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Study of the Flight Range of the Soil Layer Cut with the Blade of Rotary Clod Crusher-Conveyer of a Potato Digger
Yesoyan, A.M. | Mtevosyan, A.A.
Potato peeling machines do not provide the necessary technological quality of the tuber cleaning process. The shovel separation system operating in heavy ground conditions must be equipped with a dynamic shredder of tubers. The driving mechanism of grinding and pipelining, operating on a dynamic principle, is located in front of the goiter of the potato peeling machine and covers the entire profile of the tuber. The ground chips cut from the tuber should be thrown into the aisle to reduce the amount of soil in the tuber-soil mass, the most purified tuber mass from the soil should be fed into the filter elevator. The analysis of the calculated value of the angle of installation of the knife shows that the optimal position of the knife in the range of rotation angles of the rotor depends only on the kinematic parameter. When justifying the parameters of a large-sized conveyor, determining the optimal value of the angle of installation of the knife is necessary, but still insufficient condition. A sufficient condition requires justification of the second parameter of the knife installation to ensure the simultaneous fulfillment of two conditions: cutting chips with an inclined slide and its ejection into the interline space. The installation condition of the knife is provided by sliding cutting, taking into account that it is necessary that the Earth chips be dumped into the aisle after cutting from the tuberous soil, to reduce the amount of soil in the tuberous-soil mass, a more purified tuberous mass from the soil is fed into the filter elevator.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]The Effect of Bud Loading on the Grape Growth, Yield, and Quality Indicators of the Nrneni Grape Variety
Grigoryan, B.A. | Ohanyan, A.I.
In the Armavir marz of the Republic of Armenia, the effect of the load of buds was studied on the growth, yield, and quality indicators of the Nrneni grape variety. This grape variety was created at the Armenian Agricultural Institute, by crossing the 1-17-1 (Alicant Bushe x Cabernet Sauvignon) hybrid form and the Georgian Saperavi varieties. The Nrneni grape variety is lateripening, moderately high-growing, with low frost resistance and high fungal disease resistance. Experimental vineyards were planted at a planting density of 2.5x1.5 m. The vines were formed according to a low-stem multi-arm fan-shaped formation: The load of the vines was studied at 20, 30, 40, and 50 buds. Research findings related to shoot growth, ripening, and harvest quality enable us to recommend the optimal vine load for the Nrneni grape variety in the Armavir marz region. Based on these studies, we suggest maintaining a load of 30–40 buds per vine.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]A Study of Weight Gain Dynamics in Lambs of Armenian Semi-Fine Fleece Sheep in the Corridel Breed before Weaning
Pambukhchyan, Z.S. | Marmaryan, Y.G.
In livestock breeding, particularly in sheep breeding, biotechnology of industrial technology plays an important role. A remarkable characteristic of technology is that it should be economically and biologically suitable. As a result, we are faced with the task of increasing grain yields and qualitative compositions of sheep. Ewes not having enough milk to feed their lambs after birth, result in malnourished lambs that grow poorly. Consequently, they become sick, and the rate of decline increases. Based on the analysis of the data, it appears that the variation in the live mass can also be attributed to ewes feeding, care, and behavior during the manger period. According to the research program, 2.5- and 5-month-old lambs were weighed. 2.5-month-old lambs had an average live weight of 17.0-20.51 kg for males and 15.10-18.13 kg for females. Compared to the live weight of newborn lambs (3.85 kg and 3.20 kg), the absolute weight gain of male and female lambs at 2.5 months was 16.66 kg and 14.93 kg, respectively. Lambs grain weight rapidly from birth to 2.5 months old (200-220 grams per day), which is typical for lambs in this age group. The data shows that lambs up to 2.5 months of age grew more rapidly than lambs 2.5-5 months of age, which was 12.69 kg and 12.09 kg, respectively, which is typical for lambs this age of multi-purpose sheep.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Study of Genetic Diversityof Cereals Using Protein Markers
Badalyan, M.V. | Melikyan, A.Sh. | Aloyan, T.B. | Sahakyan, A.J.
