The effects of intravenous novacoc on the metabolic profile of dairy cows during transition period
Tunç, A.C.
This study was performed to evaluate the effect of weekly administration of Novacoc intravenously 3 weeks before parturition on some hematological, metabolism, and immune parameters on early lactation period in dairy cows. The experimental study was performed in Niğtaş Tarım İşletmesi, the laboratory and data analyses were performed in Afyon Kocatepe University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Internal Disease, and Department of Animal Nutrition and Nutritional Diseases . In the study, totally 30 Holstein dairy cows were randomly assigned to Control and Treatment groups. The animals in the Treatment Group were administered daily Novacoc , 200 ml (Metamizol Sodyum; 40 mg, Asetilmeiyonin 40 mg, Kafein 3,5 mg, Kalsiyum Glukonat 100 mg, Magnezyum Glukonat 10 mg, Sodyum Dihidrojen Fosfat Dihidrat 4,02 mg, Glikoz monohidrat 200; İnterhas®, Türkiye) as intravenous slowly infusion on first 3 days of each weeks during last 3 weeks of prepartum period and first 3 weeks of postpartum period. The cows were fed the TMR (Total Ration – Total Mixed Ration) during study. The cows in each group were fed the same TMR ration. All TMR samples were mixed and homogenized at the end of the study, and 3 samples were collected from this homogenates for analyses. Weende analyses (Kuru Madde, Ham Kül, Ham Protein, Ham Selüloz, Ham Yağ), ADF and NDF analyses were performed (Soest, 1978). The milk yields of all cows were recorded during postpartum 1 month from data. For this aim, The GEA (Germany) Herd Trace Program using in the farm was used. Parturition day was planned as day "0 (zero)"; blood samples were collected on days -21, -14, -7, 0, 7, 14, 21 from V. coccygea of all cows. Total Leucocyte Count, Lymphocyte Count, Monocyte Count, Granulocyte Count, Total Erythrocyte Count, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit percentage, MCV (Mean Erythrocyte Volume), MCH (Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin), MCHC (Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration), RDW (Red Cell Distribution Width), PLT (Thrombocyte) count, MPV (Mean Thrombocyte Volume), PDW (Thrombocyte Distribution Width), PCT (Platelecrit) percentage were analyzed on whole blood samples; NEFA (Nonesterified Fatty Acids), BHBA (Betahidroksibutiric Acid), Glucose, Total Cholesterol, Triglyceride, LDL (Low Density Lipid), HDL (High Density Lipid), VLDL (Very Low Density Lipid), ALT (Alanin Aminotransferaz), AST (Aspartat Aminotransferaz), ALP (Alkalen Fosfataz) and GGT (Gama Glutamil Transferaz) levels were analyzed using by Chemwell 2910, Full Automatic Elisa Reader on serum samples. Data analyzes were performed using by PASW Statistics (18.0.0) package program. There were no significant differences on biochemical and hematological parameters between Treatment and Control Groups. However, Total Cholesterol, HDL, Triglyceride, and glucose levels were significantly higher on some postpartum days; NEFA and BHBA levels were found decreased. NEFA and BHBA levels in the Control Group were detected as subclinical ketosis levels. In addition to this results, the milk yields of each group were same during first 3 weeks of lactation, but peak milk yield on the Treatment Group detected increased significantly.
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