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Use of three-dimensional time-of-flight magnetic resonance angiography at 1.5 Tesla to evaluate the intracranial arteries of 39 dogs with idiopathic epilepsy
Ishikawa, Chieko | Ito, Daisuke | Tanaka, Natsumi | Kitagawa, Masato
OBJECTIVE To assess visualization of the intracranial arteries and internal carotid artery (ICA) on 3-D time-of-flight (TOF) magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) images obtained at 1.5 T and to investigate factors that affect the image quality of those arteries in dogs. ANIMALS 39 dogs with idiopathic epilepsy. PROCEDURES Each dog underwent 3-D TOF MRA, and 5 pairs of intracranial arteries, the basilar artery, and both ICAs were evaluated. Each artery was assigned an image-quality score on a scale of 0 to 3, where 0 = poor and 3 = excellent. Multivariable regression analysis was used to assess whether age, body weight (BW), serum total cholesterol concentration, intracranial volume (ICV), and mean arterial pressure were significantly associated with the image quality of each vessel. RESULTS In all dogs, the image-quality score was 2 or 3 for the proximal middle cerebral arteries, basilar artery, and caudal aspect of the caudal communicating arteries. In some dogs, the rostral cerebellar arteries, rostral aspect of the caudal communicating arteries, and middle and rostral aspects of the ICA were poorly visualized. For various arteries, image quality was negatively associated with age and positively associated with BW and ICV. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results indicated that 3-D TOF MRA images obtained at 1.5 T did not consistently and clearly delineate the ICA and narrow or peripheral intracranial arteries of dogs; therefore, careful attention is required when such images are assessed. Patient age, BW, and ICV can also affect the image quality of some intracranial arteries on 3-D TOF MRA images.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Comparison of cardiac output measured by use of computed tomography and thermodilution in dogs
Tenebaum, Sharon | Garcia-Pereira, Fernando L. | Berry, Clifford R. | Obert, Tori
OBJECTIVE To compare cardiac output (CO) measured by use of CT coronary angiography and thermodilution (criterion-referenced standard) at various CO values, record adverse effects, and determine the time needed to measure CO. ANIMALS 5 healthy purpose-bred Beagles (2 males and 3 females). PROCEDURES A prospective nonrandomized crossover study was conducted. Dogs were premedicated with butorphanol tartrate (0.2 mg•kg−1, IM). Anesthesia was induced by IV administration of etomidate (1 to 2 mg•kg−1) and midazolam (0.25 mg•kg−1). Orotracheal intubation was performed, and anesthesia was maintained by administration of isoflurane. The CO was determined by use of thermodilution and by use of CT at 3 CO values. Dobutamine was infused at various rates to obtain the 3 CO values. RESULTS 13 values were obtained and analyzed. The mean ± SD difference between methods was 0.09 ± 0.71 L•min−1 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.52 to −0.34 L•min−1). Only 1 of 13 values was located on the 100% agreement line (ie, 0 line), 7 of 13 values were located within the 95% CI, and 5 of 13 values were outside the 95% CI. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE For this study, there was poor agreement between the 2 methods. The 95% CI interval was 0.52 to −0.34 L•min−1, and 5 of 13 values were outside the 95% CI. Therefore, results for the CT method appeared to be inappropriate for use in making clinical decisions.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Comparison of left and right ventricular stroke volume of dogs calculated on the basis of morphology and blood flow determined by use of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging
Dennler, Matthias | Richter, Henning | Matos, Jose Novo | Toaldo, Marco Baron | Campagna, Ivo U. | Glaus, Tony M. | Kircher, Patrick R.
