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Method for determination of varietal purity (typicality), hybridity, sterility of seed lots based on the establishment of the quantitative ratio of alleles of DNA markers
Вдовиченко, Ж. В | Спиридонов, В. Г | Хомутовська, С. В | Парій, М. Ф
Purpose. To develop a conceptually new method for determination of varietal purity (typicality), hybridity, sterility of seed lots. Methods of molecular biology (genomic DNA extraction, PCR with SSR markers application, capillary electrophoresis), genetic, statistical, mathematical analysis. Results. New method for determining the varietal qualities of seed lot was developed that consists of the following steps: simultaneous DNA extraction from a representative sample of aggregated seeds; PCR and further analysis of the amplification products by determination of the qualitative and quantitative composition of SSR-markers’ alleles; calculation of values of varietal seed lot quality using experimentally derived allele ratios. Conclusions. The developed method for determining varietal qualities of seed lots allows to reduce significantly the consumption of materials, time and labor during the analysis. Consistent qualification and quantification of alleles in the total sample of a seed lot is a conceptually new approach to establish varietal purity (typicality), hybridity, sterility.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Allelic status of key genes of carotenogenesis on DNA-markers in maize lines and their hybrids
Гончаров, Ю. О | Сатарова, Т. М | Дзюбецький, Б. В | Черчель, В. Ю
Purpose. The analysis of allelic status of such key genes of carotenogenesis as gene of lycopene-ε-cyclase (lcyε) and gene of β-carotene hydroxylase (crtRB1) for DNA-markers in domestic maize lines and their hybrids. Methods. DNA isolation, PCR, gel electrophoresis. Results. Allelic status of key genes of carotenogenesis was investigated in eight maize inbred lines and their single crosses. Molecular genetic polymorphism in the studied sample of maize lines and hybrids has been detected in gene of β-carotene hydroxylase for marker crtRB1-3’TE. For this gene, codominant character of inheritance of alleles of parental lines in single crosses was confirmed. For markers of gene of lycopene-ε-cyclase lcyε-3’INDL and lcyε-SNP216, polymorphism in the group of investigated lines and hybrids has not been identified, genotypes included only one variant of alleles for each marker. For lines ‘DK253ZSZM’, ‘DK633/266zS,zM’, ‘DK366zS,zM’ and hybrids ‘DK296S×DK253ZSZM’, ‘DK272S×DK633/266zS,zM’ and ‘DK231S×DK366zS,zM’, the decrease of the activity of β-carotene hydroxylase owing to the mutation of gene crtRB1 under the influence of transposone element at the 3’-end, the inhibition of β-carotene transition into β-cryptoxanthin can be expected, that allows to predict β-carotene accumulation in grain. Conclusions. The study of allelic status of carotenegenesis gene of lycopene-ε-cyclase in maize showed no polymorphism for markers lcyε-3’INDL and lcyε-SNP216 in eight inbred lines and their single crosses, along with this, for marker lcyε-3’INDL in genomes of all studied samples the allele was identified to be favorable for the accumulation of β-carotene. For marker crtRB1-3’TE of gene of β-carotene hydroxylase, the studied breeding material was polymorphic. Allele of crtRB1 being favorable for the accumulation of β-carotene was identified in lines ‘DK253ZSZM’, ‘DK633/266zS,zM’, ‘DK366zS,zM’ and hybrids ‘DK296S×DK253ZSZM’, ‘DK272S×DK633/266zS,zM’ and ‘DK231S×DK366zS,zM’. Single crosses inherit maternal and paternal alleles of gene of β-carotene hydroxylase codominantly.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Selection bases of developing new varieties of willow family (Salicaceae Mirb.) to create energy plantations
Фучило, Я. Д | Афонін, О. О | Сбитна, М. В
