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Radwa Noureldein | Mahmoud Zaki | Abdel-Mohsen Refaat | Ahmed Abdelsalam | Khaled El-Dougdoug | Khadiga Abou-Taleb | Shimaa Amin
The increasing demand of consumers who look for natural safe products and associated health risks of chemically treated and refined goods food products led to the introduction of alternative technologies for Preservation and maintenance of dietary freshness. One of such Preservation technology requires the use of Lactobacilli as starter culture for the preservation of food matrixes planned. The present study was designed to evaluate sweet whey low-cost by- product of dairy manufacture as a substrate for the selection of Lactobacilli with proven antibacterial activity to be used as biopreservation for fermented dairy product. Human population has used dairy products, including milk, as a source for Lactic acid bacteria (LAB). The positive impact of the given bacteria as a diet supplement has been of concern to researchers. The target of this study is to examine Lactobacillus species isolated from dairy products i.e. raw milk alongside cheese, with potential activities. Using the Sweet whey as growth medium for Lactic acid bacteria. Also, tested of antibacterial activities. Sweet whey (sw) proved to be suitable medium alternative to the expensive commercial De Man-Regosa-Sharp medium for the growth and production of antibacterial substances by isolated lactic acid bacteria isolates. Therefore, was used throughout the present work. A number of 32 isolates were obtained from raw cow milk (16 isolates), goat milk (9 isolates) and cottage cheese (7 isolates) using the specific De Man-RegosaSharp medium (MRS) for the isolation of LAB, these isolates were identified up to genus as strains of Lactobacillus spp. Among 32 isolates of Lactobacillus spp., there are twenty four isolates antagonized of the all seven tested pathogenic bacteria. The screened Lactobacillus spp. isolates were characterized and selected the best bio agent isolate against pathogens was identified using 16s DNA gene to Lactobacillus brevis. This strain was resistant to NaCl (2-6.5 %), produces dioxide carbon (CO2) and showed good growth in different temperature (10°, 15, 45°C) and fermented of many sugars. As per the outcomes shown herein, the strain in question was thought to be antimicrobial bacterium produced a variety of metabolites, including butyric, formic, lactic, citric, and sorbic acid. The given set of activities adds to microbiological safety by helping control microorganism growth, and inhibiting pathogenic bacteria by using the lower-cost sweet whey. Therefore, more detailed work on isolating and characterizing antibacterial bacteria from the locally produces dairy items, and augmenting their growth could be needed for the creation of biopreservative foods.
Samah Abu-Hussien | Maha Mohamed
The present work aimed to optimize amino acids production by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 35s from chicken feather using response surface methodology (RSM) and applying the produced amino acids in biological control of powdery mildew disease. Variables affecting amino acids production from B. amyloliquefaciens 35s were screened using Plackett Burman design. Factors showed to be significant to produce amino acids were optimized using central composite design (CCD) of RSM at three coded levels (-1, 0, +1). All obtained data were analyzed by ANOVA with post hoc multiple comparison analysis performed using Tukey’s HSD. TGY (tryptone, glucose, yeast extract) was the basal medium. Impacts of medium components were studied using Plackett-Burman design. “Design Expert 12” StateEase was used to analyze the experimental Plackett- Burman design. Feather, yeast extract, CaCO3, KH2PO4 and agitation rate (using shake flask) were optimized statistically by the CCD design of the RSM. Validation of statistical model of the medium components was done by carrying out the experiment at optimum conditions of the process parameters as determined by the model. Amino acids types were identified by amino acid analyzer. Among the significant medium components, feather, yeast extract, CaCO3, KH2PO4 and agitation rate showed to have significant effect on amino acids production. Predicted maximum amino acids production was observed near the mid-point concentrations of the mentioned above factors and the experimental value (6.55 g/l) was very close to the predicted value of (6.60 g/l) predicted by the model. Amino acid analyzer analysis for the produced amino acids shows the release of asparagine, threonine, serine, glutamine, proline, glycine, alanine, cysteine, valine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, phenyl alanine, histidine, lysine and arginine, respectively. Effect of chicken feather hydrolysate on cucumber powdery mildew disease was tested by applying foliar application with different concentrations (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20% v/v), then degree of infection and sporulation on cucumber plants were assessed. The lowest concentration of chicken feather hydrolysate showed the lowest effect on disease index. Conversely, cucumber resistance increased by the increasing of feather’s hydrolysate concentrations associated with a clear reduction in the disease index and sporulation. Aside from, extra foliar application showed a decrease in the disease index for all concentrations compared with untreated plants. Foliar application with 20% concentration of chicken feather hydrolysate had the highest stimulation of the studied oxidative enzymes i.e., peroxidase (POX), phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and superoxide dismutase (SOD).
