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Bromodeoxyuridine labeling and DNA content of pulmonary arterial medial cells from hypoxia-exposed and nonexposed healthy calves.
Orton E.C. | LaRue S.M. | Ensley B. | Stenmark K.
Vascular medial thickening is a prominent finding in people and animals with refractory neonatal pulmonary hypertension. Smooth muscle cells are capable of 2 distinct growth responses in vivo: hypertrophy or hyperplasia. Hypertrophic smooth muscle cells may undergo DNA synthesis without cell division, leading to a polyploid state. To better understand the nature of smooth muscle cell growth in healthy and pulmonary hypertensive neonatal calves, we measured incorporation of the thymidine analog bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) and total DNA content in medial cells from control (pulmonary arterial pressure = 32 +/- 2 mm of Hg) and hypobaric hypoxia-exposed (pulmonary arterial pressure = 120 +/- 7 mm of Hg) calves. Labeling of medial cells with BrdUrd measured by flow cytometry was increased (P < 0.02) in pulmonary arteries of hypoxia-exposed calves (n = 5), compared with control calves (n = 5). Immunohistochemical localization of BrdUrd indicated that BrdUrd labeling of large elastic pulmonary arteries from hypoxia-exposed calves was increased almost exclusively in the outer half of the medial wall. Increased BrdUrd labeling of muscular pulmonary arteries from hypoxia exposed calves was observed in the arterial media and adventitia, and tended to exit in clusters. Analysis of DNA content by flow cytometry indicated a decrease (P < 0.05) in percentage of tetraploid medial cells in pulmonary arteries from hypoxia-exposed calves, compared with control calves. Bivariate analysis for BrdUrd labeling and DNA content of cells from the pulmonary arteries of hypoxia-exposed calves indicated a subpopulation of diploid cells with positive BrdUrd labeling, suggestive of DNA synthesis and subsequent cell division. Results are suggestive of smooth muscle cell hyperplasia in the vascular media of hypoxia-exposed calves.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Postadulticide pulmonary hypertension of canine heartworm disease: successful treatment with oxygen and failure of antihistamines.
Rawlings C.A. | Tackett R.L.
Postadulticide pulmonary hypertension mechanisms and treatment with antihistamines and supplemental oxygen were studied in eight dogs with heartworm disease. To ensure severe postadulticide thromboembolism, additional heartworms (either 20 or 40 into 4 dogs each) were transplanted into naturally infected dogs before thiacetarsamide treatment. During pentobarbital anesthesia, 2 pulmonary hemodynamic studies were conducted on each dog with a sequence of baseline, hypoxia with FlO2 = 10%, hyperoxia with FlO2 = 100%, a second baseline, treatment with either diphenhydramine (D) or cimetidine (C), and another hypoxia. All dogs were pulmonary hypertensive, with each dog having a mean pulmonary arterial pressure (PPA) greater than 20 mm of Hg. Mean PPA increased from baseline conditions (25.0 +/- 4.5 SD for D and 24.3 +/- 4.4 for C) to hypoxia (28.5 +/- 4.7 for D and 28.4 +/- 3.7 for C), and decreased during hyperoxia (16.9 +/- 3.0 for D and 17.4 +/-3.0 for C), respectively. Neither antihistamine reduced PPA at normoxia. The degree of pulmonary hypertension when breathing room air increased even more during hypoxia, and this increase was not attenuated by either antihistamine. Histamine did not appear to mediate pulmonary hypertension during postadulticide thromboembolism, nor to modify the hypoxia-mediated pulmonary hypertension at this disease stage. Because baseline PO2 was low (66.6 +/- 11.7 mm of Hg for D and 69.4 +/- 14.2 for C) and because PPA decreased during administration of oxygen, the pulmonary hypertension was mostly hypoxia-induced. In addition to the arterial lesions, much of the pulmonary hypertensive mechanism was an active and reversible vasoconstriction in response to hypoxia caused by the secondary lung disease. Supplemental oxygen to dogs with pulmonary hypertension could reduce PPA and right ventricular afterload. This study supports the use of oxygen, but not antihistamine drugs, in the treatment of postadulticide heartworm disease in dogs that are hypoxic, with signs of congestive heart failure or dyspnea.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Electrocardiographic findings during parturition and blood gas tensions immediately after birth in thoroughbred foals
Yamamoto, K. (Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) | Yasuda, J. | Too, K.
Особенности морфологических изменений в плаценте при нормальной супоросности и осложненной острой асфиксией в опоросе с мертворождением поросят
Fedotov, D.N. | Luppova, I.M. | Yatusevich, V.P., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Comparison of morphological changes in placenta in the conditions of physiological pregnancy and pregnancy complicated acute asphyxia in farrow with deadborn piglets was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. There were realized complex clinical and morphological studies of placenta of pregnant sows. The experimental group was formed by pegnant sows with intranatally dead fetus because of acute asphyxia in course of farrowing caused by abnormality in placental circulation(prolapse of funis or loop of cord). The second (control) group consisted of healthy bred sows with physiological farrowing and alive newborn piglets. The groups were comparable to age, number of farrowings (no more two) and housing conditions. Detailed macrographic examinations of placenta (form, size, square, weight, volume, fetus-plecentary coefficient, amnion status and so on) and cord were realized. The research result showed that in the conditions of a complicated pregnancy in the thickness index placenta there were visualized a lot of connective tissue changed locus, infarcts as well as areas, and changes in morphometric indexes. All mentioned above factors proved to be a morphological substrate of fetoplacental insufficiency, which subsequently caused asphyxia, hypoxia, small-for-gestational-age fetus, and dead birth
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