation (PI) week, and isolation frequencies were similar for both groups. In contrast, whereas virus was isolated from many of the nasal and vaginal swab specimens of heifers inoculated with TK+ virus, only rare virus isolations were made from the heifers given TK- bgal+ virus. All heifers inoculated with TK+ virus aborted between PI days 19 and 35. The finding of characteristic microscopic lesions and viral antigen in fetal tissues indicated that the abortions were caused by BHV-1 infection. Virus was isolated from 3 fetuses, and all isolates were TK+. Two heifers inoculated with TK- bgal+ virus aborted at PI days 25 and 39. Fetal tissues had typical BHV-1 microscopic lesions and viral antigen. Virus was isolated from blood of both fetuses, and the isolates were TK- bgal+. Results of this study indicate that inactivation of the TK gene reduces, but does not eliminate, the abortifacient activity of BHV-1.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of bethanechol, neostigmine, metoclopramide, and propranolol on myoelectric activity of the ileocecocolic area in cows
Steiner, A. | Roussel, A.J. | Martig, J.
The effect of bethanechol, neostigmine, metoclopramide, and propranolol on myoelectric activity of the ileum, cecum, and proximal loop of the ascending colon was determined in 6 healthy Jersey cows implanted with 8 pairs of bipolar electrodes. Assigned at random, each cow received each of 5 treatments in 3-day intervals. The treatments included bethanechol (0.07 mg/kg of body weight, SC), neostigmine (0.02 mg/kg, SC), metoclopramide (0.15 mg/kg, IM), DL-propranolol (0.2 mg/kg, IM), and 0.9% sodium chloride (NaCl) solution (20 ml, SC). All drugs were administered during early phase I of the migrating myoelectric complex in the ileum. Myoelectric activity was recorded for 4 hours after treatment, and data were analyzed for each hour separately. Bethanechol and neostigmine significantly (P < 0.05) increased the number of cecocolic spikes per minute per electrode, duration of cecocolic spike activity (%), and number of cecocolic propagated spike sequences per 10 minutes, relative to NaCI, during 1 or more hours of the recording period. The effect of bethanechol was more pronounced on duration of spike activity and number of propagated spike sequences, whereas neostigmine mainly increased the number of (uncoordinated) spikes. Metoclopramide and propranolol had no significant effect on cecocolic myoelectric activity, relative to NaCl. It was concluded that bethanechol and, less likely, neostigmine at the dosage used in this study may be suitable for medical treatment of cecal dilatation in cattle in which hypomotility of the cecum and proximal loop of the ascending colon has to be reversed. The potential advantage of bethanechol vs neostigmine for medical treatment of cecal dilatation is worth further evaluation.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Trypanosoma cruzi infection in Walker Hounds from Virginia
Barr, S.C. | Van Beek, O. | Carlisle-Nowak, M.S. | Lopez, J.W. | Kirchhoff, L.V. | Allison, N. | Zajac, A. | De Lahunta, A. | Schlafer, D.H. | Crandall, W.T.
Trypanosomiasis has been reported in dogs from Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and South Carolina. We describe the first isolation and characterization of Trypanosoma cruzi from a Walker Hound pup in Virginia that also had postvaccinal distemper. The mother of the pup and 7 of its 8 siblings also were found to be infected with T cruzi, suggesting that the parasite had been transmitted transplacentally or through lactation. Parasitologic, serologic, histologic, and molecular methods were used to establish the diagnosis of T cruzi infection in these dogs. In a serologic survey of 12 dogs (including the sire of the pups) from the area in which the index case occurred, none were found to have antibodies to T cruzi. However, 2 of a further 52 dogs from different areas (to the index case), but in the same county, were sero-positive to T cruzi. These findings indicate that canine trypanosomiasis is present in an area of the United States not previously known to be enzootic.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Development of monoclonal antibodies and capture immunoassays for feline immunodeficiency virus
Dreitz, M.J. | Dow, S.W. | Fiscus, S.A. | Hoover, E.A.
We generated monoclonal antibodies (MAB) against feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and characterized these MAB by single competition enzyme immunoassays (EIA), immunoblot analysis, and radioimmunoprecipitation. Four MAB identified 3 distinct epitopes of the FIV p24/26 gag major core protein. One MAB recognized the p16/17 gag protein none recognized envelope proteins. We developed an FIV p26 antigen capture EIA that proved more sensitive (0.5 ng of p26/ml), less expensive, and less time-consuming than reverse transcriptase assay. The same MAB were used to develop an antibody EIA specific for FIV p26. The MAB and capture assays reported should prove useful in FIV diagnosis and research.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Sonographic-anatomic correlation and imaging protocol for the kidneys of horses
Hoffmann, K.L. | Wood, A.K.W. | McCarthy, P.H.