Moshira Al-Batran
Achieving the maximum productive economic efficiency to use the available resources is considered one of the most important objectives of the agricultural economic policy, and since the agricultural area is limited, therefore the decision to choose the appropriate crop for agriculture is subject to many considerations, perhaps the most important of which is the expected revenue of these crops, as it reflects many important factors that affect decisions farming at farms, such as prices and expected production of agricultural crops. The research problem is represented in the following question: How competitive and affect the cultivated area different crops, and do changes occur from one period to another? The research aims to compare the Competitive of the most important winter crops on agricultural land during the two periods (2014-2015), (2017-2018). The most important results were as follows: It was found that there are other factors that determine the cultivated area other than the farm prices for some crops, namely wheat, barley, onions, flax, and potatoes during the period (2014- 2015), barley, lentils, and lupine during the period (2017-2018). Low price elasticity and response was shown for chickpeas, lupine, fenugreek, tomatoes during the period (2014-2015), wheat, beans, sugar beets, persistent clover, onions, garlic, flax, tomatoes, and potatoes during the period (2017-2018). It was found that there were crops that responded more in the period (2017-2018) than the period (2014-2015), which were wheat, chickpeas, fenugreek, onions, flax, tomato and potatoes. It turns out that both chickpeas and lupine were exposed to competition from the rest of the crops during the two periods, and that wheat, broad bean, sugar beet, and flax did not compete for them in the second period, and on the other hand, clover, onions, and garlic continued to compete with other crops. Decreased Competition in the period (2017-2018) was shown in general compared to the period (2014- 2015). It was found that wheat and garlic were the most Interchangeability competitive, and tomatoes, broad bean, lentils and sugar beets were the most competitive crops of other crops, that lupine, fenugreek, and onions were the most competitive with other crops for the period (2014-2015). It was found that broad bean, clover, and clover Tahreesh were the most Interchangeability competitive, and barley, lentils, and potatoes were the most competitive crops of other crops, that flax, wheat, lupine, and tomato were the most competitive with other crops for the period (2017-2018). It shows the dynamics and instability of the agricultural map (with some being affected less) despite the convergence of periods. The research recommends, in order achieving maximum economic efficiency and production for the use of available resources, following: The agricultural policies applicable must be consistent with the changes that occur in the competitive of crops. Considerate the dynamics and instability of the agricultural map when setting agricultural policies. Factors other than prices must be used when determining the cultivated area of some crops, as a result of their lack of effect on some crops and their weak effect on others. Providing appropriate means (not necessarily financial support - Extension services, for example) to improve competition for some strategic crops.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]دراسة اقتصادیة لأهم العوامل المؤثرة علی کمیة وجودة الواردات المصریة من القمح
Nariman Farid | وحيد علي محمد مجاهد | mohamed othman
یعد محصول القمح من أهم محاصیل الحبوب الغذائیة فی مصر و یعتبر سلعة إستیراتیجیة، وتعتبر مصر أکبر مستورد للقمح علی مستوی العالم، ودائما تتجه الدول النامیة لإستیراد المواد الغذائیة التی تعانی عجزاً فی إنتاجها لسد العجز الغذائی لها و یلاحظ أن کمیة الواردات المصریة من القمح تزداد سنویا حیث زاد المتوسط السنوی لکمیة الواردات المصریة من القمح خلال فترة الدراسة (2001- 2018) من 6.9 إلی 11 ملیون طن، وقد ظهرت مشکلة البحث أن غالبیة الدراسات تهتم بالتعرف علی العوامل المحددة للکمیات الواردة من القمح و فی المقابل لایوجد إهتمام ملحوظ بالعوامل المحددة لجودة تلک الواردات لذلک إستهدف البحث الوقوف علی أهم العوامل المحلیة التی تؤثر علی الکمیات الواردة من القمح، و کذلک أهم العوامل التی یعزی إلیها أسباب الرفض لبعض الکمیات غیر المطابقة لمواصفات الجودة والسلامة