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دراسة اقتصادیة لأهم العوامل المؤثرة علی کمیة وجودة الواردات المصریة من القمح
Nariman Farid | وحيد علي محمد مجاهد | mohamed othman
یعد محصول القمح من أهم محاصیل الحبوب الغذائیة فی مصر و یعتبر سلعة إستیراتیجیة، وتعتبر مصر أکبر مستورد للقمح علی مستوی العالم، ودائما تتجه الدول النامیة لإستیراد المواد الغذائیة التی تعانی عجزاً فی إنتاجها لسد العجز الغذائی لها و یلاحظ أن کمیة الواردات المصریة من القمح تزداد سنویا حیث زاد المتوسط السنوی لکمیة الواردات المصریة من القمح خلال فترة الدراسة (2001- 2018) من 6.9 إلی 11 ملیون طن، وقد ظهرت مشکلة البحث أن غالبیة الدراسات تهتم بالتعرف علی العوامل المحددة للکمیات الواردة من القمح و فی المقابل لایوجد إهتمام ملحوظ بالعوامل المحددة لجودة تلک الواردات لذلک إستهدف البحث الوقوف علی أهم العوامل المحلیة التی تؤثر علی الکمیات الواردة من القمح، و کذلک أهم العوامل التی یعزی إلیها أسباب الرفض لبعض الکمیات غیر المطابقة لمواصفات الجودة والسلامة ومن هذا الهدف الرئیسی تندرج مجموعة من الأهداف الفرعیة تتمثل فی دراسة تطور الواردات المصریة من القمح، دراسة التوزیع الجغرافی للواردات المصریة من القمح، التعرف علی أهم العوامل الداخلیة المؤثرة علی کمیة الواردات المصریة من القمح، الأسباب المختلفة للرفض وفق التشریعات و المواصفات القیاسیة المصریة ذات العلاقة. واوضحت النتائج أن أهم العوامل الداخلیة المؤثرة علی کمیة الواردات المصریة من القمح تتمثل فی السعر الإستیرادی والإنتاج المحلی وعدد السکان، حیث تبین من التقدیر الإحصائی وجود علاقة طردیة تتفق مع المنطق الإقتصادی بین کمیة الواردات من القمح و بین عدد السکان و ثبتت معنویتها إحصایاً حیث أنه کلما زاد عدد السکان بمقدار ملیون نسمة تزداد کمیة الواردات بمقدار معنوی إحصائیاً بلغ حوالی 0.32 ملیون طن، کما إتضح أیضاً وجود علاقة عکسیة متفقة أیضا مع المنطق الإقتصادی بین کمیة الواردات من القمح و الإنتاج المحلی ثبتت معنویتها إحصائیاً حیث أنه کلما زاد الإنتاج المحلی بمقدار ملیون طن تنخفض کمیة الواردات بمقدار معنوی إحصائیاً بلغ نحو 1.03 ملیون طن سنویاً. کما تبین أیضاً عدم ثبوت معنویة تأثیر متوسط قیمة الوحدة الإستیرادیة حیث أن القمح سلعة إستیراتیجیة لایمکن الإستغناء عنها. کما تبین انه خلال الفترة (2007 – 2018) رصد عدد الرسائل المرفوضة من أهم الدول الموردة للقمح لمصر وأسباب رفضها لعدم مطابقتها للمواصفات و التشریعات المصریة حیث بلغ إجمالی عدد الرسائل المرفوضة فی تلک الفترة تقریباً 2937 رسالة بکمیة بلغت حوالی 2664.87 ألف طن وفیما یتعلق بأهم أسباب زیادة نسبة المرفوض من الواردات المصریة من القمح تبین أنها ترجع إلی إرتفاع نسبة الشوائب التی تتمثل فی إرتفاع نسبة حبوب القمح التالفة هذه النسبة تبلغ حوالی 55.5% من إجمالی أسباب الرفض، بینما جاءت مشکلة المواد الغریبة الغیر عضویة فی المرکز الثانی بنسبة حوالی 42.7 % من إجمالی أسباب الرفض.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of substituting alfalfa hay with graded levels of fennel and basil straws in growing rabbit diets
Hayam Draz | Fathy Abdel_Azeem | Usama Elbehairy | Thanaa Mohamdy | Nasr Elbordiny
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of replacing alfalfa hay with graded levels of fennel and basil straws in the diets of growing rabbits aged from 5 to 11 weeks. Eighty-four unsexed, weaned New Zealand white rabbits, aged 5 weeks, were randomly assigned to seven dietary treatments (12 rabbits/treatment): A control diet; three diets the basil hay substituted for 25%, 50% and 75% of alfalfa straw; and three diets the fennel hay replaced 25%, 50% and 75% of alfalfa straw. Results obtained showed that replacement of alfalfa hay with 25 % fennel straw significantly reduced average daily gain compared with the other experimental treatments, while no significant difference was observed among the other experimental treatments during the stage 5-8 week. On the contrary, the animals fed diets contained 25 % fennel straw gave significantly higher average body weight gain compared