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Shimaa Salama | Etab Abd El-Galil | N. El-Bordeny
This paper focuses on treated date seed with two cellulolytic bacteria (Acetobacter xylinum and Thermonospora fusca) isolated from sheep and evaluated these species by Invitro gas production and metabolism trail. We evaluated the influence of many rations contain several percentage from date seed untreated and treated on In vitro traild for DM,OM, NDF, ADF, cellulose and hemicellulose disappeara (samples incubated for 24 hrs). the best ration used in metabolism trail . The experimental work was conducted in 2017, at the Department of Animal Production, faculty of agriculture, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt and the experiment of the farm animals occurred in the Animal Production research institute. Our results in this revealed that the ration content 25% untreated and treated with bacteria had significant values on NDF, ADF and hemicellulose degradability after 24 hours, especially treatment 2 (Thermonospora fusca) of date seed. In the experimental ration with ascending level of untreated and treated date seed had not significant effect on pH value while more effect on total gas production (GP),ammonia, TVFA’s, MP, EMP and metabolizable energy ME (Mcal/ g). The differences were significant (P<0.05) between control ration and other experimental rations. Furthermore, ration content date seed treated (R3) had the highest values of DM, OM, CF and EE digestibility. It could be noticed that improving CP, CF and cell wall constituents (NDF, ADF, hemicellulose and cellulose) digestibility may be due to the increasing number of rumen cellulolytic bacteria. In conclusion, the bacterial treatment (Acetobacter xylinum and Thermonospora fusca) with date seed successfully to improve chemical compostion of date seed and Invitro digestiability specially ration contain 25% from total dry matter. It showed that the strain (Thermonospora fusca) was the best in In vitro fermentation . Digestibility indicated that ration contain treated date seed (R3) was high DM, OM, ADF and nitrogen than other rations. It was concluded that treated date seed can replace concentrate in rations and improve In vitro degradability, digestibility trail and no effect on rumen and blood parameters without adversely affecting on helthy animals.
R. Zaghloul | H. Abou-Aly | H. Abdel-Rahman | M. Hassan
This study was executed during two successive seasons 2014 and 2015 for evaluating the effect of inoculation with Bradyrhizobium sp, Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus circulans, Glomus macrocarpum and Pseudomonas fluorescens on infection percentage, enzymatic activity, growth characteristics, total phenol, peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase activity in presence or absence of Fusarium oxysporum in sterilized or non- sterilized soil under greenhouse condition. The obtained results observed that the tested strains showed suppression for F. oxysporum in vitro. Similar results were obtained under greenhouse experiment where the inoculation of soil with biofertilizers strains in presence of P. fluorescens showed the lowest records of infection percentage as well as the higher values of enzymatic activity, growth characteristics, total phenol, peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase activity compared to full dose of chemical fertilizers treatment. This study provides evidence for diminishing the adverse evolved from the continues application of chemical fertilizers in high doses and replacing it (at least partially) through biofertilizers and biocontrol application.