ومن هذا الهدف الرئیسی تندرج مجموعة من الأهداف الفرعیة تتمثل فی دراسة تطور الواردات المصریة من القمح، دراسة التوزیع الجغرافی للواردات المصریة من القمح، التعرف علی أهم العوامل الداخلیة المؤثرة علی کمیة الواردات المصریة من القمح، الأسباب المختلفة للرفض وفق التشریعات و المواصفات القیاسیة المصریة ذات العلاقة. واوضحت النتائج أن أهم العوامل الداخلیة المؤثرة علی کمیة الواردات المصریة من القمح تتمثل فی السعر الإستیرادی والإنتاج المحلی وعدد السکان، حیث تبین من التقدیر الإحصائی وجود علاقة طردیة تتفق مع المنطق الإقتصادی بین کمیة الواردات من القمح و بین عدد السکان و ثبتت معنویتها إحصایاً حیث أنه کلما زاد عدد السکان بمقدار ملیون نسمة تزداد کمیة الواردات بمقدار معنوی إحصائیاً بلغ حوالی 0.32 ملیون طن، کما إتضح أیضاً وجود علاقة عکسیة متفقة أیضا مع المنطق الإقتصادی بین کمیة الواردات من القمح و الإنتاج المحلی ثبتت معنویتها إحصائیاً حیث أنه کلما زاد الإنتاج المحلی بمقدار ملیون طن تنخفض کمیة الواردات بمقدار معنوی إحصائیاً بلغ نحو 1.03 ملیون طن سنویاً. کما تبین أیضاً عدم ثبوت معنویة تأثیر متوسط قیمة الوحدة الإستیرادیة حیث أن القمح سلعة إستیراتیجیة لایمکن الإستغناء عنها. کما تبین انه خلال الفترة (2007 – 2018) رصد عدد الرسائل المرفوضة من أهم الدول الموردة للقمح لمصر وأسباب رفضها لعدم مطابقتها للمواصفات و التشریعات المصریة حیث بلغ إجمالی عدد الرسائل المرفوضة فی تلک الفترة تقریباً 2937 رسالة بکمیة بلغت حوالی 2664.87 ألف طن وفیما یتعلق بأهم أسباب زیادة نسبة المرفوض من الواردات المصریة من القمح تبین أنها ترجع إلی إرتفاع نسبة الشوائب التی تتمثل فی إرتفاع نسبة حبوب القمح التالفة هذه النسبة تبلغ حوالی 55.5% من إجمالی أسباب الرفض، بینما جاءت مشکلة المواد الغریبة الغیر عضویة فی المرکز الثانی بنسبة حوالی 42.7 % من إجمالی أسباب الرفض.
Ahmed Abdel Hamid
The effect of lavender, lemongrass and thyme volatile oils as a supplementary cold storage treatments on quality preservation of fresh cut herb of Menthe piperita L. , during storage for 15 days at 5°C and 7°C followed by 5 days at 20°C, as a marketing condition simulation, was evaluated during 2018 and 2019 seasons. Physical properties, chemical constituents, respiration rate and volatile oil contents were recorded. The results illustrated that discarded herb %, weight loss %, and external appearance (scale) were greatly affected by both factors of the study. The great effect in this respect was obtained with storage at 5°C than 7°C and the effect was also continuous during marketing period at 20°C. An evident decrease in discarded herb % and weight loss % were obtained due to the applied treatments, whereas external appearance values were higher with applied treatments than control during cold storage durations and marketing period. Aromatic oils treatments with 0.50% of lavender, lemongrass and thyme oils were effective than 0.25% of the three aromatic oils. However, chemical constituents i.e total chlorophyll, L-ascorbic acid and total phenols of fresh cut herb were scored highly increases by storage at 5°C than at 7°C storage conditions. Furthermore, The richest chemical constituents mentioned above were obtained with 0.50% of the three aromatic oils treatments and with superior for marketing durations for 5 days at 20°C. On contrary, total acidity of fresh cut herb recorded the minimum values with applied treatments than control (except the treatment of 0.25% thyme oil) during all cold storage durations and marketing period. On the reverse , electrolyte leakage and respiration rate values were controlled and minimized with the applied aromatic oils treatments under 5°C or 7°C cold storage conditions and followed by 5 days at 20°C as a marketing period. The decreases of both electrolyte leakage and respiration rate of fresh cut herb either with cold storage or due to the applied treatments are considered a good indicators to increase storage longevity and high quality. Meanwhile, volatile oil was greatly affected by both cold storage conditions and supplementary refrigeration treatments with lavender, lemongrass and thyme aromatic oils. Conclusively , it could be concluded that the peppermint fresh cut herb can be treated with lavender, lemongrass and thyme aromatic oils before storage at 5°C for 15 days , handling and marketing under 20°C to conserve the quality of the herb.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of some edible coating and packaging on quality attributes of broccoli florets during cold storage.
