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Quantitative evaluation of the remodeling response of the proximal sesamoid bones to training-related stimuli in Thoroughbreds
Young, D.R. | Nunamaker, D.M. | Markel, M.D.
Eight untrained 2-year-old Thoroughbred horses were used in a study of the remodeling response of the proximal sesamoid bone (PSB) to training-related stimuli. Two horses each were assigned to 1 of 4 groups: group 1, untrained, pasture turnout (control); group 2, modified-classically trained, dirt track; group 3, classically trained, dirt track; and group 4, classically trained, wood chip track. Horses were given fluorochromic bone labels every 28 days during training. All horses were euthanatized after 5 months of training, and the proximal sesamoid bones (PSB) were removed. A midsagittal section of bone 85- to 95-micromole thick was prepared for histomorphometric analysis by use of computerized image analysis and epifluorescent microscopy. Porosity (percent), trabecular width (micrometer), extent of anisotropy (percent), mineralizing surface (percent), fractional mineralizing surface (percent), and mineral apposition rate (micrometers per day) were determined at 5 circular regions of each specimen. Region 1 was located within the apex of the PSB, regions 2, 3, and 4 were subjacent to the subchondral plate, and region 5 was within the basilar articular margin. Data were pooled to allow comparison by training group and by region. The PSB from horses trained on dirt tracks (groups 2 and 3) had significantly (P < 0.05) lower porosities and greater trabecular width, compared with the control group. The PSB from all training group specimens had significantly larger mineralizing surfaces than control group specimens. The fractional mineralizing surface revealed a rapid and vigorous response of the endosteal surface of the PSB in horses trained on dirt tracks. When group data were pooled, region 2 was found to have the lowest porosity and greatest trabecular width of any region. Region 1 was found to have the highest porosity and lowest structural anisotropy of any region. Structural anisotropy of the cancellous bone was greatest at regions 2, 3, and 4. The results of this study demonstrate a substantial stress adaptive remodeling response of the PSB to training-related stimuli. Regional morphologic variations were found that presumably reflect the load history of the PSB in vivo. Adaptive changes may allow the PSB to withstand without failure large stresses generated during maximal exercise.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry of canine femurs with and without fracture fixation devices
Markel, M.D. | Bogdanske, J.J.
The effect of 5 fracture fixation methods on bone mineral density (BMD) measurement of femurs, using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) was determined in a canine model. Six regions of interest were measured, including the entire femur, the diaphysis of the femur, and small regions centered over the middiaphysis of the bone (lateral middiaphyseal cortex, medial middiaphyseal cortex, middiaphyseal medullary canal, and total middiaphysis). Eight unpaired femurs were collected and scanned by use of DXA before (5 separate scans/femur) and after (5 separate scans/femur) fixation by use of 1 of 5 fixation methods. These fixation methods included: intramedullary (IM) nail: IM nail and cerclage wires; IM nail and external skeletal fixation.; locked IM nail; and a dynamic compression plate (DCP). All implants were made of stainless steel. The IM nail fixation devices caused significant decreases in the DXA measurement of BMD in the small regions of interest, compared with femurs without fixation devices (mean decrease, 37.3%; P < 0.05). The locked nail caused similar, but larger, decreases in the DXA measurement of BMD, compared with the IM nail fixation methods (P < 0.05). Plate fixation caused a small, but significant (P < 0.05), decrease (2.8%) in the DXA measurement of BMD in the large regions of interest, but when all regions were averaged, it did not cause significant change in this measurement, compared with femurs without fixation devices. Plate fixation caused a large change in the DXA measurement of BMD in 1 region only in the lateral cortical bone under the plate where the DXA measurement of BMD was increased 13.3% over that in femurs without fixation devices (P < 0.05). In femurs without fixation devices, the precision error ranged from 0.5% for large regions of interest to 2.4% for small regions of interest. None of the fixation methods altered the precision error of large regions of interest (P > 0.05). In contrast, the precision errors of the small regions of interest were increased by the IM fixation methods and the locked IM nail, When all regions were combined, IM fixation methods caused significant (P < 0.05) increase in the precision error, compared with femurs without fixation devices (mean increase, 157%; range, 121 to 193%). Plate fixation did not change the precision error of any region of interest, compared with femurs without fixation devices (P > 0.05; power = 0.8 at delta = 64%).
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Histological changes in the nasal ventral conchae of piglets infected with Bordetella bronchiseptica
Martineau-Doize, B. | Trepanier, H. | Martineau, G.P.
Piglets infected intranasally with Bordetella bronchiseptica were injected with two fluorochrome markers. Transverse sections of undecalcified nasal conchae (cut between the third incisor and the third premolar teeth) were examined by microradiography and fluorescence microscopy; surface-stained sections were evaluated by light microscopy. The fluorescent surface of the nasal ventral conchae from the infected piglets was increased as compared with the controls. This was due to an increased amount of fluorescent mineralization fronts as well as to the presence of abnormal fluorescent areas within trabeculae. Trabecular mineral content of the microradiographs was irregular and varied from hypo- to hypermineralized. When compared with the corresponding surface-stained sections, no correlation could be made between the mineral content and the type of tissue. These findings suggest that an increased number of osteoblasts which secrete prebone matrix but are modified so that mineralization does not occur normally.
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