Computerization in the rural area of the Latvia: looking back and going foward
Gailums, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia). Faculty of Information Technologies. Dept. of Computer Systems
The aim of this paper is to display the current situation and the development of the computerization in the rural area of the Latvia. At begin of the article given development of the computers in the world starting from Analytic machine to modern computing in nowadays. After World War II punch cards tabulating machines widely used in the computing stations and computing centres to process statistical and book-keeping information in the collective farms. In the early 1960s, first mainframes were installed in the state. The great enthusiasm ensued relating to the use of optimization techniques, particularly linear programming. Later the new type of machine minicomputers appeared. Its growth was a cultural, economic and technological phenomenon. The direction of computerization been known as Office Automatization. New era of the digitalization started with coming of the personal computers. The peasants purchased PC for different computing works at the farms. The second part of the article devoted the computerization in the rural area in nowadays. The people use the different software applications. Training of the inhabitants, teachers, unemployed people take place. The precision agriculture is coming in the farms in rural area. The emergence of the Internet brought the changes in the life of rural area. The new technologies of Internet appear in the rural area.
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