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Effect of benzyladenine treatment on chemical composition and salt tolerance of some maize inbreds under salt stress
Shadi, A.I. | Sarwat, M.I. | Tag-El-Din, M.A. (Ain-Shams Univ., Cairo (Egypt). Faculty of Agriculture) | Abou-Deif, M.H.
Growth response of mango seedlings to phosphorus and zinc fertilization
Khamis, M.A. (Zagazig Univ., Moshtohor (Egypt). Faculty of Agriculture) | Awad, S.M. | Sharaf, A.N. | Abu-El-Azm, S.k.
Using tissue culture as a tool for increasing the productivity of seedlings and total yield of some pepper hybrids
El-Zeiny, O.A.H. (Ministry of Agriculture, Cairo (Egypt). Horticulture Research Inst.)
Effect of phosphorus and zinc fertilization on some nutrients content of mango seedlings
Sharaf, M.M. (Zagazig Univ., Moshtohor (Egypt). Faculty of Agriculture) | Awad, S.M. | Sharaf, A.N. | Abu-El-Azm, S.K.
pplication of formulated biocontrol fungi against Rhizoctonia Black Scurf disease of potato
Haggag, W.M.E. | Nofal, M.A. (National Research Center, Cairo (Egypt). Plant Pathology Dept.)
Prospects for evaluation of Frankia casuarina association under Egyptian conditions. 1.- biochemical and molecular differentation of Native frankia
Eweda, W.E.E. | Selim, S.M. | Zayed, M.S.Ain-Shams Univ., Cairo (Egypt). Faculty of Agriculture)