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Prevalence of pigment gallstones in sheep.
Cavallini A. | Messa C. | Mangini V. | Linsalata M. | Guerra V. | Misciagna G. | Di Leo A.
In a survey of 666 sheep at a slaughterhouse, gallstones (concretions with a diameter greater than or equal to 1 mm) were found in the gallbladder of 50 sheep (7.5%), sludge (concretions with a diameter < 1 mm) was found in 9 sheep (1.4%), and sludge plus gallstones were found in 7 sheep (1.1%). Gallstones and sludge were associated, and were more frequent in lambs and females, compared with adults and males. Qualitative analysis of the stones revealed all to be pigment (bilirubin) stones. There was a statistically significant increase of biliary bilirubin (total and indirect quota) only in sheep with gallstones plus sludge, compared with control sheep without sludge or gallstones. Concentrations of bilirubin, cholesterol, phospholipids, total and single bile aids, and total and ionized calcium were similar in the bile of sheep with gallstones, sludge, or both and control sheep. Bacteriologic analysis of the bile in 10 sheep with gallstones and 10 controls revealed bacteria in 50% of the first group and in 75% of the second group (Escherichia coli in all sheep and Salmonella spp also in 1 sheep with gallstones). These findings confirm our earlier findings of a high prevalence of black pigment gallstones in sheep. On that basis, we suggest that gallstones are associated with high total bilirubin concentration in the bile, and deconjugating bacteria are common in the biliary tract of these animals.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Studies on the blood chemical properties in racehorses, 2. Blood chemical values
Kang, C.B. (Kyeongsang National Univ., Chinju (Korea R.). Coll. of Agruculture)
This experiment was carried out to provide the data of blood chemistry in use of application to clinical diagnosis in racehorses. Blood was collected from 30 racehorses (female 17, male 13). Calcium, inorganic phosphorus, blood glucose, blood urea nitrogen, cholesterol, bilirubin, fibrinogen and ketone body in serum were analyzed. The values of calcium and inorganic phosphorus were maintained a certain level without much variation regardless of sex and species. Ca/P ratio was in the range of 3.13-3.35. The value of blood glucose was 60mg/100ml. Age and sex of racehorses make no difference in the value. The value of blood urea nitrogen and total cholesterol showed a tendency to increase according to the age. Total cholesterol value was somewhat higher in male than in female. The value of total bilirubin showed a tendency to increase according to the age. There was no difference between sexes in the value. The value of fibrinogen showed no apparent difference with age and sex. Ketone body was negative in all of the cases. There was no variation on the species of the racehorses
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Effect of Artemisia Iwayomogi water extract on hepatic injury by carbon tetrachloride in rats - (2) - Effect on serum ALP, LAP activities, total protein, bilirubin content and liver glycogen content
Kim, K.S. (Kyungpook National University, Taegu (Korea Republic). Department of Veterinary Medicine) | Park, J.H. (Choong Ang Chemical Company, Seoul (Korea Republic))
The effect of captafol on the hematological value, erythrocyte membrane and plasma biochemical value in vitro
Kim, S.H. | Hwang, H.S. | Cha, S.W. | Han, S.S. | Noh, J.K. (Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Taejon (Korea Republic). Toxicology Research Center)
Hematological and blood chemical changes of rabbits infected with viral hemorrhagic disease virus
Yoon, I.J. | Jeon, Y.S. (Seoul National University, Suwon (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
Болезни печени крупного рогатого скота на откорме
Golub, A.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
The purpose of the research was establishment of hepatic diseases spread in cattle fattening. Trials were conducted with total number of hybrids IV-V generation of black-motley heifer with pedigree Hereford bulls. It has been established the wide spread (22,4%) of hepatic pathology. The leading place among all hepatic pathologies belongs to fatty hepatosis (13,4%) with weakly expressed symptoms, decrease of serum protein level, albumin, glucose and increase of bilirubin, globulins, hepatic enzymes and strong pathology-anatomical and histological manifestations. In the tabular form results of histologic research of liver, some biochemical indicators of blood of healthy and sick animals (M +/- m), the clinical symptoms revealed during the various periods are resulted | Целью исследований являлось изучение структуры и установление широты распространения болезней печени у крупного рогатого скота на откорме. Опыты проведены на широком поголовье помесей IV-V поколения тёлок чёрно-пёстрой породы с племенными быками герефордской породы. Установлено широкое (22,4%) распространение гепатопатий. Ведущее место среди различных форм поражения печени принадлежит жировому гепатозу - 13,4%, морфофункцинальный профиль которого определяется слабо выраженными клиническими симптомами, уменьшением уровня общего белка, альбуминов, глюкозы, повышением концентрации билирубина, активности гепатоспецифических ферментов, а также всех фракций глобулинов, яркой и характерной патологоанатомической и гистологической картиной. В табличной форме приведены результаты гистологического исследования печени, некоторые биохимические показатели крови здоровых и больных животных (M +/- m), клинические симптомы, выявленные в различные периоды
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