with the other experimental groups and no significant differences were observed among the other experimental treatments during 8-11 weeks. Regarding body weight gain during the total period from 5 to 11 weeks of age, the result indicates that no significant differences among all treatments were detected. The values of FCR showed no significant differences within all tested groups. Rabbits group fed B50% recorded the highest significant digestibility coefficients of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, ether extract, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, TDN and DCP when compared to all groups. Levels of basil straw and fennel straw in rabbit diets induced an insignificant effect on hemicellulose. There were higher dressing and hot carcass percentages were recorded with rabbits fed B50%. Plasma values of total protein, albumin, globulin, cholesterol or Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) concentration were not significantly affected due to adding basil straw and fennel straw to rabbit diets. Replacement alfalfa hay with fennel and basil straw resulted in decrease feed cost. Rabbits fed B25% showed higher economic efficiency percentage compared to the other treatments. The results revealed that using basil straw and fennel straw at 25% in growing NZW rabbit diets had no detrimental effects on productive performance, the physiological and biochemical status and it could be used economically instead of alfalfa hay.
Mahmoud Maklad | Mai Anwar | نظمي عبد الغني | Nahla Awad
The apple (Malus domestica) is a member of the Rosaceae family. It is older than the rose in cultivation and is often referred to as the prince of the rose family. Pollen grains of Dorsett Golden, E25 and Ein Shemer were used to investigate their compatibility and incompatibility with Anna cultivar under the Egyptian climatic conditions during two successive experimental seasons of 2016 and 2017. The fluorescence microscope was used to determine the degree of pollen tube growth in style tissue after specific pollination treatments. Degree of self and cross compatibility and or incompatibility were determined, initial, and final fruit set percentage were calculated. Pollination treatments revealed that, pollens of the four apple cultivars exhibited high rate of the viability after 24 hr. in T.T.C test. Growth of pollen tube of the tested cultivars exhibited different pattern of compatibility, the pollen tubes of Dorsett Golden and Ein Shemer cultivars showed different levels of cross-compatibility when fertilized in Anna style tissue. The pollen tube of E25 cultivar grew slowly with heavy deposition of calluses along to the tube where its growth stopped in the lower part of Anna style four days after pollination. Therefore, they need pollinizer cultivars as for good fruit set. On the other hand, Anna self-pollination seemed to be self-incompatible and recorded lowest initial of fruit set percentage in the first and second seasons. The combinations of Anna × Dorsett Golden exhibited maximum percentage of initial and final fruit set in the two seasons followed by Ein Shemer pollens in both seasons. Insignificant differences were noted in fruit weight and fruit volume among all crosses. The highest acidity was found in hybrid Anna × Dorsett Golden in except in the first season TSS values of these crosses were not high and ranged between 11.83 % and 12.83 %.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Efficiency of certain insecticides & bio-products against Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) and Tetranychus urticae koch on potato plants under field conditions AT QALUBIA GOVERNRAT, EGYPT.
