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Development of higher engineering education in Russia in the context of Bologna process
Chepurin, E., State Univ. of Land Use Planning, Moscow (Russian Federation) | Vasilieva, D., Samara State Technical Univ. (Russian Federation) | Vlasov, A., Samara State Technical Univ. (Russian Federation) | Parsova, V., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia)
The process of reforming higher education in Russian Federation continues. One of the main areas of these reforms is an introduction of principles of Bologna process into Russian higher education system. It was launched after Russia ratified the Bologna Declaration in 2003. Since the beginning of reforms and up to now there have not been lingering disputes about feasibility of introducing the principles of Bologna Agreement into higher education. The article deals with the history of reforms on the example of higher education in land management in Russia. Dynamics of indicators of higher education institutions which carry out training under programs in the field of land management and cadastre have been studied. Introduction of federal state educational standards associated with introduction and/ or updating of current education within Bologna process in 2020 has been considered. Updating (introduction of FGOS 3++ standard) will be implemented in all directions of bachelor degree. First of all it is guided to consideration of requirements of professional standards. The process of development of the Institute of State Accreditation of higher education institutions of Russia, its current status and problems faced by higher education institutions during accreditation process have been studied.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Land use planning as tool for sustainable development
Jankava, A., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Berzina M., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Dobuma, K., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia)
The purpose of the article is to evaluate role of land use planning project (hereinafter - LUPP) specified in the legislation of Latvia in sustainable development of territory. In Land Use Planning Law adopted in 2006, LUPP is project for arrangement of territory and measures of improvement of land use conditions, for part of an administrative territory of local government, separate immovable property or land parcel, which is developed for exchange of land parcels or elimination of inter-areas, for reorganisation of land parcel boundaries, as well as for subdivision of land parcels. In Latvia for sustainable development of the territory, legislative acts of spatial development planning system have been adopted at several levels, from which for detailed arrangement of territory detailed plan should be developed. The detailed plan often includes reorganisation of land parcel boundaries, but legislation determines that detailed plan should be developed in territories specified in spatial plan, mainly before commencing new construction. The LUPP is not planning instrument for territory development and may be developed in territories in which regulatory framework do not provide development of detailed plan. However, in local governments it is relatively common that for areas intended, for example, for individual building, for subdivision of land parcels, LUPP rather than detailed plan has been chooses to develop. In order to clarify these concerns, the study carried out survey of specialists of local governments and the article summarises analysis of results about development of LUPP in relevant local governments, as well as, on the basis of relevant regulatory enactments, compared the objectives and conditions for development of LUPP and detailed plan.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Current trends and tasks of training of land management specialists
Kosinsky, V., State Univ. of Land Use Planning, Moscow (Russian Federation) | Burov, M., State Univ. of Land Use Planning, Moscow (Russian Federation)
In 2015−2016 the State University of Land Use Planning and land management faculties of higher educational institutions released the final mass enrolment of graduates who studied “engineer” qualification for five years. Starting from 2016−2017, bachelors and masters of land management began to leave the walls of the State University of Land Use Planning and land management departments of universities. Has the division into two parts - bachelor's and master's been justified? Basically, we can say that this is an international practice and we would not want to live separately from the international community, since we study foreigners from many countries of the world who want to receive education in a Western way; in addition, our students also study abroad. But, unlike the Western baccalaureate, we remain specializations. There are profiles in the undergraduate program: land administration, land management, real estate cadastre, urban cadastre, land valuation, real estate valuation, and so on, that is students receive professional knowledge. Mastership is designed to deepen them. But it is absolutely not necessary to choose undergraduate and graduate programs in the same direction, it can be changed. If a student is not satisfied with the direction or specialization chosen before, he can correct it by studying another mastership program. One undoubted positive consequence of Russia's accession to the Bologna process is the simultaneous assumption of international obligations to maintain the wide accessibility of higher education regardless of financial situation of young people. Europe seeks to provide broad social protection in this area, where Russia has been catastrophically losing ground in recent years. The United States, with all its wealth, has never tried to positively solve this problem and is not going to accept the Bologna rules, and they have enough compelling arguments for this. First of all, do we need a bachelor degree? How will a master match with a candidate of science? Today, the heads of land surveying firms and companies, sociologists, professors of universities as well as educational and scientific institutions are discussing this problem.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Cadastral data as a basis for rational use and protection of land