Purpose. To develop an algorithm of creation of new highly productive clonal varieties of Salicaceae family representatives with improved agronomic characters that can be used at energy plantations Methods. Field investigations, laboratory analysis, analytical approach, selection method. Results. Flow chart of selection process with representatives of Salicaceae family included the following stages: the Ist stage – creation of primary families (F0); the IInd stage – creation of the second families, or branches; the 222rd stage – interfamily (individually-familial) selection; IVth stage – familial-group selection; the Vth stage – clonal selection (selection of ramets). Conclusions. Breeding process with the use of complex of advanced methods of selection (individual, familial, group and clonal ones) allows to get model populations with high-frequency of valuable alleles and genotypes and with the high level of genetic variety. Due to a negative multi-stage individual intrafamilial and interfamily selection, cleaning of artificial populations from undesirable forms takes place without the substantial decrease of genetic variety level.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Genetic resources as initial material for developing new soft winter wheat varieties
Кір’ян, В. М | Кір’ян, М. В | Вискуб, Р. С
Purpose. To estimate genetic resources collection of soft winter wheat plants (new collection accessions) of Ustymivka Experimental Station for Plant Production and select initial material for breeding of adaptive, productive and qualitative soft winter wheat varieties. Methods. Field experiment, laboratory testing. Results. The authors pre- sented results of study of over 1000 samples of gene pool of soft winter wheat from 25 countries during 2001–2005 in Ustymivka Experimental Station for Plant Production of Plant Production Institute nd. a. V. Ya. Yuriev, NAAS of Ukraine for a complex of economic traits. More than 400 new sources with high adaptive properties were selected that combine traits of high productivity and high quality of grain, early ripening, resistance to biotic and abiotic fac- tors (the assessment of samples for 16 valuable traits is given). The selected material comes from various agro-cli- matic zones, including zones of unsustainable agriculture. Conclusions. Recommended sources of traits that have breeding value will allow to enrich high-quality assortment of wheat and considerably accelerate breeding process du- ring development of new soft winter wheat varieties.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Impact of weather conditions during the growing season on winter barley yield in the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine
Демидов, О. А | Гудзенко, В. М | Васильківський, С. П
Purpose. To establish the level of formation of winter barley yield depending on weather conditions during the growing season in the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. Methods. Field investigations, ANOVA, variance and correlation analysis. Results. Positive correlation was revealed between yield and the duration of the vegetation (r = 0.54) and especially “heading–maturation” period (r = 0.76). Moderate positive correlation was established between yield and mean daily air temperature during the period from termination to resumption of vegetation (r = 0.44), and strong negative one – between yield and mean daily air temperature during heading to maturation period (r = -0.77). Positive correlation was observed between yield and rainfall amount during the period from vegetation resumption to heading (r = 0.30). In general, during the growing season the correlation was weak (r = 0.16). For the period of “heading–maturation” low negative value (r = -0.11) was fixed. This was due to heavy precipitations, especially torrential rains, which in some years have caused lodging of plantings resulted in yield decrease. Conclusions. Under the conditions of Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine, fluctuations in temperature and water regimes are responsible for significant variability in growing season duration and yield of winter barley. Optimal amount of precipitation (close to long-time annual average) and their uniform distribution throughout growing season is the most favorable for obtaining high yield. “Heading–maturation» period is responsible for the formation of winter barley yield level.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Characteristics of winter wheat varieties for resistance to causal agents and pests
Ковалишина, Г. М | Муха, Т. І | Мурашко, Л. А | Заїма, О. А | Судденко, Ю. М
