Effects of organic matter, slow-release fertilizer and seedling density to diameter and height development of narrow-leaved ash (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl.) seedlings | Organik madde, yavaş çözünen gübre ve fidan sıklığının dar yapraklı dişbudak(Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl.)fidanlarının çap ve boy gelişimine etkileri
Fidan, C. | Gültekin, H. C. | Tamyüksel, H.
The aim of the study was to obtain maximum quantity of standard seedling (SS) per unit area in Izmit Forest Nursery to use in the bottomland ash (Fraxinus angustifolia) plantations. In this context, SS was described as 1+0 age of bare-root ash seedlings with root collar diameter greater than 0.8 cm and seedlings' height over 70 cm. Organic matter (OM) was applied as main treatment with the rates of 0 m3 (no organic matter addition), 1 m3 and 2 m3 per 150 m2 . Slow-release fertiliser (SRF) was used and organic matter (OM) was applied as fertilised (F) and non-fertilised (NF) by dividing the plots. Seedling density (SD) was planned and applied at 4 levels as 25, 50, 75 and 100 seedlings per square meter. According to analysis of variance, SD and OM application rates were significant while application of SRF was non-significant. Duncan Multiple Comparison Test was used to compare the mean values of SS. The maximum SS production was obtained from 2 m3 OM. The numbers of SS obtained from the densities of 100, 75, 50 and 25 were 40a, 43a, 35a and 17b respectively. The numbers of SS obtained from the first three densities were not statistically different. However, since it's considered that the least density would be more economic, 50 seedlings per square meter could be suggested for 2 m3 . Accordingly as the numbers of SS obtained from non-fertilised plots OM-1 and OM-0 were not statistically different 25 seedlings per square meter is suggested for these plots.
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