ٍSamar Esmail | Shoukry Elrefai | Fatina Baiomy
A field experiment was conducted during autumn plantation in season 2017 at Qaha, Qalubiya Governorate to evaluate the efficiency of ten different control agents; four of them are biorational components (garlic extract, rosemary oil + sunflower oil, sesame oil and chili oil), three of them are natural pesticide (Techno Oil, Top9 and Berna Star), one agent of them is bio-pesticide (bio-fly) and two chemical pesticide (Blanch 48% SC, Mospilan 20% SP) in reducing the population densities of Bemisia tabaci and Tetranychus urticae on Hatma potato cultivar. The results indicated that there were significant differences between the ten tested compounds in reducing the population density of B. tabaci nymphs; Mospilan 20% SP was the most potent compounds in reducing the population density of B. tabaci nymphs causing the highest reduction percentage (83.58 %), while Top9 gave a low effect with reduction percentage (49.32%) and Bio-fly gave moderate reduction percentage (63.92%). These compounds could be divided into two groups according to the reduction percentage: 1st group contains Mospilan 20% SP, Blanch 48% SC (chemical pesticides), Berna Star and Techno Oil (natural pesticides), respectively. 2nd group contains on Bio-fly (bio-pesticide), sesame oil, garlic extract, chili oil, rosemary oil + sunflower oil (biorational components), and Top9 (natural pesticide) on B. tabaci nymphs. Results also revealed that there were significant differences between the mean of general reduction percentage of the ten tested compounds on T. urticae population. Mospilan 20% SP recorded the highest reduction percentage (73.1 %), (rosemary oil + sunflower oil) treatment recorded the lowest reduction percentage 41.97% and Top9 gave moderate reduction percentage (60.03%). These compounds could be divided into two groups: 1st group contains on Mospilan 20% SP, Techno Oil, Blanch 48% SC, garlic extract, Top9, chili oil, sesame oil and Berna Star respectively. 2nd group contains on Bio-fly and (rosemary oil + sunflower oil) respectively
Ahmed Abdel Hamid
The effect of magnetic water compared with saline water , nano-Mg at 100 and 200 ppm and nano-Zn at 50 and 100 ppm treatments and their combinations on lemongrass plants (Cymbopogen citratus L.) was studied during 2018/2019 and 2019/2020.Vegetative growth parameters including plant height, number of tillers/ plant, leaf area, herb fresh and dry weights were greatly affected by both studied factors. Magnetic water treatments recorded the highest values of all vegetative growth parameters compared with saline water. However, all nanoparticles of Mg and Zn treatments were superior than control in promoting vegetative growth parameters and the treatments of 100 ppm nano-Zn and 200 ppm nano-Mg recorded the maximum values of vegetative growth parameters. The combined treatments showed that the highest values of vegetative growth measurements were obtained in plants irrigated with magnetic water and sprayed with 100 ppm nano-Zn, in both cuts In 1st and 2ndseasons.N, P, K and Mg contents were significantly higher in lemongrass plants irrigated with magnetic water than those irrigated with saline water. Moreover, the treatments of 100 ppm nano-Zn exhibited the highest significant values of N, P, K, whereas 100 and 200 ppm of nano-Mg treatments were superior in recording the highest values of Mg content, in the two seasons. The combination treatments of lemongrass plants irrigated with magnetic water and sprayed with 100 ppm nano-Zn or 200 ppm nano-Mg produced the richest values of N, P and K% D.W., whereas, the treatments of magnetic water combined with 100 or 200 ppm of nano-Mg produced the best Mg content.A great effect of magnetic water irrigation on increasing Fe and Zn contents than saline water treatments. The treatments of 50 and 100 ppm of nano-Zn were more effective than control and other treatments in maximizing Fe and Zn levels. The combined treatments of lemongrass plants irrigated with magnetic water and sprayed with 100 ppm of nano-Zn exhibited the highest values of Fe and Zn% D.W. in most cases. Additionally, total chlorophyll greatly increased in lemongrass plants irrigated with magnetic water than those irrigated with saline water, whereas the treatment of 200 ppm nano-Mg increased it than others. Interaction effect showed that, plants irrigated with magnetic water and sprayed with nano-Mg at 200 ppm exhibited the highest values of