Prickly Shrubby Burnet (Sarcopoterium spinosum L. Spach) controlling in shrubland ecosystems of Gokceada | G�k�eadan�n �al�l�k mera ekosistemlerinde Aptesbozan (Sarcopoterium Spinosum L. Spach) m�cadelesi
G�kku�, A., Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Agriculture, �anakkale (Turkey). Div. of Field Crops | Parlak, A.�., Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Agriculture, �anakkale (Turkey). Div. of Field Crops | Baytekin, H., Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Agriculture, �anakkale (Turkey). Div. of Field Crops | Alat�rk, F., Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Agriculture, �anakkale (Turkey). Div. of Field Crops
Английский. Located in the western point of Turkey, forests and shrublands are important for the island of G�kceada. Almost all of the pasture surfaces are covered mainly with Sarcopoterium spinosum L., a common weed which has intensive thorns to makes it harder to be consumed even for the local sheeps and goats of G�kceada, being main cause of inefficiency for the island pastures.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]турецкий. T�rkiyenin en bat� ucunda yer alan G�k�eadada bodur �al�l� mera ve ormanlar �nemli bir yere sahiptir. Meralar�n tamam�na yak�n� aptesbozan �al�s� ile kapl�d�r. Bu �al� yo�un dikenlere sahip oldu�undan, G�k�eadaya �zg� koyun ve ke�iler bile zor otlamaktad�r. Bu y�zden meralar verimli bir �ekilde de�erlendirilememektedir.
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