Дерматозы крупного рогатого скота, гигиенические аспекты их возникновения
Zhurba, V.A. | Savchenko, S.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there were studied the aetiology factors in development of dermatoses of productive cows taking into account the hygienic aspects. Structural defects of floors of cattle livestock buildings in animals of an experimental group promoted higher (on 35%) development of mattery dermhelminthiasis of distal areas of hindlegs in comparison with animals of a control group. Occurrence of skin dermhelminthiasis, especially in distal areas of hindlegs, was caused by various primary traumas of soft parts with the subsequent introduction into them of pathogenic microbial flora. The imperfect design of floors, an unsatisfactory microclimate in cow cattle houses, hypodynamia in the absence of constitutional walk made the preconditions for it. The reasons of purulent dermatosis of cows were two interconnected etiological factors: mechanical damages of tissues and development of a surgical infections in affected areas against the background of unsatisfactory microclimate that led to decrease in dairy efficiency on 4,51%. Therefore in a complex of the actions directed towards the preventive maintenance of surgical diseases, it is necessary to include the strict control over designing, building and operation of cattle-breeding premises, traumatism prevention, creation of an optimum microclimate and observance of zoohygienic norms of cattle maintenance.
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Эту запись предоставил National Academy of Sciences of Belarus