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Staphylococcus spp. from wild mammals in Aragón (Spain): antibiotic resistance status
García, Leticia Alcalá | Torres, Carmen | López, Antonio Rezusta | Rodríguez, Carmelo Ortega | Espinosa, Jesús Orós | Valencia, Carmen Simón
Antimicrobial resistance is a global health threat. It has been studied in humans and domestic animals, but there is a lack of data on wild animals. The objective of this study is the elucidation of its patterns in Staphylococcus spp. isolated from wild mammals of the Autonomous Community of Aragón (Spain). A total of 103 mammals (Artiodactyla, Carnivora, Chiroptera, Erinaceomorpha, and Lagomorpha) were studied. A recovery centre provided 32 and hunting 71. Nasal and faecal samples yielded 111 staphylococci, which were identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization–time of flight mass spectrometry. A susceptibility test to 11 antibiotics was carried out, and statistical analysis was performed. Some differences were detected in bacterial prevalence depending on how the mammal fed. Artiodactyla, mainly hunted, were predisposed to carry coagulase-positive staphylococci. The staphylococci species recovered were resistant to at least two classes of antibiotics, and were disseminated in all of the geographical areas studied. Resistant staphylococci are widely distributed in the wild mammals in the areas of the study, but the resistance quantified in them is lower than that to be expected if the use of antibiotics in farms had a direct influence on the wildlife and its environment. On the other hand, resistance to antibiotics restricted to human use was widely disseminated in various wild animal species.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Evaluation of normal triiodothyronine and tetraiodothyronine concentrations in llamas (Lama glama)
Smith, B.B. | Pearson, E.G. | León, J.
Basal serum triiodothyronine (T3) and tetraiodothyronine (T4) concentrations have not been established for the llama (Lama glama). In addition, changes in T3 and T4 concentrations in response to thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) administration have not been determined, making clinical evaluation of problems referable to thyroid dysfunction difficult. In study 1, basal T3 and T4 concentrations were determined in serum samples collected from 132 clinically healthy llamas. The llamas were allotted to 3 groups: mature intact or neutered males (group I, n = 25), nonpregnant sexually mature females (group II, n = 21), and pregnant females (group III, n = 86). A mean concentration and a 95% confidence interval were computed for each group. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated that a single confidence interval range (0.45 to 4.18, mean = 1.37 ng T3/ml) adequately defined the normal T3 concentrations for all groups. An ANOVA indicated that the T4 concentrations for the female populations (groups II and III) could be combined with a normal confidence interval range of 39 to 204 ng/ml (mean = 88 ng/ml), whereas a separate range (70 to 220 ng/ml, mean = 124 ng/ml) was determined for the male population. An ANOVA indicated that a single confidence interval range (0.0066 to 0.0321, mean = 0.0146) adequately defined the normal T3/T4 ratio for all groups. In study 2, T3 and T4 concentrations were evaluated in 10 healthy llamas immediately preceding and at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 24 hours after the IV administration of 3 IU of TSH/44 kg of body weight. The T3 and T4 concentrations were significantly higher by 2 hours after TSH administration in both groups. Peak T3 and T4 concentrations were observed at 4 and 8 hours, respectively, after TSH administration. When normalized with respect to serum T3 concentrations in samples collected immediately prior to TSH administration, the maximal increase in predicted T3 concentration was 4.06-fold (80% confidence interval range = 2.99- to 5.50-fold) at 4 hours after TSH administration. The maximal increase in predicted normalized T4 concentration was 2.32-fold (80% confidence interval range = 1.76- to 3.05-fold) at 8 hours after TSH administration. The TSH-stimulated increases in T3 and T4 concentrations at 4 hours were clearly distinguishable from values in samples obtained before TSH administration.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Immune response of the llama (Lama glama) to tetanus toxoid vaccination
Paul-Murphy, J. | Gershwin, L.J. | Thatcher, E.F. | Fowler, M.E. | Habig, W.H.
An ELISA was developed to measure serum concentratrions of tetanus toxoid-specific immunoglobulins. The titers obtained with this assay were compatible with those obtained by the standard mouse toxin-neutralization test. Serum samples from 123 llamas were analyzed for ELISA titers to tetanus toxoid. Of the 82 vaccination adults, 75 (91%) had titers greater than or equal to 1:50. The vaccination status and titers of weanlings and juveniles (3 to 12 months old) varied; of the 21 vaccinated, 17 (81%) had titers greater than or equal to 1:50 and 7 of 9 (78%) unvaccinated llamas had titers less than 1.50. The ELISA titers of unvaccinated llamas less than 8 weeks old (crias) were matched with the maternal titers. All crias with titers less than 1:50 had dams with titers greater than or equal to 1:50.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Haemonchus contortus from the vaal ribbok, Pelea capreolus, and the bontebok, Damaliscus dorcas dorcas, in the Bontebok National Park
Boomker, J. | Horak, I.G. | Gibbons, L.M. | De Vos, V.