Neama Hussein | Mamdouh Fawzy | Ahmed Abou El-Yazeid | Rawia Elbasiouny
Broccoli heads (Brassica oleracea var. Italica) Sakura F1 Hybrid were get from private farm in alnuwbaria Beheira Government. Heads were harvested at the appropriate stage of harvesting on 22th and 13th February 2017 and 2018, respectively, and then transported immediately to Horticulture Research Institute, ARC. The impact of edible coatings and packaging on the postharvest appearance and compositional quality changes of separated florets broccoli stored at 0°C were determined. Separated florets rinsed with chlorinated water (150 ppm) then washed by distilled water. The samples were then allowed to dry. Broccoli florets were dipped in chitosan solution at 0.5 and 1% concentration for 3 min. Carboxymethyl cellulose solution at 0.5 and 1% concentration for 3 min and distilled water represented as control. All treatments were dried and packed in non-perforated polypropylene bags (non-PPPb) or micro-perforated polypropylene bags (micro-PPPb) and stored at 0°C for 20 days plus 2 days at 10°C (shelf life). Results showed that loss of weight, decay, off odor, discoloration and peroxidase activity, of broccoli florets were increased as the storage period increased, while general appearance, total chlorophyll and total phenolic content were increased. For the influence of packaging material the results showed that there were significant differences between packaging materials on quality of florets. Broccoli florets which packed in non-perforated polypropylene bags (non-PPPb) had better florets quality as compared with those packed in micro-perforated polypropylene bags (micro-PPPb) during storage plus shelf life. Chitosan at 0.5 or 1% is the huge influence in reducing weight loss%, decay (score) peroxidase enzyme activity, off odor (score), discoloration (score) as well as in maintaining total chlorophyll and total phenolic contents during storage plus shelf life. Furthermore, florets dipped in chitosan 1% and then packed in non-PPPb was the most effective treatment in retarding loss of quality attributes, through the storage periods and helped in retarding deterioration and gave florets with good appearance after 20 days at 0°C plus 2 days at 10°C (shelf life) without decay.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Use of Soilless Culture Technique in the Production of Chrysanthemum (Denderanthema grandiflora Ramat) cv.”Zembla”
Hadeer Rafaat | Abdel Azizِ Hosni | Mohamed Elshinawy | Mohammed Hewidy
This research study was carried out during the two successive seasons of 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 at the farm located within the vicinity of the Arid lands Agriculture graduated studies and Research Institute (ALARI), Shobra Elkheima, Qalyobia governorate, Egypt, under an unheated plastic-house (25 m length x 9 m width x 3.5 m height). The experiments were laid out in a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 replications, and the result data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA). Chrysanthemum (Denderanthema grandiflora Ramat) cv. Zembla was employed in this research imported initially from DELIFLOR Company, in the Netherlands. Seedlings were planted in different substrate cultures to determine the most suitable local mixes for their cultivation and maximum production. Three of them were chosen from the local environment namely Water hyacinth, Palm fiber and Sugar-cane refuse in addition to Sawdust and Peat moss. The seedlings were planted into pots filled with eleven substrate culture mixes as follow: Water hyacinth (WH), WH + peat moss (1:1), Palm fibers (PF), PF + Peat moss (1:1), Coarse sawdust (CS), CS + Peat moss (1:1), Fine sawdust (FS), FS + peat moss (1:1), Sugar-Cane refuse (SC), SC + Peat moss (1:1) and Peat moss. The results indicated that the substrate combination of PF + peat moss (1:1) and WH + peat moss (1:1) gave higher significant values when compared to other remaining substrate with regards to vegetative parameters, i.e. plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves per plant and greenness of leaves as SPAD reading values. Also flower diameter exhibited a higher significant increase when PF + peat moss (1:1) + WH+ peat moss substrate combination was used compared to the other remaining substrates. Flower vase life also was influenced by the local substrate used in bringing up the cut-flowers and showed longer standing in the preservative solution when flowers were obtained from both of WH + peat moss (1:1) and Palm fiber + peat moss (1:1) compared to other substrate culture mixtures.
