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Association of DLA-DRB1 Alleles and Canine Atopic Dermatitis
Bozorgpanah, Shadi | Jamshidi, Shahram | Vahedi, Seyed Milad | Lankarani Mohajer, Leila | Nikbakht Brujeni, Gholamraza
BACKGROUND: Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a group of genes which codes for binding of antigenic peptides and presenting them to T cells. MHC molecules polymorphism is associated with presenting different antigens, immune and autoimmune responses. One of the most important dog MHC genes is DRB1. The association between this gene and its alleles with Atopic Dermatitis has been reported. OBJECTIVES: In this study, the association between canine Atopic Dermatitis and DLA-DRB1 alleles has been evaluated using HRM (High Resolution Melting) genotyping method. METHODS: Blood samples were collected from 20 dogs with Atopic Dermatitis and 20 healthy dogs. Frequency of different DRB1 genotypes, as well as heterozygosity and homozygosity of alleles were analyzed using HRM. Their associations with Atopic Dermatitis were evaluated by statistical analysis. RESULTS: Based on the HRM analysis, genotypes were grouped in 9 types (A-I). Statistical analysis showed that the presence of type D allele in the exon II of DLA-DRB1 gene increases the risk of Atopic Dermatitis (Odd ratio=0.206 and p < /em>=0.064). A significantly increased risk of Atopic Dermatitis in heterozygous samples was also observed (Odd=0.158 and p < /em>=0.090). CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study showed that some alleles of DLA-DRB1 gene can play a role in the sensitivity or resistance to Atopic Dermatitis in dogs.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Study of BuLA-DRB3 polymorphism in Khuzestan river buffaloes
Ranjbar, Mohammad Mehdi | Nikbakhat Brujeni, Gholamraza | Ghadrdan Mashhadi, Alireza | Dabbaghyan, Mehran
BACKGROUND: Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) comprises a group of genes, which plays a central role in immune response. The exon 2 of BuLA-DRB3 is part of the MHC class II in buffalo that highly polymorphic, found to be associated with resistance/susceptibility to infections and also with production parameters. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the present study is to identify BuLA-DRB3 polymorphism in Khuzestan buffaloes and compare this population with other Iranian and world buffalo populations. METHODS: Blood samples were taken from 136 unrelated Khuzestan river buffaloes. After DNA extraction, second exon of BuLA-DRB3 was amplified by the seminested PCR method. Then, the fragments produced by amplifying second exon were cut by RsaI restriction enzyme according to van Eijik method. In the following, allelic frequencies, genotype frequencies, expected and observed homozygosty and heterozygosity were calculated. RESULTS: In restriction fragment analysis 13 and 24 different allelic and genotype patterns were identified for RsaI restriction enzyme, respectively. 10 out of 13 alleles were previously reported. The most frequent genotype was oo)0.1691) and then followed by hh (0.1544) ,ll(0.1103), lw (0.0955), lh (0,0808), ha (0.0661) and lo (0.0514). Also four most frequent alleles were o (0.2721), h (0.2316),l (0.2316)and w (0.1176), respectively. These seven genotypes and four alleles form 72.76% and74.29% overall genotype and allele frequency of population. In addition, estimation of heterozygosity/homozygosty and deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibriumofcorresponding population revealed observed homozygosty is more than heterozygosity and departure of population from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicated that exon 2 of the BuLA-DRB3 gene is highly polymorphic among Khuzestan buffaloes and although, there is differences between buffalo’s genetic polymorphism of distinct world regions, Khuzestan buffaloes’ population is similar to Egyptian buffaloes’ population.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Analysis of genetic diversity for cattle parentage testing using microsatellite markers
Cho, G.J.;Yang, Y.J.(Korea Racing Association, Gwachon, Republic of Korea)E-mail:chogj@kra.co.kr | Lee, K.W.(Miryang National University, Miryang, Republic of Korea)