OBJECTIVE To compare stroke volume (SV) calculated on the basis of cardiac morphology determined by MRI and results of phase-contrast angiography (PCA) of ventricular inflow and outflow in dogs. ANIMALS 10 healthy Beagles. PROCEDURES Cardiac MRI was performed twice on each Beagle. Cine gradient echo sequences of both ventricles in short-axis planes were used for morphological quantification of SVs by assessment of myocardial contours. From the long-axis plane, SVs in 4-chamber and left ventricular 2-chamber views were acquired at end diastole and end systole. For calculation of SV on the basis of blood flow, PCA was performed for cardiac valves. RESULTS Mean ± SD values for SV quantified on the basis of blood flow were similar in all valves (aortic, 17.8 ± 4.1 mL; pulmonary, 17.2 ± 5.4 mL; mitral, 17.2 ± 3.9 mL; and tricuspid, 16.9 ± 5.1 mL). Morphological quantification of SV in the short-axis plane yielded significant differences between left (13.4 ± 2.7 mL) and right (8.6 ± 2.4 mL) sides. Morphological quantification of left ventricular SV in the long-axis plane (15.2 ± 3.3 mL and 20.7 ± 3.8 mL in the 4- and 2-chamber views) yielded variable results, which differed significantly from values for flow-based quantification, except for values for the morphological 4-chamber view and PCA for the atrioventricular valves, for which no significant differences were identified. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE In contrast to quantification based on blood flow, calculation on the basis of morphology for the short-axis plane significantly underestimated SV, probably because of through-plane motion and complex right ventricular anatomy.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Use of gadoxetic acid for computed tomographic cholangiography in healthy dogs
Chau, Jennifer | Podadera, Juan M. | Young, Alex C. | Makara, Mariano A.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effect of gadoxetic acid (contrast) dose on biliary tract enhancement, determine the optimal time after contrast injection for CT image acquisition, and assess the feasibility of CT cholangiography in sedated dogs. ANIMALS 8 healthy dogs. PROCEDURES The study had 2 parts. In part 1, 4 dogs were anesthetized and underwent CT cholangiography twice. Gadoxetic acid was administered IV at a low dose (0.025 mmol/kg) for the first procedure and high dose (0.3 mmol/kg) for the second procedure. Serial CT scans were obtained at predetermined times after contrast injection. In part 2, 4 dogs were sedated and underwent CT angiography 85 minutes after IV administration of the high contrast dose. Contrast enhancement of the biliary tract on all scans was objectively assessed by measurement of CT attenuation and qualitatively assessed by use of a subjective 4-point scoring system by 3 independent reviewers. All measurements were compared over time and between contrast doses for the dogs of part 1. Subjective measurements were compared between the sedated dogs of part 2 and anesthetized dogs of part 1. RESULTS Enhancement of the biliary tract was positively associated with contrast dose and time after contrast injection. Optimal enhancement was achieved 65 minutes after contrast injection. Subjective visualization of most biliary structures did not differ significantly between sedated and anesthetized dogs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results indicated CT cholangiography with gadoxetic acid was feasible in sedated dogs. The high contrast dose provided better visualization of biliary structures than the low dose; CT scans should be obtained 65 minutes after contrast injection.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Direct cutaneous arterial supply to the tail in dogs
Smith, M.M. | Carrig, C.B. | Waldron, D.R. | Trevor, P.B.
Cutaneous arterial blood supply to the tail was evaluated in 12 dogs. Subtraction radiography of internal iliac artery and distal aorta angiography in 3 of these dogs was used to determine arterial blood supply to the tail from the median sacral and lateral caudal arteries. Dissection of the tail in 8 canine cadavers revealed bilateral subcutaneous location of lateral caudal arteries following tail amputation. An axial pattern flap based on the lateral caudal arteries contributed to the reconstruction of a large caudodorsal cutaneous defect in a dog. An axial pattern flap based on the lateral caudal arteries following tail amputation may be indicated to aid reconstruction of large caudodorsal cutaneous defects of the trunk in dogs.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Microvascular circulation of the descending colon in horses
Dart, A.J. | Snyder, J.R. | Harmon, F.A.
