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Résultats 1161-1170 de 1,245
Contratos no mercado de trabalho agrícola: o caso das cooperativas de trabalhadores rurais
Jefferson A. R. Staduto | Weimar F. Rocha Jr | Mayra B. Bitencourt
O objetivo central deste estudo é analisar os sistemas de contratação do trabalhador temporário na agricultura brasileira, e, principalmente, por meio das cooperativas de trabalhadores rurais, e considerando a ótica das instituições jurídicas. O estudo foi abordado a partir da abordagem da Nova Economia Institucional. As instituições jurídicas são importantes componentes na formatação do sistema de contratação; a atuação dessas instituições tende a restringir algumas formas de contratação e incentivar outras. Verificou-se que as instituições jurídicas apresentavam grandes restrições quanto ao funcionamento e contratação das cooperativas de trabalhadores rurais, pois muitas delas apresentavam um caráter fraudulento, acarretando perda de diretos trabalhistas à mão-de-obra que prestava serviço nas propriedades rurais por meio das cooperativas. Além disso, as empresas que contratavam essas cooperativas estariam gerando elevados riscos potenciais de custos de transação adotando este sistema de contração de trabalhadores rurais.<br>The purpose of this study is to analyze the agricultural seasonal labor contract system and mainly the rural labor cooperatives, from the legal system's point of view. Legal institutions are important components that affect the agricultural seasonal labor contract. Therefore, these institutions trend to restrict some contract frameworks and to provide incentive to other contracts. The work verified that rural labor cooperatives have high restrictions from legal institutions. The reason is the high incidence of corruption in this contract system. Thus, there is a potential increase in the transactions cost of the labor contract system.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Use of crops and livestock futures contracts in portfolios: an analysis of feasibility
Mattos, Fabio L.(Master in Applied Economics) | Ferreira Filho, Joaquim Bento de Souza(Universidade de São Paulo Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiróz)
According to Portfolio Theory, by combining assets that show a correlation inferior to one (1) among their individual returns, it becomes possible to create portfolios that reduce risk without damaging expected return. Crop and livestock futures contracts and company stocks show such a characteristic, which signals potential benefits when forming portfolios combining these two types of assets. This investment strategy is not often utilized in Brazil. The purpose of our research was to assess whether such an asset combination is actually advantageous to those creating investment portfolios in the Brazilian market. Our evaluation used instruments of analysis developed by Markowitz in Portfolio Theory and data about the return from crop and livestock futures contracts and stocks. The data was gathered from the Brazilian Futures and Commodities Exchange (BM&F) and Brazils National Association of Open Market Institutions (ANDIMA) between July 1994 and December 1998. The results of this work showed that the combination of these two types of assets in investment portfolios can be an interesting portfolio management alternative.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Methodology for comparative analysis of sustainability in agroforestry systems
Lopes, Saulo Barbosa(Rio Grande do Sul Zoo Botanic Foundation) | Almeida, Jalcione(Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)
The work analyzes the political/institutional links and technological formats of agroforestry systems in the Caí and Taquari river valleys of the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul in an effort to determine a value for their ability to endure: their sustainability. Sustainability indicators are created for the analysis of these systems. The indicator values will be used to create a Sustainability Index (SI) for each studied agroforestry system and to identify each systems sustainability pattern. The different agroforestry systems will also be classified according to their structural characteristics. Analysis of the identified patterns and indexes will reveal the adequacy of the methodology employed and the consequence of each systems institutional arrangement, technological format, and sustainability pattern. The agro forestry system that combines exotic forest species with watermelon and the system that combines native forest species with citrus fruit stand out as being most sustainable while, from an institutional perspective, those systems that were linked in an "associative" arrangement had the highest sustainability index values.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Relative intensity of bilateral trade flows, regional integration, and trade performance: the case of Brazil, 1984-1998
Silva, Valquiria da(Instituto de Economia Aplicada) | Anefalos, Lilian C.(Instituto de Economia Aplicada) | R. Filho, José Carlos G. dos(Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio a Micro e Pequena Empresa Economist)
The objective of this research is to identify the component of trade that results specifically from bilateral relations and evaluate how the creation of trading blocs affects trade relations between countries. The trirapport coefficient of the relative intensity of bilateral agricultural sector trade flows between Brazil and other countries from 1984 and 1998 is used in the evaluation. In general, the results show that relative trade intensity between Brazil and its non-MERCOSUL trade partners fell after their entry into regional trade agreements (extra-bloc effect). The intra-bloc effect (trade expansion) is reflected by changes in trade intensity between Brazil and the other MERCOSUL members and changes in trade intensity between NAFTA members Mexico, Canada, and the United States.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The effects of non-agricultural activities on income distribution in rural Brazil
Neder, Henrique D.(Universidade Federal de Uberlândia)
The growth of non-agricultural activity since the 1980s has reconfigured the economic and social dynamic in Brazils rural areas. Our paper intends to describe the impact of this growth on income distribution in rural Brazil. We made use of a method of decomposition of two indicators of income distribution applied to1992 and 1999 Brazilian National Household Sample Survey (PNAD) data: the variation coefficient and the Gini index. It was observed that non-agricultural activities have increased the concentration of rural income and that this phenomenon is more prominent in Region I (states of Brazils Northeast and the state of Tocantins) and Region IV (states of São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul and the Distrito Federal). It was found that the income concentrating effect of each non-agricultural activity branch (commerce, transformation industry, administration, service) differed by region. In Region I, income from the "Social/Public Administration and Other Activities branch " (a PNAD designation) presents a coefficient of relative concentration greater than a unit, which indicates that income from this activities branch acts to increase the concentration of non-agricultural income in this region. In Region IV, income from industrial activities and from Social/ Public Administration and Other Activities both present coefficients of relative concentration greater than a unit; therefore, both branches act to increase the concentration of income from non-agricultural activities in this region.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Risk analysis of investments in-farm milk cooling tanks