The objective of present study was to ascertain genetic diversity for cattle parentage testing. A total of 59 random cattle samples(29 Korean native cattle and 30 dairy cows) were genotyped by using 11 microsatellite loci(BM1824, BM2113, ETH10, ETH225, EH3, INRA23, SPS115, TGLA122, TGLA227, TGLA53, and TGLA126). This method consisted of multiplexing PCR procedure and showed reasonable amplification of all PCR products. Genotyping was performed with an ABI 310 genetic analyzer.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Влияние натрия тиосульфата на морфологию костного мозга птиц при ассоциированной вакцинации против вирусных болезней
Gromov, I.N. | Prudnikov, V.S., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Birman, B.Ya., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breding (Belarus). The S.N. Vyshelesskij Inst. of Experimental Veterinary Medicine
Investigation of morphological changes in bone marrow of young hens in the conditions of application of associated virus vaccines and sodium thiosulphate immunostimulant was realized in the Republic of Belarus. The associated virus vaccine was applied against infectious bursal disease, infectious bronchitis, infectious laryngotracheitis, and Newcastle disease. Research results showed that under the influence of inactivated vaccine against mentioned above diseases there was noted the increasing of quantity of granulocytic cells, there was stated an active hyperplasia of pseudoeosinophil cells. Immunization of young hens with the presented vaccine developed in the Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus promoted a short-term increasing of leucoerythroblastic index. Application of an alternative vaccine developed by Scientific and Production Enterprise Avivak did not render substantial influence on the morphology of bone marrow of chickens. Sodium thiosulphate applied in combination with associated vaccines (in 7% concentration in vaccine) caused the hyperplasia of lymphoid and thrombocyte cells, strengthened the proliferation and maturity of granular leukocytes
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Полиморфизм гена каппа-казеина (CSN3) в популяции крупного рогатого скота белоруской черно-пестрой породы
Yatsyna, O.A. | Smuneva, V.K., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Epishko, T.I., Polesje State Univ., Pinsk (Belarus)
Determination of genetic structure of different population lines of Belarusian white-and-black breed in accordance with locus of kappa-casein gene (CSN3) was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. In course of study there were used DNA samples of Belarusian white-and-black breed cows (380 samples) and bioprobes of servicing bulls (83 samples). With the help of endonuclease Hindill there were revealed two alleles of kappa-casein (A and B) in DNA preparations. As a result of genetic typing of breeding animals by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) methods there were revealed three genotypes CSN3**AA, CSN3**AB, and CSN3**BB. The frequency of occurrence of desirable genotype CSN3**BB of Belarusian white-and-black breed of cows depending on breed and linear pertain varied from 2,2% up to 7,69%, for servicing bulls – from 0 up to 11,1% . The majority of homozygotic cows with undesirable cow genotype CSN3**AA belonged to the following lines: of Ruties Edward (2,31646 - 92,3%), Niko (86,0%), Vis Ajdal (933122 - 71,9%), Reflection Sovereign (198998 – 63,9%). The desirable CSN3**BB genotype in most of the cases was stated at Annas-Adema (30587) and Hiltes-Adema (37910) lines. Presence of heterozygote genotype predominated in Annas-Adema (46,1%) and Montvik Chiftein (36,3%) lines. Realized analysis of cow population lines of Danish and Holstein breeds showed that the average frequency of occurrence of CSN3**B allel was 17%, but lower concentration (15%) of CSN3**b allel was typical for the Danish breeds. Frequency of occurrence of CSN3**B allel in Holsten lines was 18%. In was revealed that in 86,6% of cases bulls were the genetic carriers of CSN3**A allel and only 11,4% of animals had the desirable allel CSN3**B in their genotype
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Влияние генотипа хряков белорусской крупной белой и белорусской мясной породы по гену MUC4 на сохранность и продуктивность потомства
Kaspirovich, D.A. | Dojlidov, V.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Loban, N.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Bykova, M.A. | Mikhajlova, T.A., Selection and Hybrid Centre Zadneprovski (Belarus)