Haemonchus contortus with exceptionally long spicules recovered from vaal ribbok and bontebok, measurements
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Comparison of the properties and concentrations of the isoforms of retinol-binding protein in animals and human beings
Burri, B.J. | Neidlinger, T.R. | Zwick, H.
We used size-exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to investigate the properties of the 2 isoforms of vitamin A-containing (holo) retinol-binding protein (RBP) in animals: the form that is bound to transthyretin (holo-TTR-RBP), and the form that does not bind to TTR (holo-free RBP). We also used radial immunodiffusion to measure immunologically active RBP (apo+ holo RBP). We compared the isoforms of RBP in animals with those of human beings to determine which animal is the best model of human RBP. Size-exclusion HPLC detected holo-free and holo-TTR-RBP in every animal species studied. Apparent concentration of holo-TTR-RBP varied among species: that of rabbits and dogs much greater than that of apes, sheep, goats, monkeys, rhinoceroses, felids, rats, human beings, and deer greater than that of pigs, zebra, and bison greater than that of penguins. Dogs have unusual RBP chromatograms; they have high concentration of RBP, but also appear to transport much of their vitamin A on proteins other than RBP, Human RBP antibody preparations could detect apo + holo RBP immunologic activity only in apes, monkeys, and felids. Apes and monkeys appeared to have complete cross-reactivity to human RBP antibodies. Felids may have substantial, but partial, cross-reactivity. Apes and monkeys appear to be the most relevant animal models for study of human RBP transport. However, there is a need for less-expensive models. Further research is needed, but in the interim, rats or sheep may be satisfactory for some purposes.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Comparative blood characteristics of ranched and free-ranging American bison (Bison bison)
Sikarskie, J.G. | Schillhorn Van Veen, T.W. | Selm, G. van | Kock, M.D.
Blood samples were obtained from 20 bison (Bison bison) from a ranch in northern lower Michigan, as well as from 20 free-ranging bison of the same sex and similar age from the Badlands National Park in South Dakota. Hematologic and serum biochemical values were determined. The values were comparable in both groups, except for those for BUN, aspartate transaminase, and phosphorus, which were significantly (P < 0.001) higher in the ranched bison than in the free-ranging bison. These differences were attributed to nutritional effects. Impact of age on blood characteristics was assessed in the ranched bison only by comparing values from calves weighing less than 185 kg with those from bison weighing more than 185 kg. Calves had significantly (P < 0.001) higher values for phosphorus and RBC counts and lower total protein values than adults. Adult bison had higher eosinophil and neutrophil counts with lower numbers of lymphocytes, suggestive of a stress leukogram, whereas calves had the typical bovine neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Reference ranges for hematologic and serum biochemical values in llamas (Lama glama)
Fowler, M.E. | Zinkl, J.G.
Hematologic and serum biochemical values were determined in 174 llamas of all age groups and both sexes from ranches in California and Nevada. Compared with hematologic values for horses and cattle, llama erythrocytes were more numerous (10.1 to 17.3 x 10(6)/microliter), but the PCV was lower (25 to 45%) because the smaller elliptical cells pack tighter. The mean corpuscular volume was half that of horses and cattle (22 to 29.5 fl). The mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration was higher (38.9 to 46.2 g/dl), and the mean corpuscular hemoglobin slightly lower (9.6 to 12.6 pg). Most serum biochemical values were similar to those of cattle and horses, with the exception of triiodothyronine (48 to 468 ng/dl) and thyroxin (9.8 to 30 microgram/dl), which are up to 10 times higher than values for other domestic species.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Preliminary survey for antibodies against five bovine viruses [bovine leukemia virus; infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus; adeno virus; akabane virus; parainfluenza virus] in cattle in Korea
Choi, W.P. | Izawa, H. | Onuma, M. | Kodama, H. | Mikami, T. (Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) | Ohnuma, T. | Hashiguchi, Y.
A chromosomal analysis based on the G and C band staining techniques of the buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
Miyake, Y. | Kanagawa, H. | Ishikawa, T. (Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)
Clinico-hematological studies on subclinical cases of neonatal hemolytic disease in pigs
Kagota, K. (Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) | Abe, N. | Tokoro, K.