Development Stages and Quality Evaluation of Bovine Embryos
Kara, Ugur | Bekyurek, Tayfur
Embryo transfer applications are becoming widespread nowadays in cattle. About1250000 transferable embryos are produced annually using in vivo and in vitro tecniques from genetically most valuable females in herds. In addition, approximately 1000000 transfersare carried out per year from these embryos. According to data from the European EmbryoTransfer Society, North America ranks first in embryo production worldwide. In embryotransfer studies, embryo quality, embryo morphology, recipient quality, experience of thepractitioner and environmental factors affect the obtained pregnancy rates. The determinationof the morphology and the quality of embryos is important to achieve successful pregnancyrates in their fresh transfer, freezing, storage and cultivation according to their developmentalstages. Standard evaluation according to International Embryo Transfer Society criteria isdone by evaluating the developmental stage and morphological integrity of the embryo.Evaluation codes of development stages and quality were determined numerically by thisassociation (for developmental stages 1-9, for embryo quality 1-4). The aim of this review isto give basic information about the morphology and quality evaluation criteria of cattleembryos.
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