Tykhenko, O., National Univ. of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev (Ukraine) | Bavrovska, N., National Univ. of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev (Ukraine)
Without cadastral information, it is difficult to make any decisions about land. But in order for the system of state land cadastre to work effectively, it is necessary that the information in it is up-to-date, complete and reliable. The article analyses in detail the existing legislative and regulatory acts and draws conclusions from the methodological principles of keeping the state land cadastre in the part concerning the consideration of factors of influence on the quality of land accounting. The status of agricultural land use was monitored and land conservation measures recommended. The authors have analysed in detail the public information on the soil cover of Ukraine, which is displayed on the Public Cadastral Map of Ukraine. The necessity of enrichment of the cadastre with new information and indicators is investigated, which allows to solve a wider range of problems regarding the use of land as a spatial basis and the purpose of development of the multifunctional cadastre.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Practical application of surveying methods for determination of volume quarry mining
Celms, A., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Pukite,V., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Reke, I., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Balevicius, G., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania) | Ozolina, S., Metrum, SIA, Riga (Latvia)
Nowadays, various types of geodetic measuring instruments are available in surveying. When conducting a survey of a terrain, surveyor must choose a survey method that is capable of providing high precision measurements. In the surveying process, it is possible to use the following measurement methods − tachymetric survey method, positioning method and remote sensing method. Each of the methods produces data formats that can be used further for volume calculations. The paper analyses the volume differences that are obtained when using various survey methods and volume calculation programs to obtain the surface model. The use of such a tool is important for useful mineral miners, so that surveyors make qualitative surveys and obtain accurate and reliable volumes. Useful minerals miners are required to report annually on their mining volume for a specified period. The useful minerals miners shall at all time keep records of the quantities of minerals actually extracted. Regardless of the type of accounting, topographic surveying and the calculation of volumes, if mineral is extracted in mineral deposits of national importance, more than 50 000 m**3, are required (Augstas detalizācijas topogrāfiskās…, 2012). High-quality and accurate topographic survey is needed to create the most realistic surface model appropriate to the terrain. It is defined that the difference between the volumes obtained from the recording of vehicle loads should not be more than 5% when comparing the result of the mineral extraction from topographic surveys (Derīgo izrakteņu ieguves…, 2012; Noteikumi par valsts…, 2018). Nowadays, various measurement methods can be used to obtain data from which a surface model can be generated, and this model can then be used for volume calculations. The surface model is a set of points where, in addition to plane coordinates (x and y), there is also altitude (z) known (Luukkonen, 2011). Each measurement method has its own different measuring instruments that can be used, each method has its own operating principles, on which the quality and accuracy of the obtained data depends.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Good practice of state land planning in the case of Panevezys City Municipality
Kriauciunaite-Neklejonoviene, V., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania) | Gurskiene, V., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania) | Balevicius, G., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania)
Currently, the issues of the use and transfer of state land remain quite relevant in Lithuania. According to the data of January 1, 2019, more than 10 percent of the country's territory has not yet been formed and not authorized for use. A large proportion of unauthorized state land is located in major cities in the country. Only a few municipalities in Lithuania have detailed state land use planning. One of them is Panevėžys City Municipality, where, with the help of EU funds, detailed and special plans have been prepared for almost all state land and the municipality is actively looking for ways to encourage residents to become more actively involved in the process of land ownership or use. Detailed territorial planning documents for this municipality were prepared in three stages. Territories near public buildings, apartment buildings, former problem areas were planned. These plans are important for the development and renovation of engineering infrastructure, urban green spaces, management of residential areas, well-being of the population, and so on. Territorial planning documents are an important tool for the sustainable development of territories. The recent adjustment of the detailed plans is based on the principle of continuity. Effective real property management creates good conditions for investors, improvement of infrastructure and living conditions, and replenishment of municipal budget and so on.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Improving the technical potential of agrarian enterprises
