Anatomy of the pericalosum artery of the encephalon of the neotropical primates and his frontal and parietal branches (Cebus apella, Linnaeus, 1766) | Anatomia das artérias pericalosas do encéfalo de primata neotropical e seus ramos frontais e parietais (Cebus apella, Linnaeus, 1766)
Juliana Soares Pires | Jussara Rocha Ferreira
The anatomy of peri-callosum arteries and its branches were studied in Cebus apella monkeys. Thirty cerebral hemispheres were dissected under magnifying glasses. After having been injected with coloured latex (neoprene 450) and fixed in formaldehyde solution at 10%. The peri-callosun arteries of bath antimeres represent terminal bifurcation branches of the inter-hemispheric artery in four different dispositions. Its branches were distributed in the following cerebral regions: a branch in the fronto-polar region; from one to branches in the superior frontal region; from one to four branches in the post-central region. In this sector, the artery contributed to vascularize the pre and post-central regions, where its branches are located obove the inter-hemispheric artery branches. It demonstrates a rich vascularization in this cortical area. The peri-callosum vessels ends up by distributing themselves in the medium parietal region of the encephalon.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Estudou-se no primata Cebus apella a anatomia das artérias pericalosas e seus ramos em trinta hemisférios cerebrais dissecados sob lupa injetados com látex corado (Neoprene 450) e fixados em formol a 10%. As artérias pericalosas nos dois antímeros representaram ramos de bifurcação terminal da artéria inter-hemisférica em quatro diferentes arranjos, com ramos distribuídos para as seguintes regiões corticais: fronto polar, um ramo; frontal superior, de um a dois ramos; pré-central, de um a quatro ramos; pós-central, de um a quatro ramos. As atérias contribuíram para vascularizar as regiões pré e pós-central, onde seus ramos se superpuseram aos ramos da artéria inter-hemisférica, demonstrando a importância funcional desta área. Os vasos pericalosos terminaram se distribuindo na região parietal medial do encéfalo deste primata.
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Эту запись предоставил Universidade de São Paulo