Sonographic and anatomic observations were made of the kidneys of 23 Thoroughbreds or Standardbreds. In an in vitro study of 16 horses, precise correlations were established between the gross anatomic features of the kidneys and their sonographic appearance in images obtained in dorsal, sagittal, transverse, and transverse oblique anatomic planes. The renal cortex had a uniformly mottled echogenicity, and the renal medulla was relatively hypoechogenic, compared with the cortex. Acoustic anisotropy was observed in the cortex and medulla of the cranial and caudal extremities of each kidney. The distinctive renal pelvis was seen in the transverse plane as an echogenic pair of diverging lines that lead to the crescent shaped renal crest in the lateral half of the kidney. In images made in the sagittal plane, the renal pelvis was seen as a pair of parallel echogenic lines separated by the moderately echogenic line of the renal crest. The terminal recesses were best seen in the transverse oblique views of each extremity, where they appeared as moderately echogenic lines in the medulla of the cranial and caudal extremities. The interlobar vessels were represented as irregular echogenic lines in the medulla, and the arcuate vessels were seen as echogenic points at the corticomedullary junction. At the hilus, the renal artery or its branches was located cranial to the renal vein, which in turn was cranial to the position of the proximal portion of the ureter. In an in vivo study of 7 horses, sonographic images of the right kidney were obtained in the sagittal, transverse, and transverse oblique anatomic planes in all horses, with the transducer positioned at the 15th, 16th, or 17th intercostal space; images in the dorsal plane were obtained, however, in only 3 of the horses. For the left kidney, sonographic images were obtained in each of the anatomic planes when the transducer was positioned at the 16th or 17th intercostal space or the paralumbar fossa; rectal location of the transducer gave images in the dorsal and sagittal planes. In this study, a routine sonographic imaging protocol, using standard anatomic planes, enabled each kidney to be examined in its entirety. The protocol provided definition of normal renal sonographic anatomic features and may permit a more informed and accurate recognition of renal pathologic change.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Evaluation of lymphocyte stimulation tests for diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis in elk (Cervus elaphus)
Hutchings, D.L. | Wilson, S.H.
Lymphocyte stimulation tests (LST), performed using 6 antigen preparations, were compared individually and in pairs. The tests were performed on 433 blood samples collected from elk in Mycobacterium bovis-infected herds. These elk were killed as part of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's bovine tuberculosis eradication policy, and mycobacterial culture results were obtained from tissues of each animal The LST, which had the highest total sum of sensitivity and specificity, was a comparative test that used M bovis purified protein derivative (PPD) and M paratuberculosis (johnin) PPD. This test had a sensitivity of 76%, with confidence limits (CL) of 63 to 85% for this estimate, and specificity of 77% (CL, 72 to 81%). The LST, using only M bovis PPD antigen, had a sensitivity of 70% (CL, 57 to 80%) and specificity of 74% (CL, 69 to 79%); when it was compared with culture results, using the kappa statistic, agreement was only 32%. This indicated that the LST identified different elk than did M bovis isolation tests.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Morphologic and morphometric characterization of lung collagen content in clinically normal adult Thoroughbreds in race training
Lakritz, J. | Wisner, E.R. | Finucane, T. | O'Brien, T.R. | Tyler, W.S. | Pascoe, J.R. | Plopper, C.G.
Interstitial and bronchointerstitial pulmonary patterns are commonly observed in thoracic radiographs of Thoroughbreds. Prominent interstitial and bronchointerstitial pulmonary patterns are observed in clinically normal horses, and in horses with respiratory tract disease. Until recently, the relevance of these pulmonary patterns was not known. Previous studies indicated that bronchiolitis, bronchiolar epithelial hyperplasia, epithelial metaplasia, and bronchial arteriolar recruitment correlated strongly with the prominence of the interstitial and bronchointerstitial pulmonary patterns observed radiographically. We examined the content and distribution of collagen in the lungs of 7 clinically normal Thoroughbreds in race training. After standardized fixation, lung tissue was treated with a compound that selectively stains collagen. Standard morphometric techniques were used to determine the volume density of parenchymal tissue and parenchymal airspace, mean linear intercept (estimate of alveolar size), alveolar surface area-to-volume ratio, percentage of parenchyma composed of collagen, percentage of airway wall composed of collagen, and airway wall thickness. These values were compared with radiographic and histopathologic scores obtained from the same horses. The volume density of parenchymal tissue and small airway wall thickness correlated strongly with the prominence of the bronchial and bronchointerstitial pulmonary patterns observed radiographically. Small airway thickness was also highly correlated with the perceived prominence of the interstitial pulmonary patterns observed radiographically, and morphometric estimates of parenchymal tissue and parenchymal collagen. There were also strong correlations between the volume density of parenchymal tissue, the percentage of parenchymal collagen, peribronchiolar mononuclear cell infiltrates, and bronchiolar mucosal plication estimates. In horses with more prominent bronchiolar mucosal