Investigation of eimeria species in chickens in samsun region by real time PCR
Aslan, Ç.
This study was conducted to determine the molecular prevalence of Eimeria species that cause coccidiosis in free-range chicken farms in Samsun district of Black Sea region in Turkey. For this aim, between September 2015 and March 2016, a total of 390 fecal samples were collected from 11 different free-range chicken farms that contain approximately 15000 Hubbard Isa Red Ja chickens. The collected fecal samples were investigated in terms of Eimeria ookists at the laboratory and the oocystes per gram of feces (OPG) were calculated in the positive samples. Real Time PCR analyses of the the samples were carried out on the genomic DNA isolates from the Eimeria oocytes positive samples in order to identification of Eimeria species. Two hundered forty (61.5%) out of examined fecal samples were found to be positive with Eimeria ooycstes. The OPG values of Eimeria oocytes positive fecal samples were determined between 100.00 and 300000.00. According to the results of Real Time PCR analyses, E. tenella was found to be the most prevalent species with the ratio of 95.8% and this was followed by E. maxima, E. acervulina and E. praecox with the ratios of 83.3%, 58.3%, 4.1%, respectively. Mix infections were determined in 200 (51.2%) of the 390 fecal samples and 83.3% of positive samples. In conclusion, the molecular prevalence of Eimeria species that cause coccidiosis in the free-range chicken farms in Samsun district were displayed with this study.
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