AGRIS — международная информационная система по сельскохозяйственным наукам и технологиям

Ecosystem service research in the dry subtropics: Current state, temporal changes and drivers of regional variability


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Библиографическая информация
One Ecosystem
Том 9 Нумерация страниц e118444 ISSN 2367-8194
Spot Vegetation multi temporal data for classifying vegetation in south central Asia
Том 84 Нумерация страниц 1440 - 1448
ISSN 1467-7679
Lung function impairment in women exposed to biomass fuels during cooking compared to cleaner fuels in Uttar Pradesh, India
Том 34 Нумерация страниц 971 - 974
Land Use of Australia, Version 3 - 2001/2002
ISSN 0378-1127
ISSN 0006-3207
Natural enemies of maize stemborers on the highveld of Zimbabwe
Том 9 Нумерация страниц 67 - 75
Conservation of environmental ethics in ancient India from unsustainable to sustainable development
Том 7 Нумерация страниц 1690 - 1695
Environmental Conservation Ethics in Ancient India
Том 8 Нумерация страниц 58 - 63
Crop production and road connectivity in Sub-Saharan Africa: A spatial analysis.
ISSN 4899-7214
ISSN 1529-8817
ISSN 0006-3568
ISSN 1475-4959
Human Population and the Global Environment: Population growth, rising per capita material consumption, and disruptive technologies have made civilization a global ecological force
Том 62 Нумерация страниц 282 - 292
Development of a 2001 National Land-Cover Database for the United States
Том 70
The sacred groves and their significance in conserving biodiversity an overview.
Том 34 Нумерация страниц 277 - 291
ISSN 1750-0680
Changes in water fluxes partition in the arid chaco caused by the replacement of forest by pastures
Том 26 Нумерация страниц 95 - 106
ISSN 2151-3732
ISSN 1365-2699
ISSN 1365-2664
The ambiguous geographies of protected areas in Galicia
Том 19 Нумерация страниц 56 - 77
Cooperation is key to pollution control in East Texas
Том 43 Нумерация страниц 44 - 46
ISSN 1574-0862
ISSN 1744-7429
Chicken diseases and their ethno-botanical treatments among the rural poor in Southern Zambia, Africa
Том 29
Primary production and abiotic controls in forests, grasslands, and desert ecosystems in the United States
Том 64 Нумерация страниц 134 - 151
ISSN 0006-3568
Pensoft Publishers
Другие темы
Geographic gaps; Cultural drivers; Temporal trend; Thematic gaps
Review Article

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