total chlorophyll.Proline and glycine betaine contents were greatly decreased with magnetic water treatment compared with saline water. Meanwhile, all applied treatments were effective in decreasing the levels of both constituents than control, which considered a good indicator to alleviation of water salinity stress on lemongrass plants through magnetic water and nanoparticles of Mg and Zn applications. Finally, volatile oil %, was greatly increased in lemongrass plants irrigated with magnetic water, especially the treatment of nano-Zn at 100 ppm as compared of others in this respect in both cuts and the two studied seasons. The interaction between the two studied factors was significant which means that both factors act together in improving volatile oil content in lemongrass herb
Seham Abed
A tissue culture experiment was conducted to attain the adventitious buds initiation and growth from Fragraia x ananassa cv. Festival in vitro leaves. The leaves were excited from shoot propagated in vitro and cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 4.50, 6.75, and 9.00 mmol l-1 thidiazuron (TDZ) for six weeks. Then explants were transferred to MS medium (salts and vitamins) free plant growth regulators for 8 weeks. This study included the histological and morphological responses of strawberry leaves with TDZ treatments in relation to some biochemical components. All TDZ treatments resulted in adventitious shoots development on leaf explants without callus formation. Growth in 6.75 mmol l-1 TDZ led to an increment in the most morphological parameters compared to the rest treatments. The results showed that 6.75 mmol l-1 of TDZ treatment significantly increases the number of shootlets per explant (5.0), total shoot (51.3), the number of leaves/explant (12) as compared with other treatments while the rest of parameters (the survival percentage, shoot length (cm), number of leaves/explant, root length (cm), and number of roots/explant) did not show any significant differences. Accumulation of chlorophylls, total sugars, and total soluble phenols was enhanced by 6.75 mmol l-1 of TDZ. The histological observations showed that adventitious shoots initiated from some parenchyma of ground tissue in the midvein zone of the explant, whereas the parenchyma mesophyll and the epidermal cells did not involve in this process. The ontogenesis of adventitious shoots was described by successive stages with the following distinguishable anatomical structures: meristemoids, bud primordium, shoot apex with leaf primordial, branching of adventitious shoots. After four weeks of culture, cell dedifferentiation was recorded in the midvein parenchyma and forming small groups of divided cells called meistemoid centres. These centres forming new meristematic masses embedded in the ground tissue of the main vein. After six weeks, further development of these masses resulted in the formation of bud primordial with normal organized shoot apical meristems and leaf primordial and arising from the explant as small protrusions. After two weeks from subculture on MS free TDZ, the adventitious shoots continue to elongate with forming new lateral branches and clearly observed on the adaxial side of the explant. This procedure provides a simple and rapid approach to regenerate strawberry plants via direct organogenesis.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of some edible coating and packaging on quality attributes of broccoli florets during cold storage.
Neama Hussein | Mamdouh Fawzy | Ahmed Abou El-Yazeid | Rawia Elbasiouny
Broccoli heads (Brassica oleracea var. Italica) Sakura F1 Hybrid were get from private farm in alnuwbaria Beheira Government. Heads were harvested at the appropriate stage of harvesting on 22th and 13th February 2017 and 2018, respectively, and then transported immediately to Horticulture Research Institute, ARC. The impact of edible coatings and packaging on the postharvest appearance and compositional quality changes of separated florets broccoli stored at 0°C were determined. Separated florets rinsed with chlorinated water (150 ppm) then washed by distilled water. The samples were then allowed to dry. Broccoli florets were dipped in chitosan solution at 0.5 and 1% concentration for 3 min. Carboxymethyl cellulose solution at 0.5 and 1% concentration for 3 min and distilled water represented as control. All treatments were dried and packed in non-perforated polypropylene bags (non-PPPb) or micro-perforated