Studies on the effects of some hydroelectric dams on fish-species compositions in Thailand
Sontirat, S. (Kasetsart University, Bangkok (Thailand). Faculty of Fisheries)
The damage done by the construction of the hydroelectric dam is great. The impoundment has damaged the sanctuary far greater than implied by the amount of land inundated and will eliminate virtually all habitats of the forests and rivers within the reservoir. However, the environmental changes are generally considered beneficial to fisheries. The standing crops are higher than those of the preimpoundment period. The fish species composition of the reservoir was altered considerably with lotic or riverine species such as Mystus nemurus, Wallagonia attu, Leiocassis siamensis and many species of cyprinoid fishes are decreasing while carnivorous species such as Channa spp., Pristolepis fasciata, Clarias batrachus as well as some lentic species of cyprinine fishes and Ambassis siamensis are increasing substantially.
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