S. El-Nagar | Shemeis A.R. | G. Gouda | M. El-Garhi | M. Ebeid | H. Azzaz | R. Abdelgawad | Mona Zayed | N. El-Bordeny
The aim of this study was to evaluate effect of different level of probiotic supplementation to ruminant rations, using in-vitro batch culture technique to determine degradation and fermentation parameters. In vitro experimental ration was formulated, the ration consisted of 40% alfalfa hay and 60% concentrate feed mixture. Three level of probiotic supplementation (106, 108, 1010 cfu/kg DM) were evaluated. DM and total gas production as well as fermentation parameters of the incubated samples were determined after 24 hrs. of fermentation. Slightly increases (P>0.05) in in-vitro dry matter degradability were observed for the ration supplemented with probiotics bacteria at different levels (106,108 and 1010 cfu/ kg DM) compared to control ration. Probiotics bacteria supplementation with different level (106,108 and 1010 cfu/ kg DM) led to significant (P<0.001) increases in organic matter degradability and total gas production per sample and per g DM, OM, NDF and ADF compared to the not supplemented ration (control ration), and no significant differences were observed among the different levels of probiotics supplementation. Significant increase in total volatile fatty acid concentration after 24 hours' incubation period compared to the not supplemented ration. On the other hand, the treatment supplemented with probiotic recorded lower ammonia concentration compared to the control group. It could be concluded that, adding probiotics bacteria supplementation to experimental ration resulted increase DM and OM degradability and using dose 106 CFU/kg DM feed is sufficient to induce improvement in degradability and fermentation parameters
A. Sobhay | Awad A. | Z. Hassan | O. El-Batawy
Different types of drinking yoghurts were made with different types and concentrations of stabilizers. 6 treatments were made (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6) using 0.2% and 0.4% of different types stabilizers ( pectin, guar gum, and mixture (1:1) of both pectin and guar gum) for production of other yoghurt drink treatments beside the control without any stabilizers. All treatments were stored up to 14 days at 5±1°C. Drinking yoghurt samples were evaluated for chemical, reholigical, microbiological and sensory attributes. No significant differences were observed in chemical and microbiological properties among control and treated samples. All drinking yoghurt contained levels of (106–107 cfu/g) lactic acid bacteria at the end of the refrigerated storage. Addition of stablizers showed significant differences in viscocitey and serum separation of final product. The effect was more obvious with using 0.2% stabilizer mixture (0.1% guar gum + 0.1% High Methoxy Pectin) than other all treatments. The drinking yoghurt containing 0.2% mix stabilizers (0.1% guar gum + 0.1% High Methoxy Pectin) ranked higher sensory scores than other treatments. The best drinking yoghurt that containing 50% yoghurt, 8% sugar and 42% water should be fortified with 0.2% mix stabilizers (0.1% guar gum + 0.1% High Methoxy Pectin)
Samar El-Masry | M. Nasr-Eldin | Abeer Faiesal | B. Othman
In the present study, a trail to evaluate of Newcastle Disease (ND) antibodies levels after different vaccination programs was conducted on layer chickens. A total of 200 one day-old layer chicks (White Lohmann) were divided into five groups A, B, C, D and E. Birds in groups A, B and C were vaccinated with live vaccine by intraocular, intranasal and drinking water methods , respectively. On the other hand, groups D and E were kept as unvaccinated control groups. Vaccination performed at days 5, 18 and 28 by different routes for mentioned groups. Hemagglutination inhibition (HI) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) methods were used for assessment of antibodies titer at days 15, 25, 37 and 45. Results of HI and ELISA tests indicated that, the intranasal and the intraocular method have highest antibodies titers compared with the drinking water method. In this study, maternally derived antibodies specific to Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) (IgY) were extracted by dextran sulfate method from collected eggs of vaccinated laying chickens . Antibodies specific to NDV (IgY) were detected in the egg yolk using HI test . Data revealed that antibodies specific to NDV (IgY) were presented in high titers that confer protection during early weeks of life for hatching chicks. Data concluded that extraction of maternally derived specific antibodies from egg yolk will facilitate accurate monitoring of ND vaccination programmes.
