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Анализ молочной продуктивности женских предков быков Республиканского сельскохозяйственного унитарного предприятия Гомельгосплемпредприятие в зависимости от источника селекции
Bekish, R.V. | Bekish, E.I., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Mokhorev, I.A., Gomelgosplempredpriyatie, Gomel (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was realized the evaluation of genetic inheritance indexes of producing bulls at a cattle breeding enterprise in Belarus depending on a selection source (in accordance with an average productivity of female ancestors) in order to use them properly for the increasing of genetic potential of black-and-white Belarusian cows in Gomel region. The carried out analysis allowed to draw a conclusion, that bulls of national breeding lines according to the indexes of cow milk yields concede foreign bulls, i.e. delivered of Sweden on 2744 kg of milk or on 27,5% and from Russia and Hungary - on 1272-2906 kg of milk or 12,7-29,1% (Р less than 0,001). In accordance with butter-fat yielding capacity of bull mothers obtained at breeding farms of Belarus and in accordance with groups delivered from the other countries there were stated no essential distinctions (0,05). Butter-fat yielding capacity percentage of bull mothers varied within 3,99-4,10%. However, the yield of dairy fat per lactation the difference was in favour of bull mothers delivered from Sweden (114 kg or 27,9%) at P less than 0,001. Distinctions on milk producing ability of bull mothers from various cattle breeding enterprises of Belarus were revealed. It was established, that at mothers of bulls delivered from Hungary the variability of milk yield was the highest (3032 kg or 23%). Low variability indexes of milk yield and butter-fat yielding capacity percentage was typical for bull mothers of the Belarusian selection. The standard deviation at them made 872 kg of milk yield with 9% variability coefficient, and 0,03% - for butter-fat yield and 7% respectively. Variability on all indicators of dairy efficiency of bull mothers from various cattle breeding enterprises of Belarus in most of the cases was low - from 2,3 to 13%.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Плейотропное действие гена каппа-казеина (CSN3) на воспроизводительные качества быков-производителей
Epishko, T.I., Polesje State Univ., Pinsk (Belarus) | Yatsyna, O.A. | Smuneva, V.K. | Yatsyna, V.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there were analyzed indices of impregnating ability and efficiency of stud bull mothers of various genotypes on a kappa-casein gene (CSN3). As a result of genotyping of kappa-casein gene by DNA-diagnostics method it is revealed three genotypes - CSN3АА, CSN3AB, CSN3BB. Frequency of occurrence of homozygous genotype CSN3AA at stud bulls - 87,3%; heterozygotic CSN3AB - 20,5%; homozygous CSN3BB - 1,2%. Statistically authentic difference between these indices depending on a genotype it is not established. Thus, authentic connection between indices of impregnating ability and efficiency of stud bull mothers and their genotype on a locus of a kappa-casein gene that specifies in absence of influence of the last on the given indices is not established and gives the chance to conduct selection on gene CSN3 without decrease in breeding value of stud bulls on reproductive qualities.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Влияние паратипических факторов на продуктивное долголетие коров белорусской черно-пестрой породы
Klimov, N.N. | Tanana, L.A. | Vasilets, T.M., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was analyzed the influence of the following paratypical factors on cow productive longevity: age of the first calving; milk yield at the first lactation; and a birth season. At the experimental animals there studied the indices of dairy efficiency: a lifelong milk yield (kg); a lifelong yield of dairy fat (kg); the total duration of the lactation period (days); duration of practical use (lactations). There was noted a tendency of increasing of a term of productive use and lifelong productive efficiency at the animals the practical economic use of which was begun in later terms. The insemination of these animals was approximately realized at the age older than 21 months. Also it was stated that in accordance with all investigated indices (except for a milk yield per one day of lactation) the highest indexes were typical for cows which had the least milk yield at the first lactation.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Консервирование злаково-бобовой массы с биопрепаратами из сапропеля
Dobruk, E.A. | Pestis, V.K. | Sarnatskaya, P.P. | Frolova, L.M., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus) | Yakovchik, N.S., Breeding Farm Zakozelskij, Drogichin dist. (Belarus)
Results of studies of the influence of two biological products produced on the basis of sapropel (putrid mud) of the Ganarata lake (Mostovski district, the Republic of Belarus) on quality of legume-grass silage were presented. It was established, that analyzed preparations could be used as the preserving agents for preparation of herbal forages. The preserving action of the preparations was caused by the intensification of lactic bacteria development in silaging mass for the account of humic acids, as well as by the fungicidal action of phenolic and carboxylic fractions of the preparation. Silage preparation in combinations with putrid mud preparations made it possible to lower the losses of a crude protein on 11,3-15,6%, sugar - on 33,3%, carotin - on 20% and to obtain forage with concentration of exchange energy 9,20-9,38 mJ per 1 kg of dry matter. Silage application in combination with biological products rendered positive impact on milking efficiency of cows, the average daily milk yields in the experimental cow groups were on 1,3-1,4 kg or 6,8-7,3% higher. Application of higher quality feeds made it possible to lower the expenses of forages on 0,04 fodder units. Research results proved that the analysed preparations from sapropel could be used as an efficient conservants for silage preparations. They made it possible to raise forage quality at the minimum expenses
