The seasonal difference of MTNR1a gene mRNA expression in sheep | 绵羊MTNR1a基因mRNA表达量的季节性差异
Guo Tingting, Gansu Agricultural University,Lanzhou(China), College of Animal Science and Technology | Liu Yueqin, Hebei Agricultural University,Baoding(China), College of Animal Science and Technology | Zhang Yingjie, Hebei Agricultural University,Baoding(China), College of Animal Science and Technology
Китайский. 本试验分别于春分、夏至、秋分和冬至4个节气,随机选择体况良好体重相近的蒙古羊8只,外科手术取下丘脑、垂体组织样品,采用RT-PCR方法对其褪黑素受体MTNR1a基因表达进行半定量分析.结果表明:绵羊MTNR1a基因表达存在明显的季节性节律,下丘脑MTNR1a基因表达量在夏至时最低,秋分时最高,春冬季节相近;垂体MTNR1a基因表达量在秋分时最低,夏至时最高,春冬季节也相近.[著者文摘]
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Английский. Eight Mongolian sheep with good physical condition and similar body weights were selected at vernal equinox,summer solstice,autumnal equinox and winter solstice respectively,and hypothalamus and pituitary glands were obtained surgerically,and the expression of MTNR1a mRNA in hypothalamus and pituitary glandswere studied by RT-PCR.The result showed that the expression of MTNR1a mRNA had seasonal rhythm changes.In hypothalamus,the expression of MTNR1a mRNA waslowest at summer solstice and highest at autumnal equinox,and the expression of MTNR1a mRNA was similar at spring and winter.In pituitary,the expression of MTNR1a mRNA was lowest at autumnal equinox and highest at summer solstice,and the expression of MTNR1a mRNA was similar at spring and winter.[著者文摘]
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