Yaser Mohamed | Fathy Abdel_Azeem | Hany Thabel | Amal Hassan
Six weeks feeding trial using 210 one-day old unsexed Cobb 500 chicks was carried out to study the effects of addingphytase enzyme on growth performance, blood parametersand bone characteristics in broiler chicks. Three starter diets were used from 1 to 21 days; T100 {100% of Ca & non-phytate phosphorus NPP requirements (1.00% Ca and 0.50% NPP)}; T75{75% of Ca & NPP requirements (0.75% Ca and 0.38% NPP)} and T50 {50% of Ca & NPP requirements (0.51% Ca and 0.25% NPP)}. Three grower diets were used from 22 to 42 days; T100 {100% of Ca & NPP requirements (0.91% Ca and 0.46% NPP)}; T75{75% of Ca & NPP requirements( 0.68% Ca and 0.34% NPP)} and T50{50% of Ca & NPP requirements (0.45% Ca and 0.23% NPP)}. Seven dietary treatments were distributed according to diets fed consecutively during starter and grower phases as; (100/100) fed starter T100 then grower T100; (100/75) fed starter T100 then grower T75; (100/50) fed starter T100 then grower T50; (75/75) fed starter T75 then grower T75; (75/50) fed starter T75 then grower T50 and (50/50) fed starter T50 then grower T50.All diets added phytase enzyme (FTU 10000/Ton). Each treatment comprised of 30 chicks in 3 replicates of 10 chicks each. Results showed that live body weight and weight gain did not significantly affected by restricted Ca and NPP diets at starter period, where weight gain was significantly affected at grower period. Birds group received diet containing 100/75 with phytase (T3) gave the highest significant values for LBW and BWG, then 50/50 with phytase (T7) as compared with the other experimental groups during the grower and overall periods.Feed consumption and conversion ratio values were no significant differences among groups fed different dietary treatments during starter and grower phases. Plasma P concentrations was significantly affected however plasma Ca concentrations, GOT and GPT valueswere not significantly affected by the reduction of dietary Ca and NPPwith adding phytase. Percentages of tibia ash, Ca and P were significantly affected by dietary treatments. Supplementation of phytasehas a significant effect ontibia breaking strength, while supplementation of phytase hasn’t any effect on tibia Seedorindex.It is obvious that, the best performance was seen with (100/75) diet without any adverse effect on productive performance, blood parameters and most of tibia measurements and chemical composition.
Rasha Hariedy | M. Rashed | Mahassen Sidky
In vitro somaclonal variation via callus is considered as one of the most effective tool for improvement of vegetative propagated crops. Different combinations of cytokinine (BA) and auxine (NAA) were used to induce somaclonal variation from leaf explants of the Egyptian geranium cultivar, Pelargonium graveolens L’Herit, Ait. El Qanater El khayria cv.8. Callus induction and regenerated shoots from callus were evaluated; 2.5 mg/L BA and 0.5 mg/L NAA was the optimal for callus induction and number of regenerated shoots. The obtained plantlets were acclimatized under glasshouse conditions with 80% to 90% survival and were transferred to the open field. The evaluation of growth traits and oil analysis were done for the new 13 clones compared with the mother plant in randomized block design for two successive seasons. Characterization of these new clones for morphological traits and essential oil yield and quality demonstrated the induction of variability in negative and positive directions in some characteristics in comparison with the mother plant. Clone no.7 was the superior clone in herb 2264.7 & 2357.3 g/plant and oil yield 2.436 & 3.065 ml/plant in first and second season, respectively, than the mother plant and other new clones with acceptable content of citronellol 25.63% and geraniol 26.52% as a parameter for volatile oil quality. The genetic variation of the new geranium clones were tested using SRAP technique based on PCR, the polymorphism was detected using 16 pairs of SRAP primers in combinations as forward and reverse. The genetic differences between new clones and the mother plant were ascertained with SRAP primer pair (me2 em4); a unique profile for clone no.7 was detected in SRAP analysis. The similarity percentage varied between 66.7% to 100% homologies among the new clones and their mother plant. The presence of genetic variation between new clones and the mother plant proved that the calliclones were somaclonal mutants, and the geranium cultivar, El Qanater El khayria cv.8, was improved for high yield in herb and essential oil.
M. ElRefaie | Fatma Fahmy | M. El-Eraky | A. Abd Elmaqsoud
The research aimed at identifying risks facing agriculture from water availability and natural hazards by planning the cropping pattern under low risk, and studying the impact of both climate change and geographical area on the productivity per Feddan. The study estimate risk of cropping pattern in the first scenario was estimated to be about 6.6% under normal restrictions. In the second scenario, it was 3.04% under normal restrictions in addition to stabilize the area of rice at 750,000 feddans, with self-sufficiency of 10% and 20% of wheat and maize The total return on risk under the first and second scenarios was about 73.315 and 75.133 million pounds. The cropping pattern in the second scenario is better than the first, as it achieves a higher net return and also achieves state policies in terms of reducing the rice area. It also increases the self-sufficiency of wheat and maize. The effect of climate change and geographical area variation on productivity during the period (2013-2016) showed that their impact ranged from 61 to 92%. There Also was a negative impact of climate change on the productivity per Feddan. except for wheat crop the effect of either wheat has not been determined. The study recommended pulling the optimal cropping pattern, the need to increase the awareness of the seriousness of the negative effects of climate change and the development of awareness programs through the various media, and the production of new varieties afford climate change and salinity, and the use of modern technological methods Such as protected agriculture.
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