Shimaa Abd Elfattah | A. Abdel-Aziz | K. El-Bagoury
This research amid to obtain identify the effect of low-quality water (gray water) (reused water after its nomination in the special filtration stations) on the performance analysis of the turf irrigation system. The Experiment was carried out at ELRhap site, the area under investigation was 450 m², it was divided into 6 plots, and the geometrical has 5 m × 15 m. Investigated variables were gray water and tap water plots were; have been while the investigated parameter was the percentage of the applied amounts of irrigation water with a percent of 100%; 85%; 75%. The response of plant growth landscaping parameters due to irrigation water types were color, length, density and its coverage on the after heads, the effect of gray water and fresh water on the turf irrigation system was compared through the study of (uniformity, Surface roughness, Clogging ratio, flow, pressure), of sprinklers during same the irrigation period. Results of the applied could be summarized as followed. The Accumulative clogging ratio by using gray water was (1.50 – 1.56 – 1.6) % and tap water was (1.22 – 1.25 – 1.28) % at (100% - 85% - 75%) of quantity the water required for the plant. Illustrates in tap water turf quality rate was (8.50 – 8.00 – 8.00) for color, very good quality rate was (8.00 – 8.00 – 7.50) for density also very good ground cover quality rate was (8.00 – 7.50 -7.50). Meanwhile, illustrates in gray water turf quality rate was (8.50 – 8.50 – 8.00) for color, very good quality rate was (8.50 – 8.00 – 8.00) for density also very good ground cover quality rate was (8.00 – 8.00 – 7.50) at (100% - 85% - 75%) of quantity the water required for the plant. Surface roughness in the main irrigation lines was measured after the use of gray water and tap water. The erosion was (17.93– 65.35) Mm and the sediments were (15.48 – 58.22) Mm in gray while the erosion of tap water was (10.45– 34.89) Mm and the sediments were (9.06– 45.22) Mm.
M. El-Shal | Azza El-Sayed
This investigation aimed to evaluate of some faba bean genotypes for some morphological and agronomic traits in order to determine the promissing genotypes which can be used in breeding program for improving faba bean. The study carried out at El-Gemmeiza Agricultural Research Station in two successive seasons; 2016/2017and 2017/2018. 50 different landraces collected by the National Gene Bank (from different region of Egypt) and one commercial cultivar (Giza716) used as a check were used. Data analysis showed that there were highly significant differences in all studied characters among genotypes and replications except days to 50% flowering, plant height and number of branches per plant for replicates only. This indicates that there is wide diversity among genotypes which will enrich plant breeding programs to get high new commercial varieties and adapted to climate change of faba bean. The data for genetic parameters showed that the extent of phenotypic and genotypic variances diversed from one character to another according to result data from broad sense heritability (h2) estimates clears that there was graduation for all of studied characters with values from ranged 73.92 % to 95.03 %.which indicate that the effects of environment were lower than genetic effects inheritance of studied traits. In addition, high estimates of heritability could be successful for improving faba bean. Results of mean performance note that although commercial cultivar Giza 716 was outweigh for days to flowering and maturity traits, L47 recorded the highest mean values for 100-seed weight and seed yield/plant. In addition, L39 recorded the highest mean values for number of pods and num ber of seeds/plant. So lines 39 and 47 may be used in breeding programs for improving the performance of seed yield characters. The results of correlation coefficient showed that there were thirteen significant and highly significant positive phenotypic correlation in addition, four significant and highly significant negative phenotypic correlation. The direct contribution of 100- seed weight per plant had highest mean values followed by number of seeds per plant. Number of seeds per plant had the highest indirect effect via number of pods per plant, and number of branches per plant via number of seeds per plant. In addition, 100 seeds weight via number of branches per plant, 100-seed weight also had an appreciable indirect effect via leaflet width and number of branches per plant. Cluster analysis for investigated traits showed diversity among investigated fifty-one faba bean genotypes. All genotypes divided into two groups at a distance of 5.924. The first group contain line 47. The second group contains other genotypes. 100-seed weight and seed yield per plant are valuable in splitting the studied genotypes into two groups high value included the first group, however low vale included the second group.
E. Daoud | H. Soliman | H. Elsayed | N. Elbordeny | Gihan El-Mogazy
The main objective of this study was to evaluate different samples of corn silage (Whole corn plant with ears) from different regions in Egypt to determine each sample has the highest nutritive value and nutrients digestibility and therefore reduce the feed cost, increase feed efficiency and probability of lactating dairy farms. Silage samples were collected from different four areas in Egypt; El-Salhya, El-Nobarya, El-Monofia and Ganakles. The study Included three field and laboratory work cores which were; chemical composition, in-vitro and in-situ evaluation studies. The samples were analyzed for its chemical composition, Dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL). The silage samples were evaluated in-vitro and in-situ. In-vitro evaluation was conducted using gas production technic. Gas production (GP) was recorded at 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24 and 48 hours of incubation. The organic matter digestibility (OMD), short chain fatty acids (SCFA), and metabolizable energy (ME) were measured. The in-situ experiment, involved nylon bags containing silage samples from different regions were incubated in three fistulated Barki rams for 24h. Samples were taken out at 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24h of incubation. The obtained results indicated that the Ganakles silage ampel recorded the lowest (P<0.01) values of GP within the different times compared to others. The silage from El-Salhya had the highest (P<0.01) values for OMD and SCFA. The DMD of in-situ samples was significantly (P<0.01) increased within the different times of incubation with Al-Salhia silage samples, but the lowest significant values (P<0.01) were recorded with Al-Nobaria silage samples. Depending on invitro and in-situ results for silage type results, in vitro and in-situ for silage type from Al-Salhia area had a best characteristics of good silage and was chosen forever conducting lactation trial.