The crops variety growing in Armenia has not been fully explored yet, hence, their genetic potential has not been revealed. Therefore, study of gliadin (Gld) locus contained in cereals’ embryo will further clarify the process of allelofunds and genotypes, homozygocity and heterozigocity, genetic similarity, genetic formula and genomic analysis of studied cultivars and wild species. The research was carried out in 20212022 in the educational laboratory of Food Quality Control of the Armenian National Agrarian University. The samples of the studied plants were taken from the exsitu seed collection of the National Gene bank of Agricultural Crops and their Wild Relatives of the “Scientific Center of AgroBiotechnology” branch of the Armenian National Agrarian University. From the electrophoretic spectrum of gliadin (Gld) for the study and identification of the genetic diversity of the inventory samples of cereals diversity protein formulas were deciphered, allelotypes and genotypes, homozygosity and heterozygos ity levels were determined, and genomic analysis was performed. According to the genomic analysis of the studied cereals varieties and wild relatives using protein markers, gliadin is spread into four zones: α, β, γ and ω. The genes regulating the synthesis of different parts of gliadin of α, β, γ, ω zones, are polymorphic located in chromosomes 6B(S), 1A(S), 1B(S), 1D(S), and in the case of Alti aghaj, Voskehask and Gjulgian also in 6A chromosome. There are no genes regulating the synthesis of gliadin segments in chromosome 6D(α). Research results, as genetic markers, can be used in identification and selection of studied varieties and wild species.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Assessment of Agrobiological Characteristics of Some Marrow Squash Zucchini Varieties in Conditions of Martuni Region of Artsakh Republic
Harutyunyan, M.O. | Aloyan, T.B.
The implemented research was aimed to evaluate the biological and economic indicators of the studied varieties of zucchini, to introduce the most valuable and highyielding variety into production. Expert studies were conducted in 20212022 in the Taghavard community of the Martuni region of the Republic of Artsakh, located at an altitude of 600m above sea level. Anna (control), Adana and Zartonk zucchini varieties were studied. Each cultivar was planted in a 50 m2 plot with four replications. In each plot, 123 plants were planted in two rows of 10 m length, with 90+70 cm interrow and 45 cm interplant distance. During the vegetation period, feeding with the norm of N 45 was done twice. Breeding varieties were evaluated according to growth and development stages, duration of vegetation, resistance to diseases and pests, and yield indicators. According to research, the Adana and Zartonk have a relatively long vegetation period (72 and 73 days), and the Adana (510 cent/ha) stands out in terms of crop structural elements and yield indicators. Adana and Zartonk are relatively resistant to diseases, and the difference in pest infestation is insignificant. Adana surpassed both Anna and Zartonk in terms of fruit percentage. It exceeded the highyield control by 135 cent/ha, at the same time, with high economic efficiency, it provided 135 cent/ha crop addition and AMD 420.000 additional profit per hectare. It is recommended to cultivate the Adana zucchini variety in the submountainous zone of the Artsakh Republic.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Developing Fruit and Vegetable Powder Production Methods from the Secondary Raw Material and their Use in the Flour Confectionery Manufacture
Yavruyan, N.V. | Karapetyan, V.A. | Gomtsyan, YE.Kh. | Mirumyan, I.A.
The demand for confectionery products is constantly growing, so a task has been set up to justify the use of secondary raw materials obtained from the first extract fruit and vegetable juices in the production of cupcakes. The use of fruit and vegetable powders will enable to expand the product range of flour confectionery, as well as to enrich the finished product with dietary fibers and vitamins. Apple and parsnip pulp were subjected to primary research, and their nutritional value was determined. The chemical and vitamin indicators of the finished products were determined according to the research methods regulated by GOST. Then, comparative evaluation of the vitamin value of apple and parsnip pulps was made. According to research results, fruit and vegetable pulp is not inferior in nutritional value to the original raw material, only certain losses occur during juice extraction process. In order to obtain fruit and vegetable powders and possibly preserve their valuable components, the convective microwave drying method was used, which prevents microbial spoilage and deactivation of enzymes in the pulp. After drying, the content of vitamins, chemical and mineral substances in the obtained powders was studied. The addition of 1015 % fruit and vegetable powders in the production recipe of cupcakes improves the physicochemical indicators of the finished product. Cupcakes made with the supplementation of fruit and vegetable powders also have a low energy value and contain a large amount of pectin substances. Therefore, we recommend using these powders in the manufacture of other products as well.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Raising Heifers of Holstein and Fleckvieh Cattle Breed through Winter Grazing in the RA Armavir Region
Giloyan, G.H. | Ter-Isahakyan, L.G. | Kasumyan, N.A.
