Germination of cretan date palm (Phoenix theophrasti-Phoenix theophrasti Subsp. Golkoy) and determining their seedling growth characteristics in different growing substrates
Çon, H.
This study was carried out to determine germination characteristics, and investigateeffects of growing substrates on seedling growth of Phoenix theophrasti(Karaöz/Kumluca) and Phoenix theophrasti subsp. golkoy (Göltürkbükü/Bodrum) taxanative to Turkey.The study was conducted into two main stages. In the first stage, some seedmorphological traits were measured and germination of taxa were tested in petri dishes.Also, effects of sowing time (February and April) and taxon on emergencecharacteristics of seedlings were determined with sowing seeds on trays in sand + peat(2:1 by volume) mixture. In the second stage of the study, effects of taxon and growingsubstrate on seedling growth characteristics of Phoenix theophrasti (Karaöz/Kumluca)and Phoenix theophrasti subsp. golkoy (Göltürkbükü/Bodrum) taxa were investigatedunder a restricted fertigation program. In this experiment, seeds were directly sown ingrowing substrates filled in 3 L pots, and loamy soil+ well fermented manure+ sand(2:1:1 by volume), perlite+ peat (2:1 by volume), peat+ sand (2:1 by volume) mixtureswere used as growing substrates.Germination tests indicated that germination percentages were 95,0 % and96,0%, and there was no significant difference between taxa. In trays (emergence)experiment, there were significant differences in emergence characteristics related tosowing time, taxa and sowing time x taxon interactions, and the highest emergencepercentage (83,4%) was recorded in Phoenix theophrasti subsp. golkoy(Göltürkbükü/Bodrum) seeds sown in April. Results related to growing substratesshowed that there were significant differences originated substrates, taxa and substrate xtaxon interactions in seedling growth characteristics such as leaf number, length andwide, and leaf mineral nutrient contents. The highest growth characteristics values wererecorded for Phoenix theophrasti (Karaöz/Kumluca) seedlings grown on loamy soil+well fermented manure+ sand (2:1:1 by volume) mixture.
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