polypropylene bags (micro-PPPb) and stored at 0°C for 20 days plus 2 days at 10°C (shelf life). Results showed that loss of weight, decay, off odor, discoloration and peroxidase activity, of broccoli florets were increased as the storage period increased, while general appearance, total chlorophyll and total phenolic content were increased. For the influence of packaging material the results showed that there were significant differences between packaging materials on quality of florets. Broccoli florets which packed in non-perforated polypropylene bags (non-PPPb) had better florets quality as compared with those packed in micro-perforated polypropylene bags (micro-PPPb) during storage plus shelf life. Chitosan at 0.5 or 1% is the huge influence in reducing weight loss%, decay (score) peroxidase enzyme activity, off odor (score), discoloration (score) as well as in maintaining total chlorophyll and total phenolic contents during storage plus shelf life. Furthermore, florets dipped in chitosan 1% and then packed in non-PPPb was the most effective treatment in retarding loss of quality attributes, through the storage periods and helped in retarding deterioration and gave florets with good appearance after 20 days at 0°C plus 2 days at 10°C (shelf life) without decay.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]سد النهضة الإثیوبی والزراعة المصریة
Jehad Awdah | Mohamed el-eraky | atef goda
الملخص تعتبر میاه النیل هی أکبر مصادر المیاه فی مصر حیث تمثل حوالی 72.62% من إجمالی الموارد المائیة المتاحة فی مصر، وأغلب الاحتیاجات المائیة فی مصر تعود لقطاع الزراعة حیث تمثل نسبة الزراعة نحو 81.45% من إجمالی الاحتیاجات المائیة فی مصر، وتلیها فی المرتبة الثانیة میاه الشرب حیث تبلغ نسبتها نحو 12.13% من إجمالی الاحتیاجات المائیة فی مصر. کما أنه منذ عام 1947 وحتى عام 1960 کان هناک وفرة نسبیة فی المیاه حیث تراوح نصیب الفرد سنویاً من المیاه بین (2604 -1893) متر مکعب؛ بینما وصلت مصر للکفایة المائیة منذ عام 1970 وحتى عام 1986 وتراوح نصیب الفرد من المیاه من (1672 إلى 1138) متر مکعب. ووصلت مصر للندرة المائیة منذ عام 1996 وحتى الآن حیث انخفض نصیب الفرد إلى نحو 860 متر مکعب. ومن المتوقع أن یصل نصیب الفرد إلى نحو 582 لتر فی عام 2025. ومن المعروف أن حد الفقر المائی هو 1000 م3، أی أن مصر وصلت لحد الفقر المائی بدایةً من 1996 وحتى الآن. ومن المتوقع أن تتسع الأزمة المائیة فی مصر فی عام 2050 حیث یصل نصیب الفرد فی مصر من المیاه إلى 294 م3، ویهتم هذا البحث بدراسة العلاقة المتشابکة بین مصر وإثیوبیا (فی ملف میاه النیل) فی إطار نظریة المباریات، حیث تم استخدام نماذج بسیطة لتحلیل الصراع المستمر والمخاوف بشأن سد النهضة الإثیوبی، ویشیر التحلیل إلى وجود درجة عالیة من الإجهاد المائی وقد یؤدی إلى صِدام مباشر بین دول حوض النیل على الرغم من أن التوصل إلى حل سلمی للمشکلة من الممکن أن یؤدی إلى زیادة العوائد المائیة لکلا البلدین. وبدراسة السیناریوهات المختلفة لملء خزان سد النهضة تبین أن مصر من الممکن أن تفقد حوالی 88% و 66% من أراضیها الزراعیة على الترتیب وفقاً للسیناریوهات الأول والثانی حیث سیتم ملء الخزان فی السیناریو الأول على مدار ثلاث سنوات مما سیترتب علیه نسبة عجزتقدر بحوالی 26% من إجمالی الموازنة المائیة المصریة السنویة مما سیؤدی إلى خسارة 2.6 ملیون فدان سنویاً، أی أنه على مدار 3 سنوات ستفقد مصر حوالی 8 ملیون فدان من رقعتها الزراعیة والبالغة نحو 9.1 ملیون فدان. أما بالنسبة للسیناریو الثانی فسیتم ملء الخزان وفقاً لهذا السیناریو على مدار خمس سنوات مما سیترتب علیه نسبة عجز تُقدر بحوالی 12% من إجمالی الموازنة المائیة المصریة السنویة. وهذا یعنی خسارة سنویة تقدر بحوالی 1.2 ملیون فدان من الأراضی الزراعیة فی مصر، أی أنه بعد مرور خمس سنوات ستفقد مصر حوالی 6 ملیون فدان من جملة أراضیها الزراعیة. ویعد السیناریوهان الأول والثانی هما المرشحان بقوة من قبل الحکومة الإثیوبیة. وأوصى البحث بما یلی: ضرورة التوصل لاتفاق بین مصر وإثیوبیا من شأنه زیادة سنوات الملء لتحمل إثیوبیا جزء من عبء الآثار السلبیة الناجمة عن إنشاء هذا السد الضخم. بالإضافة إلى الإدارة المشترکة للسد تأکیداً لمبدأ حسن النیة کما نصت علیه اتفاقیة إعلان المبادئ التی تم توقیعها بین مصر وإثیوبیا والسودان عام 2015. ومن الممکن أن تصل الثلاث دول إلى استراتیجیة مربحة للجانبین تفید جمیع الدول مع أدنى حد من الضرر الذی قد یلحق بأی طرف. ویمکن لمصر أن تساعد إثیوبیا فی تأمین الکهرباء المطلوبة من موارد أخرى إذا واصلت إثیوبیا الإعتراف بحق مصر فی التمتع بحصتها التاریخیة البالغة 55.5 ملیار متر مکعب فی السنة.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Use of Soilless Culture Technique in the Production of Chrysanthemum (Denderanthema grandiflora Ramat) cv.”Zembla”
Hadeer Rafaat | Abdel Azizِ Hosni | Mohamed Elshinawy | Mohammed Hewidy
