Effect of fungicides, plant extracts and biocontrol agents on total phenols content of sunflower plants
Pathak, D. (Assam Agricultural Universitu, Shillongani (India). Regional Agricultural Research Station) | Srivastava, M.P. (CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar (India). Dept. of Plant Pathology))
Benlate treated sunflower plants contained the maximwn quantity of total phenols. Amongst the varios methods followed to treat the plants with the substances, seed treatment plus soil drenching recorded the higher quantity of total phenols than in seed treatment or soil drenching alone. The total phenols content in sunflower plants treated with the substances followed the order of Benlate Ba vistin T opsin- Mcontaf Azadi rac hta i ndica Datura stramonium T richoderma vi rideKavachT. harzianumLawsonia inermisGliocladium virensPolyalthia longifolia.
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