The microvascular circulation of the descending colon was studied in 5 adult horses, using microangiography and light microscopy combined with gross studies and scanning electron microscopy of vascular replicas. After heparinization, horses were euthanatized, and 3 segments of the descending colon and its mesentery containing 1 vascular arcade were removed from each horse. The fecal bars were gently massaged from the lumen, and the blood was flushed free of the circulation with isotonic NaCl. In 5 segments, the vascular system was injected with a modified radiopaque medium and evaluated radiographically. Specimens examined radiographically also were prepared for histologic examination, using standard methods. Ten segments were injected with 1 of 2 types of plastics and studied grossly or by scanning electron microscopy. Arcuate arteries gave rise to a descending colonic rete that surrounded the vein and supplied numerous descending colonic lymph nodes. The rete also supplied the mesocolon and the descending colonic tissue. Short filamentous vessels arising from the rete directly penetrated the mesenteric tenia to supply an intermuscular plexus between the longitudinal and circular muscle layers of the muscularis externa. Larger vessels arising from either side of the rete divided into the long- and short-terminal arteries that supplied an extensive submucosal plexus, which was continuous around the circumference. The submucosal plexus supplied the mucosa, the tunica muscularis, and the serosa. Vessels running centrifugally from the submucosal plexus formed an intermuscular plexus between the longitudinal and circular muscle layers of the muscularis externa. The intermuscular plexus at the mesenteric angle also was supplied by vessels branching from the short-terminal arteries as they penetrated the muscularis externa. At the antimesenteric tenia, the submucosal plexus gave rise to larger vessels that formed a subserosal loop. From this loop, 5 vessels penetrated the longitudinal muscle layer to contribute to the intermuscular plexus. Vessels within the longitudinal and circular muscles of the muscularis externa ran parallel to the muscle fibers and, consequently, perpendicular to each other. Arteries supplying the mucosa penetrated the muscularis mucosa and branched into a capillary network at the base of the descending colonic glands. These capillary networks anastomosed with the networks around adjacent glands at the luminal surface, forming a honeycomb-like pattern. Drainage was facilitated by more sparsely distributed venules that united with venules from adjacent areas and descended to the submucosal plexus. These veins were characterized by regular, helical, smooth muscle constrictions.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Normal blood supply to the canine mandible and mandibular teeth
Roush, J.K. | Howard, P.E. | Wilson, J.W.
The normal blood supply to the canine mandible and mandibular teeth was determined by microangiography and correlated histology. Branches of the inferior alveolar artery supplied the cortical bone of the mandibular body. Vessels from the periosteal and endosteal surfaces supplied symphyseal cortical bone. Direct vascular anastomoses were not found to cross the fibrous mandibular symphysis. Blood supply to the mandibular teeth was via dental arteries derived from the inferior alveolar artery, with interdental and interradicular arteries supplying the alveolar bone and periodontal ligament.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Microvascular circulation of the ascending colon in horses
Snyder, J.R. | Tyler, W.S. | Pascoe, J.R. | Olander, H.J. | Bleifer, D.R. | Hinds, D.M. | Neves, J.W.
