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A 90-day repeated-dose oral toxicity study on Chelidonium majus extract in Fischer 344/N rats


Kim, D.H., Preclinical Research Center, ChemOn, Yongin, Republic of Korea | Zhang, H.S., Preclinical Research Center, ChemOn, Yongin, Republic of Korea | Kim, K.H., Preclinical Research Center, ChemOn, Yongin, Republic of Korea | Kang, S.C., Preclinical Research Center, ChemOn, Yongin, Republic of Korea | Kim, H.S., Preclinical Research Center, ChemOn, Yongin, Republic of Korea | Gil, K.H., Preclinical Research Center, ChemOn, Yongin, Republic of Korea | Kong, K.H., Preclinical Research Center, ChemOn, Yongin, Republic of Korea | Ahn, T.H., Preclinical Research Center, ChemOn, Yongin, Republic of Korea | Bae, J.S., Preclinical Research Center, ChemOn, Yongin, Republic of Korea | Go, H.K., Preclinical Research Center, ChemOn, Yongin, Republic of Korea | Kim, K.H., Preclinical Research Center, ChemOn, Yongin, Republic of Korea | Park, C.K., Preclinical Research Center, ChemOn, Yongin, Republic of Korea | Lee, H.K., Preclinical Research Center, ChemOn, Yongin, Republic of Korea | Song, S.W., Preclinical Research Center, ChemOn, Yongin, Republic of Korea | Han, Z.Z., Preclinical Research Center, ChemOn, Yongin, Republic of Korea

Ключевые слова АГРОВОК

Библиографическая информация
Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
Том 49 Выпуск 1 ISSN 1225-0198
Нумерация страниц
pp. 23-34
Другие темы
Toxicite; Repeated dose toxicity test; Chelidonium majus; F344/n rats
6 tables
3ill., 47 ref.
Переведенный заголовок
백굴채 (Chelidonium majus) 추출물의 Fischer 344/N 랫드를 이용한 90일간 반복 경구투여 독성시험

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