Analysis of influence of boar genotype by MUC4 gene on viability of progeny was realized in the conditions in the Republic of Belarus, as well as the evaluation of possibilities of association of polymorphic variants of gene with fattening and meaty qualities of obtained from the boars progeny were conducted. In course of studies there was analyzed the polymorphism of MUC4 gene at producer boars of studied breeds. There was revealed high occurring frequency of desirable allele MUC4**c and MUC4**cc genotype in all studied populations. Boars of Belarusian Meaty breed with genotypes MUC4**cc by MUC4 gene authentically (P less than 0,01) exceeded boars with genotype MUC4**cg according to piglet viability indexes at weaning period on 5,6%. For the further evaluation of the potential role of MUC4gene in marker selection there was realized determination of relations between genotypes of studied marker and other economic traits of swine (fattening and meaty traits of boar progeny). There was stated the authentic increasing of fattening and meaty traits of stores obtained from boars with homozygous genotype MUC4**cc in comparison with progeny fathers of which in their genotype had mutant allel MUC4**g. For the forecasting and modeling of genotypes resistant to colibacillosis there was presented a scheme of selection boars and sows of different genotypes by MUC4 gene for the increasing of progeny viability. According to the scheme the preferred selection was MUC4**cc x MUC4**cc. This selection was recommended for the self-replacement and creation of nuclear stock
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Взаимосвязь полиморфизма генов белков молока с показателями молочной продуктивности племенных коров белорусской черно-пестрой породы
Gribanova, Zh.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Determination of influence of polymorphic variants of genes of kappa casein, beta-lactoglodulin and alpha-lactoalbumin on indexes of milk producing ability (milk yield, fat and protein content) of brood cows of Belarusian white-and-black breed was studied in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. In course of analysis of polymorphism of kappa casein gene there was revealed the exceeding of frequency index of allel CSN3**a over the index of allel CSN3**b (0,795 and 0,205 respectively). Studying of polymorphism of beta-lactoglodulin gene showed that the frequency indexes of allel variants formed in the following way: BLG**a - 0,489 and BLG**b - 0,511. There were revealed three genotype variants of alpha-lactoalbumin among which the highest frequency indexes were stated for heterozygous genotype LALBA**aa *(32%) and LALBA**bb (14%). There was calculated the genetic equilibrium for loci of studied genes: x2 value for all studied loci was 0,008 – 1,96. Analysis of milk producing ability data in groups with different genotypes by locus of CSN3 gene showed that the highest indexes of milk yield were stated for group of cows with genotype CSN3**aa. Animals with genotype CSN3**bb had the highest fat percent, animals with genotype CSN3**aa - the lowest. Analysis of milk yield indexes showed that animals with homozygous genotypes BLG**aa and BLG**bb showed lower average milk yield than animals with genotype BLG**ab on 130 and 570 kg, respectively
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Влияние генотипа хряков по генам EPOR, MUC4 и ICF-2 на продуктивность потомства
Dojlidov, V.A. | Kaspirovich, D.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Loban, N.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Bykova, M.I. | Mikhajlova, T.I., Selection and Hybrid Centre Zadneprovski (Belarus)
During the investigation of nuclear DNA of boas of Belarusian meaty breed there was studied the polymorphism of EPOR, MUC4 and IGF-2 genes with the further determination of frequency of alleles and genotypes. Among boars tested for the polymorphism EPOR gene there was stated high percentage of heterozygous samples (EPOR**st): 43,3% for Belarusian meaty breed boars and 66,7% for Belarusian Kripnaya Belaya breed. In course of analysis of the genetic structure by MUC4 gene there was revealed the predominance of animals with the desirable d allele combination (MUC**cc): 60% for Belarusian Kripnaya Belaya breed and 82,2% for Belarusian meaty breed; by IGF-2 gene with homozygotic manifestation of recessive alleles: 46,4% and 63,4%, respectively. In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there were determined the preferred boar genotypes with EPOR, MUC4 and ICF-2 genes and combinations which made it possible to increase the fattening and meaty qualities of posterity. The research results showed that in the selection breeding schemes it was necessary to consider not only maternal genotype, but also male genotypes giving preference to EPOR**st, MUC4**ss and ICF-2**qq genotypes
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