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Chromatographic profiling of hydrophilic metabolites from tubers of different potato cultivars
Zhokhov, S., Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Upsala (Sweden). Dept. of Food Science | Alstroem, S., Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala (Sweden). Dept. of Forest Mycology and Pathology | Andersson, B., Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala (Sweden). Dept. of Forest Mycology and Pathology | Jastrebova, J., Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Upsala (Sweden). Dept. of Food Science
Potato is an important source of nutrients and bioactive compounds with profitable effect for health, such as antioxidants, vitamins and essential amino acids. The knowledge about metabolite composition of various potato cultivars is necessary to facilitate development of new cultivars with desirable properties. In the present study, the hydrophilic metabolite composition of six potato cultivars with different resistance against potato late blight disease was analyzed. For this, an HPLC-based method was developed and used for the analysis of water-ethanol extracts of freeze-dried potato tubers. Significant differences in concentrations of adenosine, chlorogenic acid, and rutin were revealed. Some other metabolites were found to be cultivar-specific.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Nutritional changes in several potato varieties during heat treatment processes
Murniece, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Karklina, D., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Galoburda, R., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Processing and cooking methods can greatly affect the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables including potatoes. In human nutrition potatoes before consumption are always prepared by several cooking methods and are one of the central components of warm meals. During treatment processes considerable changes in nutritional composition and nutritional quality of the product are induced. Hence the aim of the study was to determine the amount of basic nutrients (carbohydrate, fat and protein) as well as essential amino acids in five Latvian potato varieties prepared by the following heat treatment methods: baking in oven, shallow frying and deep fat frying and to compare the obtained results with recommended daily intake (RDI). Achieved results show significant differences in total carbohydrate amount within potato varieties (p=0.007) while within the type of heat treatments were no significance (p=0.065). Changes in fat content between heat treatment processes were considerable (p=0.000) whereas significance were discovered between control – pan fried, control – deep fat fried, baked in oven – pan fried, baked in oven – deep fat fried as well as pan fried – deep fat fried samples while no significance found among potato varieties (p=0.391). In protein amount neither within potato varieties nor between heat treatment processes significance was discovered, but the amount of essential amino acids significantly differs per each potato variety and type of heat treatment processes. Results on RDI per each nutrient group (fat, carbohydrates and protein) show significance on % RDI per each basic nutrient.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Table potato variety 'Teele' with high yielding and late blight resistance
Taehtjaerv, T., Estonian Crop Research Inst., Jogeva, Jogeva vad. (Estonia);Estonian Univ. of Life Sciences, Tartu (Estonia) | Tsahkna, A., Estonian Crop Research Inst., Jogeva, Jogeva vad. (Estonia) | Runno-Paurson, E., Estonian Univ. of Life Sciences, Tartu (Estonia) | Maend, M., Estonian Univ. of Life Sciences, Tartu (Estonia) | Tamm, S., Estonian Crop Research Inst., Jogeva, Jogeva vad. (Estonia)
The characteristics of the new potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis, pathotype RO1) resistant, medium ripening potato variety ‘Teele’ (‘Cinja’ ´ ‘Paola’) developed at the Estonian Crop Research Institute (ECRI) is discussed in this paper. The variety ‘Teele’ was included in Estonian and European Variety List in 2013.The variety ‘Teele’ passed the preliminary, dynamic and final trials in 2008 - 2012 at the ECRI, where it was compared with standard varieties ‘Maret’ (early), ‘Piret’ (medium) and ‘Anti’ (late). The official trials in Estonia and the technical examination (DUS test) in Czech Republic were carried out in 2011 – 2012. Potato cyst nematode (Ro1) and wart (Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilbersky) pathotype 1 (D 1)) resistance of the new variety were determined in Poland in the Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute. Tuber yield and tuber weight of the variety ‘Teele’ were equal to ‘Maret’ and ‘Anti’ but higher than ‘Piret’. The number of tubers per plant was equal in all standard varieties. Tuber yield and yield of marketable tubers of dynamic trials present the medium ripening of the variety ‘Teele’. The potato variety ‘Teele’ had good quality characteristics (shallow eyes, regular shape) and good culinary traits of table potato variety. It had a relatively good resistance to late blight (Phytophthora infestans) (field resistance), overcoming standard varieties ‘Maret’ and ‘Piret’.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Root vegetables from Latvia: quantitative analysis of trace elements
Vincevica-Gaile, Z., University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia) | Klavins, M., University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia)