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Активность гепатоспецифических ферментов сыворотки крови бычков на откорме при применении цинксодержащих препаратов
Kovalenok, Yu.K. | Kotovich, I.V. | Golub, A.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the activity of hepatic specific enzymes of blood serum of bull calves of black-and-white breed in course of application of various doses of zinc-containing preparations. Application of zinc-containing preparations led to multidirectional change of activity of hepatic specific serum enzymes. Application of Zinkovet preparation in dose of 1,8 g/100 kg of live weight made it possible to essentially grade the indexes of hepatic tissue affect. In the experimental group at animals there was marked the lowering in activity alanine-aminotransferase, serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase. At the same time, there was noted the increasing of zinc-containing enzymes activity (sorbitol dehydrogenase and glutamate dehydrogenase). All these processes were caused by zinc inclusion into the metabolic process.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Влияние различных уровней органической формы селена на формирование репродуктивной функции племенных бычков
Karpenya, M.M. | Goryachev, I.I. | Shamich, Yu.V. | Karpenya, S.L., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Influence of various levels of the organic form of selenium of Sel-Pleks on the formation of reproductive function of breeding bull-calves is studied in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Feeding of organic selenium to bull-calves promoted volume increase of ejaculate on 5,0%, quantities of male germ cells in ejaculate - on 9,1% and concentration of male germ cells in ejaculate - on 7,5% in comparison with animals in which rations sodium selenit was used. Application in winter period of the premix with inclusion of selenium in a dose of 0,4 mg per 1 kg of a dry matter of a ration allows to increase the quantity and quality of sperm of bull-calves: volume ejaculate - on 9,5%, concentration of male germ cells in ejaculate - on 16,4% (Р less than 0,05) and activity of male germ cells - on 8,9% (Р less than 0,001). Increasing of a dose of selenium up to 0,4 mg per 1 kg of a dry matter in rations of bull-calves in summer period allows to increase quantity and quality of sperm. At bull-calves of the third experimental group the ejaculate volume has increased on 4,5%, concentration of male germ cells in ejaculate - on 15,7% (Р0,05) and activity of male germ cells - on 7,3% (Р less than 0,001).
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Использование местных минеральных источников для повышения молочной продуктивности и естественной резистентности коров
Podrez,V.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the efficiency of application of national mineral additives (mineral feed additive produced on the basis of dolomitic meal) in rations of milking cows. In course of the study there were analyzed physical and chemical blood indexes; hematological indexes of cows; biochemical blood indexes; mineral composition of blood; natural resistance of cows. As a result of the realized study it was established, that an optimum dose of a dolomitic meal for milking cows during the winter period was 0,3% per dry matter of a diet. There was proved the possibility of increasing of a daily average milk yield of cows on 11,7%, fat and protein content in milk - on 0,04 - 0,06%, as well as lowering of quantity of somatic cells on 13,6%. Application of a national mineral additive rendered the positive influence on blood indices to what that was proved by increasing of erythrocytes (on 10,9%), thrombocytes (on 5,4%), haemoglobin (on 6,5%), crude protein (on 10,6%), and also macro- and trace elements. Introduction of a dolomitic meal into cow diets made it possible to increase the indices of natural resistance of cows on 0,5 - 4,0%.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Взаимосвязь между основными показателями молочной продуктивности крупного рогатого скота и различными генотипами каппа-казеина
Tanana, L.A., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus) | Peshko, V.V., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus) | Epishko, T.I., Polesje State Univ., Pinsk (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was analyzed the interrelation between the main indexes of cattle milk performance of dairy cattle of Large Red Belarusian breed and Belarusian Black-and-White breed with different genotypes of kappa casein gene. In course of the study there was determined the frequency of occurrence of genotypes and alleles by kappa-casein gene in population of cows of mentioned above breeds. Values of correlation coefficients between some indexes of milk performance of the studied breeds were analyzed. Correlation factors between the basic indexes of milk performance of cows with different genotypes of kappa casein. Research results showed that milk protein content and butter-fat yielding capacity were in negative association with the main breeding trait of dairy cattle – amount of milk yield. Butter-fat yielding capacity and milk protein content correlated positively. Thus, selection breeding in accordance with one of this traits will promote increasing of the other. Besides, it is necessary to realize DNA-diagnostics of cattle according to kappa casein gene and to select animals having in their genomes allele CSN3**B connected with higher milk protein content.
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