plication, there was a strong direct relation to the observed prominence of peribronchiolar and submucosal blood vessels, and the bronchial and bronchointerstitial patterns observed radiographically. Horses with prominent peribronchiolar mononuclear cell infiltrates also had more obvious interstitial and bronchointerstitial pulmonary patterns observed radiographically. There also was a direct correlation between the percentage of parenchymal collagen and the observed prominence of peribronchiolar and submucosal blood vessels in these horses. In all horses, there was a strong negative correlation between the estimated average alveolar size and the observed severity of the vascular and bronchial patterns observed radiographically. Four horses with the greatest estimated airway wall and interalveolar collagen had more prominent interstitial and bronchointerstitial densities and histopathologic evidence of bronchiolitis. These horses had evidence of epithelial basement membrane disruption, with disorganized collagen fibers running between the adventitial layer and the epithelial basement membrane. Amounts of collagen were greater in the adventitia and interalveolar septa, with the fibers appearing larger and more coarse and disorganized. In horses with the greatest percentage of interalveolar septal collagen, accumulations of collagen were larger in the interalveolar septal tips. These findings suggest that horses with prominent interstitial and bronchointerstitial pulmonary patterns radiographically have undergone previous episodes of pulmonary injury, which has resulted in deposition of increased amounts of collagen in interalveolar septa and airway walls.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Comparison of the sensitivity of the caudal fold skin test and a commercial gamma-interferon assay for diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis
Whipple, D.L. | Bolin, C.A. | Davis, A.J. | Jarnagin, J.L. | Johnson, D.C. | Nabors, R.S. | Payeur, J.B. | Saari, D.A. | Wilson, A.J. | Wolf, M.M.
A study to determine and compare the sensitivity of the caudal fold tuberculin test (CFT) and a commercial gamma-interferon (gamma-IFN) assay for diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis was conducted. A dairy herd with approximately a third of the cattle infected with Mycobacterium bovis was chosen for this study. All cattle from this herd were slaughtered, and tissue specimens for bacteriologic culturing and histologic examination were collected. Results of the CFT and gamma-IFN assay were compared with results of bacteriologic culturing and histologic examination to determine test sensitivity. Results were analyzed, using each of the following 4 standards to classify cattle as infected: positive test result by bacteriologic culturing only; histologic examination only; bacteriologic culturing and histologic examination; and bacteriologic culturing or histologic examination. Sensitivity of the CFT ranged from 80.4 to 84.4%, depending on the standard of comparison. Sensitivity of the gamma-IFN assay ranged from 55.4 to 97.1%, depending on the standard of comparison and on the method of interpretation. The CFT was significantly (P < 0.001) more sensitive than the gamma-IFN assay for diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis when the gamma-IFN assay was conducted and interpreted as instructed by the manufacturer. Maximum overall sensitivity was achieved when results of the CFT and gamma-IFN assay were interpreted in parallel.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Articular chondrocalcinosis of the humeral head in Greyhounds
Woodard, J.C. | Riser, W.H. | Morrone, A.A. | Khan, S.R.
Of 143 Greyhounds necropsied consecutively, 6 (4%) had chondrocalcinosis of the scapulohumeral joint; lesions were identified in 6 additional dogs. Lesions were seen exclusively in the humeral head, mainly in the plateau region. The lesions in the dogs of the initial group were unilateral, but 2 of the 6 additional dogs had bilateral lesions. Focal mineralization of articular cartilage appeared as a white raised nidus, sometimes surrounded by a translucent halo in the opaque cartilage. Circular, small translucent cartilage foci, with or without beginning mineralization, were adjacent to definitive chondrocalcinosis lesions. Chondrocyte necrosis and matrix degradation were considered to antedate appearance of matrical mineral granules; mineralization of the cartilage was considered a secondary process, but not necessarily an epiphenomenon. Scanning electron microscopy indicated that the chondrocalcinosis lesion was composed of deposits of irregularly fused stone material that, in scanning and transmission electron micrographs, was composed of irregular spheroids, 0.05 to 0.5 micrometer in diameter. The spheroids contained poorly formed needle-like crystals of apatite. Sparse transformation of the mineral phase into hydroxyapatite was considered to be attributable to a biological mechanism that inhibited phase transition. Cartilage degeneration and chondrocalcinosis of the plateau region of the humeral head appear to be unique lesions that develop in young Greyhounds. It is possible that these lesions are the result of the biomechanical stress of training and racing.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in sera of hunter-killed white-tailed deer in Pennsylvania
Humphreys, J.G. | Stewart, R.L. | Dubey, J.P.
Serum samples from 593 white-tailed deer in Pennsylvania that were killed by hunters in 1991 were examined for Toxoplasma gondii antibodies, by use of the modified agglutination test. Sixty percent (357/593) of the deer had T gondii antibodies; 10% had titer of 25, 23% had titer of 50, and 27% had titer greater than or equal to 500. Sex-specific differences in prevalence were not detected.
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