Sustainable management of grazed ecosystem in the North-Sudanian zone of Burkina Faso | Gestion durable des ecosystemes patures en zone nord-soudanienne du Burkina Faso
KagonE, H
In the north-Sudanian part of Burkina Faso, the drastic reduction of the grazed area during the cultivation season led to continuous grazing with a high grazing pressure, damaging the rangeland and decreasing animal performances. This work aims to elaborate a sustainable management system by an improved knowledge of plant communities, herders strategies and feeding behaviour of cattle. The study shows that the rational pastoral management must be based on rotational grazing, a high stocking rate and a 30-days rest time for grasslands. The application of this system could leads to higher carrying capacity during the rainy season (1.2 TLU/ha vs. 0.4 TLU/ha) maintaining a high quality of regrowths (0.72 ñ 0.11 UFL and 153 t 52 g of DCP by kg of OM). The analysis of daily-movement patterns show that the choice of feeding sites by cattle is dictate by the need to maximise the ingestion and the search of protein balance in the diet. This diet is composed for 46 / of annual grasses. Legumes and perennial grasses are mostly researched and are threatened. The part of woody plants in cattle diet increases from April to June, and some species such as Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir. and Afzelia africana Sm. ex Pers are overbrowsed. The daily intake, that reaching 90 g of bM/kg LW075, shows a slight deficit. Due to the browse selectivity of animals, the feeding value of the diet (0.75 ñ 0.06 UFL and 192 ñ 31 g of DCP by kg of OM) is excellent. Proposals concerning the pastoral planning and the management rules are made keeping the know-how of the herders and the results of the study.
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Эту запись предоставил University of Liège