Mamai, O., Samara State Agrarian Univ. (Russian Federation) | Volkonskaya, A., Samara State Agrarian Univ. (Russian Federation) | Parsova, V., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia)
The technological potential of agricultural enterprise is complex system consisting of various elements with different functional capabilities and features, which are characterized by the characteristics of complex systems. The complexity of technological potential lies in the presence in structure of its several elements − technological preparation of production, equipment and technology. There is no doubt that the basis of technological potential is an active part of main production assets, namely the equipment park. Working machines and equipment, instrumentation, transmission devices and tooling − this is exactly what primarily determines the level of labour productivity. The aim of the study is to develop recommendations for efficient use of machinery of agrarian enterprises as part of their technological potential, to solve important task of developing them and improving quality and competitiveness of their products. In methodological basis of this research various methods were used: an analytical method, abstract and logical method, system approach, statistical and economic analysis, method of analogies, and method of comparative and expert estimates. The study showed that in order to increase the efficiency of use of technical equipment and more fully satisfy agricultural producers in technical services, it is necessary to create the technical centre for maintenance and repair of agricultural machines. As result, implementation of preventive strategy of technical maintenance and repair of equipment will reduce the number of machine failures by 2−2.5 times, increase the use of resource of their components and mechanisms by 30%, and significantly reduce the loss of agricultural products due to long downtime of mechanization equipment and crop shortages while increasing agro-technical timelines for field work.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Land use limitations: environmental and socioeconomic impacts
Petrakovska, O., Kyiv National Univ. of Construction and Architecture (Ukraine) | Mykhalova M., Kyiv National Univ. of Construction and Architecture (Ukraine)
Land use regulation is one of the most important state tasks and is aimed to ensuring the sustainable development of settlements. One of the mechanisms to solve this task is land use limitations establishment by restricted the possibility to carry out some activities, on certain territories or separate land plots, which would lead to negative ecological and social consequences. Such activity is becoming more and more urgent in the face of increasing ecological problems. Land use limitations could be considering in different areas. On one hand, the feasibility of land use is governing by the methods of spatial planning, based on natural and anthropogenic conditions. On the other hand, land use limitations are the result of location of object is which could be either source of negative influence or the object is requiring being protected (mode-forming objects). The aim of the article is to determine the impact of land use limitations on the various components of society, taking into account the environmental, economic and social components of sustainable development. Environmental and socioeconomic impact of land use limitations formation on the example of limitations caused by the activity of a mode-forming object is described in the study. The results of the study illustrate that the establishment of limitations on the land use can solve mainly environmental and social problems.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Conditions and prospects of improvement of nonagricultural land evaluation in Ukraine as constituent of the state land cadastre
Susak, T., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine)
The article describes peculiarities of formation of the estimated constituent in the structure of the state land cadastre in Ukraine. The author gives analysis of the current Ukrainian practice of consideration of the intended use of a land plot while making normative monetary evaluation of non-agricultural land plots within and outside settlements. The conducted analysis of the methodology of normative monetary evaluation of the land of settlements and non-agricultural land outside the settlements confirms that in the process of evaluation, each of the methodologies considers the intended use of land plots in a different way, causing different value correlation between the lands of different categories and kinds of intended use. Differentiation of the estimated indices of the methodology of normative monetary evaluation of non-agricultural lands within and outside settlements absolutely disagree with one another. The article supplies conclusions on the necessity to transfer to a consistent approach of such differentiation without reference to the land plot location within or outside the settlements. Basing on the analysis of statistical information on the sale of state- and communally-owned lands, the author defines the coefficients of correlation between the sale price of state- and communally-owned lands in 2017−2018 in Ukraine in terms of the kinds of intended use and the figures of the indices of differentiation of normative monetary evaluation of non-agricultural lands within and outside settlements depending on the intended use of the land plot. The author proposes changes to the approaches to differentiation of the indices of evaluation of the lands of different intended use on the base of market prices. The work also outlines the main problems and possible directions of transition to a large-scale evaluation of lands in Ukraine.
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