Purpose. Studying and identifying winter wheat varieties that are resistant to causal agents of major diseases and pests. Methods. Laboratory analysis, field study. Results. On artificial infection backgrounds of causal agents such varieties as ‘Smuhlianka’, ‘Svitanok Myronivskyi’, ‘Berehynia Myronіvska’, ‘Horlytsia Myronіvska’ have shown high level of resistance to brown rust; ‘Svitanok Myronivskyi’, ‘Berehynia Myronіvska’ – to powdery mildew; ‘Smuhlianka’ – to covered smut. Varieties ‘Voloshkova’, ‘Yuviliar Myronivskyi’, ‘Myrliena’, ‘Oberih Myronivskyi’, ‘Kolos Myronivschyny’, ‘Lehenda Myronivska’ had medium resistance to Septoria leaf blotch; ‘Smuhlianka’, ‘Myrliena’, ‘Oberih Myronivskyi’, ‘Berehynia Myronіvska’, ‘Horlytsia Myronіvska’, ‘Myronivska storichna’ – to Fusarium head blight; ‘Myronіvska 65’, ‘Smuhlianka’, ‘Lehenda Myronivska’, ‘Berehynia Myronіvska’ – to root rots. Among the varieties studied, there were those with group resistance to diseases: ‘Voloshkova’, ‘Myrliena’, ‘Yuviliar Myronivskyi’, ‘Oberih Myronivskyi’, ‘Bohdana’, ‘Myronivska storichna’, ‘Ekonomka’, ‘Svitanok Myronivskyi’, ‘Berehynia Myronіvska’, ‘Horlytsia Myronіvska’, ‘Smuhlianka’. Varieties bred at the V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat are distinguished by pest resistance. During autumn tillering phase of winter wheat the smallest number of large cereal aphids was observed in varieties ‘Smuhlianka’ and ‘Myronivska storichna’, leafhoppers – in varieties ‘Smuhlianka’, ‘Myrliena’, ‘Yuviliar Myronivskyi’. The slight population of thrips in the phase of earing was marked in the variety ‘Kolos Myronivschyny’, in the milk-ripe stage the smallest number of larvae per ear was detected in varieties ‘Smuhlianka’, ‘Voloshkova’, ‘Kolos Myronivschyny’. Varieties ‘Lehenda Myronivska’ and ‘Smuhlianka’ were proved to be resistant to damages of stems by sawflies. It should be noted that ‘Smuhlianka’ variety shows resistance to aphids, leafhoppers and grain sawflies. Conclusions. It was established that winter wheat varieties bred at the V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Instutite of Wheat are characterized by resistance to certain causal agents, some of them – to their group. Varieties that are resistant to the most common and harmful phytophages were identified.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Evaluation of pea varieties based on correlation of quantitative traits and indices
Присяжнюк, О. І | Король, Л. В
Purpose. To evaluate pea plants productivity and determine the degree of correlation among the main agronomic characters in pea varieties. Methods. Structural and statistical analysis. Results. Evaluation of pea samples in terms of indices of plant productivity elements level based on correlation analysis and single-factor indices appliance provided insight into the ratio of one trait share per unit of another one. It was defined that some correlations among the elements of productivity was not only moderate and weak, but they also changed their sign that could be the evidence of growth conditions influence on structural relationships between some traits and, consequently, redistribution of their contributions to the formation of variety productivity. Positive and very close relationship of many traits was revealed, particularly between plant height and the height of the plant up to the first bean, the number of nodes and the number of sterile nodes (r = 0,95–0,97). Methodological aspects of the variety model creation were considered, that may be useful not only in pea breeding but also for improving the technology of its cultivation. Conclusions. Correlation relationships were established between the number of beans and the number of fruiting nodes and the number of carpophores containing 2 beans (r = 0,86–0,88), seed mass and plant mass (r = 0,81), the number of seeds per plant and plant mass and seed mass per plant (r = 0,78–0,81), the number of certified seeds and the number of seeds per plant (r = 0,84), the average number of beans per fertile node and the number of carpophores containing 2 beans (r = 0,74) that makes it possible to use them in assessing the productivity of plants.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Varietal features of lectin activity of soft winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) at the early stages of ontogenesis
Чеботарьова, Л. В