Food and drinking water are the main sources of trace and major elements. Besides the elements that are vitally essential for living organisms and human health, food may contain the traces of potentially toxic elements. Environmental site specific impact is one of the influencing factors of elemental content in plants that is important issue also for quality of food crops. Quantitative content of several trace elements (e.g., Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) detected in food crops reveal environmental background levels as well as it can be associated with unexpected food contamination. Current study involves quantitative analysis of more than 200 root vegetable samples (onions, carrots and potatoes) grown and collected in Latvia in the harvesting season of 2010. Within this study the quantitative analysis of vegetables for 9 elements (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Se, Zn) was performed. After the wet digestion of samples, the quantitative analysis was done by using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Obtained results revealed wide ranges of trace elements in root vegetables, including potentially toxic elements. Comparison of element content in edible parts of vegetables and potato peel showed that a great part of elements (e.g., As, Co, Cr, Pb) is concentrated in peel; however, some elements (e.g., Cd, Se, Zn) are taken up by plants, and therefore may contaminate food more easily. Element transfer routes and their biochemistry is a complicated issue that is affected by natural environmental factors as well as by anthropogenic activities.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Impact of organic product extracts on potato 'Borodjanskij Rozovij' tuber yield in organic crop production system
Vojevoda, L., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia);State Stende Inst. of Cereal Breeding, Dizstende, Talsu reg. (Latvia) | Gaile, Z., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Products of organic origin used in agriculture to reduce the application of artificial pesticides and fertilizers are investigated world-wide now. Composting organic fertilizers, plant residue and household waste, results in new products of organic origin. In several countries (USA, Russia, Belorussia, and some others), the role of earthworms in organic waste processing and the possible further use of this processed product have been investigated. In Latvia, similar investigations are few but they are needed. A goal of our investigation was to investigate the impact of extracts made from the products of organic origin on potato (Solanum tuberosum) tuber yield in biological crop production system. A field experiment was established at the State Stende Cereals Breeding Institute in 2011, using an early-maturing potato variety ‘Borodjanskij Rozovij’ suitable for growing both in conventional and organic production systems. Tubers or plants were treated with peat elixir and earthworm bio-humus extract obtained at different temperatures: +45 °C and +95 °C, and their mixtures. In total, 18 treatments and untreated control variant were included in the experiment. Tubers were treated just prior to planting, but potato plants were treated three times in season. In the first production year, the obtained potato tuber yield ranged 26.16-45.38 t haE-1 in treated plots, and 35.27 t haE-1 in untreated control plot. Data were subjected to analysis of variance. In 2011, tuber yield was significantly dependent on organic extracts applied, which increased the yield significantly (p is lee than 0.05) in four treatments, but in the rest of them significantly decreased if compared to control.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Influence of organic product extracts on the potato yield and quality in the conventional growing system
Vojevoda, L., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia);State Stende Cereals Breeding Inst., „Dižzemes”, Dižstende, Lībagi parish, Talsi municipality (Latvia) | Gaile, Z., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Agricultural farms in modern production system are specialized; therefore, animal-origin organic fertilizers are not available for many of them. Researches on the use of organic products in agriculture to restrict the use of pesticides and mineral fertilizers have been performed for a long time. Nowadays different organic preparations that are acquired as a result of complex processes are produced, ensuring ready-to-use biologically active substances in them and also activating their properties. One of the purposes of the research was to evaluate the impact of extracts from organic products on the potato (Solanum tuberosum) yield and tuber quality in the conventional cultivation system. A field experiment using cultivars ‘Borodyansky Rozovij’ (early maturity) and ‘Lenora’ (mid-early maturity) was arranged in the State Stende Cereals Breeding Institute in 2011 and 2012. Peat elixir and vermicompost extract obtained at different temperatures: + 45 °C and + 95 °C, as well as a mixture of these extracts were used for treatment of tubers and plants. The research included 24 treatments in total, including control (without treatment) and a standard potato cultivation technology. Tubers were treated immediately before planting, but plants were treated three times during the vegetation period. Average two-year research results showed that the use of organic product extracts significantly (p is less than 0.05) affected the tuber yield in different treatments for both cultivars ‘Borodyansky Rozovij’ and ‘Lenora’. The content of nitrates in tubers, using extracts, did not exceed the allowable level (160 mg kgE-1) in any of treatments.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Influence of polymer fertilizer on yield of potatoes in the North-West Russia
Komarov, Aleksey, Leningrad Scientific Research Inst. of Agriculture ''Belogorka'', Belogorka village, Gatchina district, Leningrad region (Russian Federation) | Ivanov, A., Leningrad Scientific Research Inst. of Agriculture ''Belogorka'', Belogorka village, Gatchina district, Leningrad region (Russian Federation) | Sokolov, I., Leningrad Scientific Research Inst. of Agriculture ''Belogorka'', Belogorka village, Gatchina district, Leningrad region (Russian Federation) | Komarov, Andrey, Agrophysical Research Inst., St. Petersburg (Russian Federation)