This research study was carried out during the two successive seasons of 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 at the farm located within the vicinity of the Arid lands Agriculture graduated studies and Research Institute (ALARI), Shobra Elkheima, Qalyobia governorate, Egypt, under an unheated plastic-house (25 m length x 9 m width x 3.5 m height). The experiments were laid out in a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 replications, and the result data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA). Chrysanthemum (Denderanthema grandiflora Ramat) cv. Zembla was employed in this research imported initially from DELIFLOR Company, in the Netherlands. Seedlings were planted in different substrate cultures to determine the most suitable local mixes for their cultivation and maximum production. Three of them were chosen from the local environment namely Water hyacinth, Palm fiber and Sugar-cane refuse in addition to Sawdust and Peat moss. The seedlings were planted into pots filled with eleven substrate culture mixes as follow: Water hyacinth (WH), WH + peat moss (1:1), Palm fibers (PF), PF + Peat moss (1:1), Coarse sawdust (CS), CS + Peat moss (1:1), Fine sawdust (FS), FS + peat moss (1:1), Sugar-Cane refuse (SC), SC + Peat moss (1:1) and Peat moss. The results indicated that the substrate combination of PF + peat moss (1:1) and WH + peat moss (1:1) gave higher significant values when compared to other remaining substrate with regards to vegetative parameters, i.e. plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves per plant and greenness of leaves as SPAD reading values. Also flower diameter exhibited a higher significant increase when PF + peat moss (1:1) + WH+ peat moss substrate combination was used compared to the other remaining substrates. Flower vase life also was influenced by the local substrate used in bringing up the cut-flowers and showed longer standing in the preservative solution when flowers were obtained from both of WH + peat moss (1:1) and Palm fiber + peat moss (1:1) compared to other substrate culture mixtures.
Fathy Abdel_Azeem | Amer Helal | Hany Thabel | Ahmed Naguib Elbaz
A study was conducted to investigate the effects of feeding different levels of threonine and tryptophan on growth performance, some serum parameters and carcass traits of broiler chicks under Egyptian summer conditions. Three hundred and sixty Ross 308, one-day-old broiler chicks were randomly allocated into nine treatments with 4 replicates of 10 chicks each. Three levels of threonine (100, 150 or 200 %) and three levels of tryptophan (100, 150 or 200%) according to dietary requirements for Ross 308 chick's guidebook were used in a factorial design arrangement to obtain nine experimental treatments. Two periodical diets were used (starter phase 1-21 days and finisher phase 22-35 days). Growth performance traits including live body weight (LBW), Body weight gain (BWG), feed consumption (FC) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were recorded at the end of each week. Carcasses were manually eviscerated and weighed. Components of total protein, albumin, cholesterol, and triglycerides were analyzed by using commercial kits. The results showed that chicks fed diet containing 200 % threonine had an improvement in live body weight, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio. The performance index increased with the addition of threonine and tryptophan in the broiler diets. Serum total protein and globulin concentrations were affected by supplemental threonine and tryptophan. Dietary threonine, tryptophan did not affect serum albumin and triglycerides. Total cholesterol was increased with supplementation of threonine, tryptophan and interaction between them. Chicks fed 100% dietary threonine had the significantly better results in terms of the relative weights of carcass, edible parts and bursa compared to the chicks fed other dietary threonine levels, although tryptophan amino acid had not any significant effect on the above-mentioned traits. Giblets, liver, and heart weights percentage increase with increasing tryptophan level in the broiler diets. The relative weight of gizzard reduced with increasing level of both amino acids in the diets.In this study, it concluded that supplementation of threonine and tryptophan improves productive performance and health status of broiler chicks without imposing any toxicity as all blood components were in normal range.
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