Throughout 121 days of winter pasture period, the animals aged 9.012.9 months old were grazed on without supplemental feeding. The study was carried out in the winter pasture of Yeghegnut community, Armavir region of RA. 10 heads from Holstein and Flekvi heifers each, kept in stalls were selected for the research. During 121 days of winter grazing, female calves from 9.0 to 12.9 monthold were in the pasture from 12:00 to 17:00 and during the remaining 19 hours in the cattle shed, without additional feeding. Absolute, average daily, relative weight gain and growth factors were determined on the basis of weighing and body part measurements at the beginning and end of winter grazing. According to the weight growth data, the absolute weight gain of a 9.012.9monthold female Holstein calf was 71.4 kg, the average daily weight gain was 610 g, the relative weight gain was 30.6 %, the growth factor was 1.4 times, compensation for 1 kg weight gainer – 5.4 energy feed units, and for the Flekvi breed – 62.6 kg, 535 g, 27 %,1.3 times, and 6.2 energy feed units, respectively. According to the data of linear growth, the height of the body parts of the 9.012.9monthold female Holstein breed in creased by 3.03.7, width by 3.03.3, length by 0.94.3, chest depth – 3.1, breast width – 3.6, forearm width – 0.7 cm, and Flekvi – 2.33.2, 0.72.6, 0.76.1, 1.7, 5.5 and 1.4 cm, respectively. Body composition indices also prove that the body structure of the 12.9monthold female Holstein and Flekvi breeds has also developed proportionally. Therefore, we suggest to graze 6monthold calves and older animals of different gender and age groups in the Armavir region of RA in winter pastures.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Identifying the Effectiveness of Bio-Emulsifier and L-Carnitine Application in Low-Calorie Diets for Broilers
Vardanyan, H.R.
During the research aimed at reducing the cost price of poultry feed and increasing their productivity lysofort bioemulator and Lcarnitine supplement were used. 4 groups of ROSS308 broilers were made (100 heads each). The control group received feed portion corresponding to the nutrition value of ROSS308 cross boiler feed, containing defined content of exchange energy (in the initial phase3050 kcal/kg, in the growth period3100 kcal/kg, and in the final stage3200 kcal/kg). In the experimental groups, the efficiency of the exchange energy was artificially reduced, mostly due to low content of vegetable oil. Feed conversion, head maintenance, live broiler chickens of different ages, growth dynamics, average daily weight growth, meat qualities of slaughtered poultry were studied in all groups. According to the research results, compared with the control group, the indicators of feed conversion and average daily weight growth of broiler chicken fed by portions containing bioemulator and Lcarnitine were improved, which testifies to the increase in the availability of energy. Due to the synergy of joint application of bioemulators and Lcarnitine, feed conversion is improved, production costs and cost price are reduced, the productivity of broilers is increased, as well as the profitability of poultry production (not at the cost of increasing the consumer prices) and meat quality is improved (as a result of increasing the amount of protein and reducing fat). As an efficient and safe means to increase the profitability of poultry production, the bioemulators and Lcarnitine can be used in the feed of meat poultry.
This study aims to develop technology and a recipe for a novel type of functional bakery product using an alternative sweetener. As licorice roots contain glycyrrhizin, they can be replaced with sugar. Compared to sucrose, glycyrrhizin has a sweet taste 50-100 times stronger. In addition to developing technology for a new product, it is also necessary to consider the economic efficiency and safety of the end product as well. According to the AST 36-94 and AST 37-94 normative documents in force on RA territory, porosity and moisture were determined as physicochemical indicators. A KERN analyzer was used to determine the moisture content of the finished product. The examination of cadmium, arsenic, mercury, and lead from safety indicators was performed according to the normative documents GOST EN 14083-2013, GOST R 51766-2001, and GOST R 53183-2008. As long as there are no risks associated with harmful effects on human life or health, food products are safe. A finished product should also be cost-effective, profitable, and economical. The safety indicators of the finished product were evaluated for their economic efficiency and compliance with the requirements of the existing normative documents. It has been proven that licorice root extract is safe to use in baking since not all sugar substitutes are safe. Despite being novel in the domestic food market, particularly the functional food market, the proposed product can stimulate the growth of bakery industry.
Scientific research was conducted from 2020 to 2022 under laboratory conditions and on cabbage plantations (plot and industrial). It has been confirmed that cabbage plantations in the Lukashin community of the Armavir region had a high population of cabbage moth caterpillars. Local bacterial cultural liquids of Bacillus thuringiensis species tested separately and in combination with sublethal doses of insecticides showed high biological effectiveness against phytophagous caterpillars of ages I-III, which does not differ significantly from the reference indicator: commercial bacterial preparation Lepidocide. According to the results of laboratory examination of the bodies of the deceased larvae, it was found out that the decomposing body tissues of the pest larvae were filled with insecticidal sporocrystalline components, which confirmed that the death of the phytophagous larvae is the result of the effect of the tested insecticides. When struggling against cabbage moth caterpillars, it is proposed to use bacterial culture fluids alone with a lethal dose of 300 million spores/ml and in combinations with their sub-lethal quantity (titer of 150 million spores/ml) with the chemical insecticide calypso (0.033 % suspension).
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