New types of polymer fertilizer series ‘Vitanoll’ are used in adaptive-varietal agro technology in the cultivation of seed potatoes. The experiments were conducted on sod-podzolic soils, typical of the North-West region of the Russian Federation. The aim of the research was to study the effect of new polymer fertilizers on potato yield. Research tasks included assessing the effect of various polymer fertilizers (Polymer-N, Polymer-P, Polymer-K.), as well as the effect of Polymer-N on different potato varieties. Based on the studies conducted, the most responsive potato varieties to polymeric fertilizers with nitrogen were identified. They turned out to be Salin (increase of 7.1 t haE−1) and Mocart (increase of 4.1 t haE−1). Evaluation of the influence of different types of polymer fertilizers revealed that the most effective are polymer fertilizers with potassium.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Vertical price transmission along the potato supply chain in Lithuania
Jurkenaite, N., Lithuanian Inst. of Agrarian Economics, Vilnius (Lithuania) | Paparas, D., Harper Adams Univ., Newport, Shropshire County (United Kingdom)
Potato sector is one of the competitive areas of the European Union (EU) agriculture. Although Eurostat declared that in 2015 Lithuanian share in the EU-28 harvested production was modest and composed only 0.7%, according to Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAOSTAT), this crop remained on the list of top 10 commodities by net production value in Lithuanian agriculture. However, over the past decades the Lithuanian potato sector survived undesired transformations. The aim of this paper is to analyse the changes of the main indicators, related to the potato sector, and vertical price transmission among the chain of potatoes in Lithuania. The conducted research indicates the most important development trends of the potato sector and applies econometric techniques to investigate if there is any long-run relationship between the farm and retail prices of potatoes for the period of 2010 to 2016. Although the statistics show the shrinking production and domestic consumption of potatoes in Lithuania, the analysis of the vertical price transmission does not provide evidence of market inefficiencies. The Johansen cointegration test confirms the existence of a long-run relationship between the farm and retail prices, while the Granger causality test shows that there is a bidirectional causality between the examined series. The M-TAR model does not provide evidence of the farm and retail price asymmetry in the long run.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The effect of planting density on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) minituber number, weight and multiplication rate
Dimante, I., State Priekuli Plant Breeding Inst., Priekuli, Priekuli parish, Priekuli Municipality (Latvia) | Gaile, Z., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The study was aimed to investigate the effect of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in vitro plantlets planting density under greenhouse conditions on obtained minitubers number per unit area, multiplication rate and their weight distribution. Three cultivars of different maturity (‘Monta’ – early maturity, ‘Prelma’ – medium early and ‘Mandaga’ – medium late maturity) were used for the study. In vitro plantlets were planted in a greenhouse of State Priekuli Plant Breeding Institute, Latvia in 2014 at four planting densities (PDs) 63 plants per square m, 95 plants per square m, 142 plants per m2 and 184 plants per square m respectively. Fertilized peat was used as a substratum. Significant effect of planting density (p is less than 0.001) and cultivar (p is less than 0.01) was found on analyzed yield parameters. Increased planting densities resulted in increased minitubers number per square m (from 272 minutubers mE-2 at PD 63 plants mE-2 to 414 minutubers mE-2 at PD 184 plants mE-2), decreased multiplication rate (4.3 to 2.7 minitubers per planted plant) and mean fresh weight of minitubers (from 20.26. g to 12.11 g). The highest increase of minitubers number per m2 was observed within size (weight) range 3 to 5 g. Minitubers number per m2 increase within bigger size ranges (5 to 10 g, 10 to 20 g) was less pronounced. Slight insignificant (p=0.330) decrease of minitubers number is greater than 20 g was observed in relation of planting density increase (112 minitubers mE-2 at PD 95 plants mE-2 to 84 minitubers mE-2 at PD 184 plants mE-2).
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Industrial potato peels waste application in food production: a review
Sepelev, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Galoburda, R., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is one of the most important agricultural crops for human consumption and high amount is produced worldwide every year. Potato peel waste is a zero value by-product, which occurs in big amounts after industrial potato processing and can range from 15 to 40% of initial product mass, depending on the peeling method. Food waste utilization causes great concern in food industry in Europe and many scientific works were written on this topic in the last years offering solutions and original approaches. Present article aims to summarize the review of available literature on industrial potato peel waste application possibilities in food production industry. Scientific articles on food waste management, potato peel chemical composition and recycling methods have been studied. The main results show, that there is a big potential for potato peel extract as an antioxidant in food systems due to its high phenol content. In addition, potato peel powder could serve as a partial flour replacement in dough up to 10 g 100 gE-1 of flour weight without causing significant changes in sensory properties. Potato peel waste can serve as a solid substrate for fermentation. Further investigations in the present field are needed in order to evaluate full potato peel waste application potential.
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