Purpose. To study the dynamics of soft winter wheat lectin activity in caryopsis and at the early stages of ontogenesis of varieties developed by Poltava State Agrarian Academy as well as investigate varietal differences depending on dynamic pH medium. Methods. Laboratory analysis, method of hemagglutination reaction, analytical approach, statistical evaluation. Results. A change in lectin activity was determined in samples of 14 soft winter wheat varieties in caryopsis and at the early stages of ontogenesis (on the third, seventh, tenth and twelfth day of seedlings emergence). High lectin activity was observed in samples of seven and ten days seedlings. This could be evidence of active participation of proteins in physiological and biochemical processes at the time of emerging wheat tillering node that can be important in forming adaptive reactions to stress. Wheat lectin activity variation for рН ranging between 4,0 and 8,0 that depended on a variety was defined for the first time. Conclusions. According to hemagglutination ability of wheat lectins, all varieties were divided into three groups: of high ability – 4 varieties, middle – 9 varieties, low – 1 variety. Varietal variability for the investigated trait can be used in breeding programs as marker trait. In most varieties variation of hemagglutination was observed at dilutions ranging between 1:2 and 1:256. Availability of two lectin agglutination peaks in acidic and alkaline media for seedlings was fixed.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Spring triticale yield and its stability depending on the genotype and environmental conditions
Рябчун, В. К | Мельник, В. С | Капустіна, Т. Б | Щеченко, О. Є
Purpose. Assessing stability of yield formation of complex-valued varieties and lines of spring triticale under conditions and of different years of their growing. Identifying the best genotypes for yield potential, plasticity and stability. Methods. Ontogenetic, statistical and mathematical analyses. Results. Adaptive capacity and breeding value of spring triticale varieties and lines was established. Methods of breeding and parentage of the best samples were analyzed. Comparison of yields under conditions in of different years of growing allowed to identify genotypes with high yield potential – ‘ЯТХ 38-14’, ‘ЯТХ 61-14’, ‘ЯТХ 62-14’, with stable yields – ‘ЯТХ 17-14’, ‘Boryviter kharkivskyi’, ‘ЯТХ 43-14’, ‘Gusar kharkivskyi’, drought resistance ones – ‘ЯТХ 37-14’, ‘ЯТХ 43-14’, ‘ЯТХ-64-14’. The genotypes ‘Lebіd kharkіvskyi’, ‘ЯТХ 38-14’, ‘ЯТХ 62-14’ appeared to be more plastic. These samples may be used of hybridization to improve yield. Conclusions. The most promising to production and breeding are the lines ‘ЯТХ 17-14’, ‘ЯТХ 64-14’, ‘ЯТХ 37-14’, ‘ЯТХ 43-14’ (their average yield 4,27–4,48 t/ha) and varieties ‘Zlit kharkivskyi’, ‘Boryviter kharkivskyi’, ‘Gusar kharkivskyi’, ‘Darkhliba kharkivskyi’, which have high adaptive capacity combined with high productivity. They are valuable for use as a starting material in breeding for adaptability.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Ukrainian cereals and oilseeds trade
Духницький, Б. В | Сіліфонов, Т. В
Purpose. To analyze peculiarities of Ukrainian cereals and oilseeds trade, the situation on the world market, and determine future prospects of its development. Methods. Analysis and synthesis, comparative evaluation, graphic procedure. Results. The role and place of Ukraine in a total grain supply to the world market was determined. Ukraine is a world’s top ten grain producer. Among domestic agricultural products, cereals, oilseeds and sunflower oil are in the highest demand in the world. In recent years, our state has reinforced its status as one of the leading exporters of cereals. The commodity pattern of cereals and oilseeds export was analyzed with specifying most in-demand positions and the main countries purchasing these products. According to the results of 2015, Ukraine obtained the highest foreign currency revenue from export of corn, wheat and barley (in grain structure) including soybeans and rapeseed (among oil crops). Key domestic and multinational operators are the main exporters of cereals and oilseeds in Ukraine and still hold their leading position. It was found a significant excess of import price of seeds as compared with export price of crops grown in Ukraine. Assortment of maize and sunflower seeds offered by major companies-producers in Ukraine was studied. Main trends of the world grain market development are considered. Conclusions. It was established that Ukraine is one of the major exporters of cereals and oilseeds. However, volatility of their prices significantly affects the export revenue that was decreasing even with increasing export quantities in kind. The dependence of domestic grain industry development on high-quality imported seed of maize and sunflower hybrids was recorded. It is expected that in the years to come Ukraine will maintain its strong positions in the world’s grain market.
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