Maiada Allam | E. Abdalla | F. Khalil | A. Zeidan | Z. Abdel-Salam | M. Badr
The objective of this study was to study the effect of laser irradiation on maturation rate of dromedary she-camel oocytes. Although in vitro fertilization (IVF) technique in she-camel has been established, but maturation rate of camel oocytes is still low comparing with other animal species. Several studies performed to improve in-vitro maturation rate using different types of media with different incubation times. In order to establish high sensitive and low cost maturation improvement technique, laser irradiation has been suggested in the present work. Cumulus oocytes complexes (COCʼs) were collected from ovaries by aspiration method and grade (A) oocytes were chosen and divided into five different groups, 62 oocytes served as control group, an un-irradiated (group 1), 64 oocytes exposed to 2 minutes of laser irradiation (group 2), 57 oocytes exposed to 3 minutes of laser irradiation (group 3), 49 oocytes exposed to 4 minutes of laser irradiation (group 4) and 52 oocytes exposed to 5 minutes of laser irradiation (group 5) with a total output power of 3 mW for different exposure durations; 2, 3, 4 and 5 minutes. Afterwards, oocytes were matured in TCM-199 medium at 38.5oC and 5% CO2 in humidified air for 42 h. Maturation rate was calculated based on expulsion of the first polar body and statistically analyzed by one way ANOVA test. The obtained results showed that, the oocytes reached germinal vesicles (GV) which exposed to laser beam for 5 minutes at 488 nm wavelength represent significantly (P<0.05) the highest value (42.31%) compared to control (not irradiated, 16.13%). However, other groups of GV showed insignificant differences with the control group. The metaphase II (M II) in the control oocytes represents significantly (P<0.05) the highest value (75.81%) compared to 3-5 minutes exposed groups. The degenerated oocytes exposed to laser beam for 5 minutes at 488 nm wavelength represent significantly (P<0.05) the highest value (40.38%) compared to control (not irradiated, 8.06%). In conclusion‚ these results indicated that the exposure of laser irradiation for 2 minutes may improve in-vitro nuclear maturation of immature oocytes in dromedary she-camels as compared to other durations (3-5 minutes) at 488 nm wavelength (blue laser).
Sara El-Husseini | M., Mostafa | A. El-Gindy | A. Anwar
The aim of this study is to enhance the fermentation temperature inside the digester by supplying the required thermal energy to be within the desired optimum range (mesophilic range) for biogas production during winter “cold days”. Two 50 L digesters were used in the experiment that was conducted at Solar Energy Laboratory, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, Cairo. One is a treatment digester and the other is a control digester. The treatment digester is thermally enhanced by a parabolic trough collector, while the control digester operated at the ambient temperature. The experiment was conducted through December 2018 and January 2019. The results show that the average temperature in the control digester through the experiment was 21.5°C, while in the treatment digester it was 27.08°C. This means that the parabolic trough collector enhanced the fermentation temperature in the treatment digester by 20.6%. The total biogas yield of the control digester and the treatment digester was 9684.7 mL/kg. T.S. and 24649.69 mL/kg. T.S. respectively. By comparing both productivities, it was found that the productivity of the treatment digester was 2.5 times more than the productivity of the control digester.
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