Moko disease control: the Grenada experience
Ambrose, E. (Inter-American Institute for Co-operation on Agriculture, Castries (St. Lucia))
A diseased mat eradication programme in which mats are injected with Round up, followed by cygon spray and the area sprayed with Gramoxone has been successful. 216,812 mats were destroyed between 1978 and July 1985. Findings of research funded by the EDF include early detection of infected mats by examination for corm discolouration, possibility of Ricinus comunis, begonia jumbie tomato (Solanum sp.) and Xanthosoma sp. as alternative hosts, a recommended fallow period between injection of mats and re-planting of 9-12 months, optimum weed killer and application rate (Round up at 20 mls 2 % soln) and a buffer zone of more than 8 in. in radius
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