Sant´Anna, Danielle D.(Universidade Federal de Viçosa) | Silva, Carlos Arthur B. da(Universidade Federal de Viçosa) | Gomes, Sebastião T.(Universidade Federal de Viçosa)
A risk analysis for the installation of milk cooling tanks (250, 500 and 1,000 L) on Brazilian rural properties was conducted in this study. The results showed that all investments had a return higher than the annual 12% minimum rate of attractiveness. There was a direct relationship between tank size and investment profitability and an inverse relation between size and risk. The probability of achieving returns lower than the opportunity cost was highest for the smallest tank (42%). In order to make the investment in small cooling tanks more attractive, the dairy industry incentives offered to farmers for supplying cooled milk could be increased. However, this approach might make investments in bulk milk collection by dairy companies infeasible. Thus, a recommendable strategy for a successful modernization of the Brazilian dairy sectors inbound logistics would be to promote an increase in the volume of the milk produced per farm.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Relações comerciais e de preços no mercado nacional de combustíveis
Marta Cristina Marjotta-Maistro | Geraldo Sant'Ana de Camargo Barros
Em janeiro de 2002 o setor de combustíveis entrou definitivamente no livre mercado. Os preços da refinaria deixaram de ser regulados e permitiu-se a importação de derivados de petróleo por empresas privadas. Os preços do álcool foram liberados desde o final da década de 1990. Os objetivos deste estudo são: caracterizar o funcionamento do mercado de combustíveis identificando os principais fatores que interferem na tomada de decisão dos seus agentes; estimar equações de demanda por gasolina C, oferta de álcool anidro e gasolina A e calcular as elasticidades de transmissão de preços. Os resultados mostraram inelasticidade com relação à renda e ao preço da demanda de gasolina e inelasticidade-preço das ofertas de anidro e gasolina A. Considerando as elasticidades de transmissão, concluiuse que um aumento na demanda de gasolina C tende a aumentar o preço do álcool anidro mais que proporcionalmente ao preço da gasolina C; o preço do álcool anidro tenderá a variar mais que proporcionalmente ao preço da gasolina C caso haja choques de oferta de álcool anidro e, no caso de variações na oferta de gasolina A, os preços do álcool e da gasolina C tendem a variar em direções opostas
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Financial risk monitoring and transaction costs in coffee & soybean trading companies and processors
Edson Costa Bignotto | Adriano Azevedo Filho
This study characterizes the use of risk monitoring mechanisms by coffee and soybean trading and processing companies. It also investigates the role these mechanisms play in the mitigation of certain transaction costs associated to bounded rationality, information asymmetry, and business opportunism in negotiations involving derivatives. The results presented are based on literature and original research, which consisted of interviews with 19 coffee and soybean trading and processing company agents that deal with the management and execution of derivatives trades. The interviews suggest that the interest in formal risk monitoring mechanisms depends strongly on the organizational structure of the business. In family businesses, in which the owner participates actively in negotiations, the interest is limited. In non-family businesses, where there is a clear separation between supervisory upper-management and agents involved with trading, the interest in risk monitoring systems is more evident. This result seems to indicate that the mitigation of transaction costs associated with information asymmetry and opportunism might be stronger motivations for interest in risk monitoring mechanisms than the costs resulting from bounded rationality.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Relative intensity of bilateral trade flows, regional integration, and trade performance: the case of Brazil, 1984-1998
Silva Valquiria da | Anefalos Lilian C. | R. Filho José Carlos G. dos
The objective of this research is to identify the component of trade that results specifically from bilateral relations and evaluate how the creation of trading blocs affects trade relations between countries. The trirapport coefficient of the relative intensity of bilateral agricultural sector trade flows between Brazil and other countries from 1984 and 1998 is used in the evaluation. In general, the results show that relative trade intensity between Brazil and its non-MERCOSUL trade partners fell after their entry into regional trade agreements (extra-bloc effect). The intra-bloc effect (trade expansion) is reflected by changes in trade intensity between Brazil and the other MERCOSUL members and changes in trade intensity between NAFTA members Mexico, Canada, and the United States.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Use of crops and livestock futures contracts in portfolios: an analysis of feasibility
Mattos Fabio L. | Ferreira Filho Joaquim Bento de Souza
According to Portfolio Theory, by combining assets that show a correlation inferior to one (1) among their individual returns, it becomes possible to create portfolios that reduce risk without damaging expected return. Crop and livestock futures contracts and company stocks show such a characteristic, which signals potential benefits when forming portfolios combining these two types of assets. This investment strategy is not often utilized in Brazil. The purpose of our research was to assess whether such an asset combination is actually advantageous to those creating investment portfolios in the Brazilian market. Our evaluation used instruments of analysis developed by Markowitz in Portfolio Theory and data about the return from crop and livestock futures contracts and stocks. The data was gathered from the Brazilian Futures and Commodities Exchange (BM&F) and Brazil?s National Association of Open Market Institutions (ANDIMA) between July 1994 and December 1998. The results of this work showed that the combination of these two types of assets in investment portfolios can be an interesting portfolio management alternative.
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