Microvascular circulation of the ascending colon in healthy horses was studied using microangiography, light microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. The pelvic flexure with 30 cm of ventral and dorsal colon attached was removed from 14 adult horses immediately after horses were euthanatized. The lumen was flushed with warm water, and this section of the ascending colon was placed in a 37-C bath of isotonic NaCl. In sections from 8 horses, colic vessels were perfused with a radio-opaque medium for microangiography. After angiographic evaluation, tissue sections were prepared for light microscopic observation, using standard histologic methods. In sections from 6 horses, injection replicas were made by perfusing the vessels with 2 types of plastics. The results of microangiography, light microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy of vascular replicas were correlated, providing acomprehensive documentation of the microvasculature of the ascending colon at the pelvic flexure. Arteries branched from mesenteric colic vessels approximately every 2 cm toward the colonic tissue. Immediately after branching, arterial vessels formed an anastomotic plexus, the colonic rete. However, each branch from the colic vessel eventually continued into the colonic tissue. A second set of vessels originated from the colonic rete and supplied the mesenteric lymph nodes. Arterial vessels penetrated the tunica muscularis into the sub-mucosa 3 to 4 cm toward the antimesenteric border forming a submucosal vascular network. From the submucosal arterioles, branching took place at right angles to supply the mucosal capillaries. Capillaries surrounded the colonic glands and anastomosed at the luminal surface, forming a superficial luminal honeycomb-appearing vascular plexus. Venules, sparsely distributed, drained the superficial plexus. Arterial venous anastomoses were not observed within the mucosa.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effectiveness of MB-102, a novel fluorescent tracer agent, for conducting ocular angiography in dogs
Pirie, Christopher G. | Rogers, Thomas E. | Dorshow, Richard B.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effectiveness of a novel fluorescence tracer agent, MB-102, for conducting ocular angiography in dogs. ANIMALS 10 ophthalmologically normal dogs (2 to 4 years old) and 10 dogs with retinal degeneration or primary open-angle glaucoma (< 6 years old). PROCEDURES While anesthetized, all dogs received sodium fluorescein (20 mg/kg, IV) or MB-102 (20 or 40 mg/kg, IV) first and then the other dye in a second treatment session 2 days later in a randomized crossover design. Anterior fluorescence angiography was performed on one eye and posterior fluorescence angiography on the other. Imaging was performed with a full-spectrum camera and camera adaptor system. Filter sets that were tailored to match the excitation and emission characteristics of each angiographic fluorescent agent were used. RESULTS All phases and phase intervals during anterior and posterior segment angiography were identified, regardless of the dye used. However, agent fluorescence and visualization of the iridal blood vessels were hindered in some dogs, irrespective of agent, owing to the degree of iridal pigmentation present. No significant difference was noted between the 2 dyes in any phase or phase interval, and slight improvement in image contrast was observed with MB-102 during the venous phases owing to a reduction of vessel wall staining in both normal and diseased eyes. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results suggested that MB-102 would be useful for conducting ocular angiography in dogs.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Morphometric evaluation of the portal vein by means of abdominal computed tomographic angiography in dogs free of vascular anomalies
Rossanese, Matteo | Ferreira, Amy | Maddox, Thomas W.
OBJECTIVE To determine the mean diameter of the main portal vein (PV) in healthy dogs by use of CT angiography, identify any associations between PV diameter and certain dog characteristics, and validate a clinically valuable ratio for quantifying the size of the PV. ANIMALS 100 dogs with no hepatic, cardiac, or vascular anomalies that underwent abdominal CT angiography. PROCEDURES Diameters of the main PV, abdominal aorta (Ao), and caudal vena cava (CVC) were measured by 2 observers at a defined location on postcontrast CT angiographic images in axial, sagittal, and transverse planes. Dog characteristics were evaluated for associations with PV diameter, and a PV:Ao diameter ratio was calculated. Intraclass correlations were calculated to assess intra- and interobserver agreement in vessel diameter measurements. RESULTS Mean diameter values were 7.9 mm (range, 4.1 to 14.8 mm) for the PV, 8.9 mm (range, 3.7 to 13.7 mm) for the Ao, and 11.4 mm (range, 4.4 to 22.5 mm) for the CVC. The PV:Ao diameter ratio was 0.91 mm. The PV diameter was significantly associated with dog body weight but not with dog age, sex, or neuter status. Intra- and interobserver reliabilities for measurements of all 3 vessels were considered excellent (intraclass correlation coefficients > 0.85). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Findings indicated that the PV:Ao diameter ratio was a repeatable measurement that may be useful for evaluating the size of the portal vasculature in dogs and possibly for distinguishing healthy PVs from abnormal PVs in dogs with hepatic vascular anomalies.
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