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Study on Relationship Between Copper, Sulfur, Iron, Molybdenum and Zinc of Soil and Forages With Copper and Zinc Serum of Sheep in Susangerd
Rastmanesh, Fatemeh | Zarasvandi, Aliraza | Rajabzadeh, Najmeh | Nikvand, Ali Abbas | Nori, Mohammad | Asakereh, Naser
Abstract Background: Very clinical cases of mineral deficiency, specially associated with copper in sheep of Khuzestan province have been annually seen; whereas the studies on soil and forage related mineral and effects of them on zonal domestic animals are rare. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to investigate the copper, sulfur, iron, molybdenum and zinc of soil and pastures forages status in order to see the probable correlation of these elements with copper and zinc serum of sheep in Susngerd town of Khuzestan province. Methods: 5 soil and forage samples and 50 blood samples from sheep that were grazing in the area were taken. All the samples were sent to the institute of radiation at atomic energy organization of Iran for the elements measurement. The soil samples were alkaline digested and read by ICP-OES apparatuses. After acidic digesting, forage samples were read by ICP-MS apparatuses. Serum levels of copper and zinc were also measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Results: The averages iron and sulfur content of soil were higher than international standard and critical levels, while the averages copper and molybdenum were within normal range. The mean of soil zinc in comparison to the crisis amounts was in the lower level (p= .05). Comparing the mean values of forage elements with their critical levels showed that sulfur and iron were higher than standard levels. The results revealed that the serum copper and zinc were lower than normal and sheep under this investigation were mostly in a borderline deficiency status. Conclusions: It seem that high levels of sulfur and iron in pastoral forages reduces intestinal absorption and bioavailability of copper and zinc in sheep grazing in the under study areas.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Linkage of a microsatellite marker to the canine copper toxicosis locus in Bedlington terriers.
Yuzbasiyan Gurkan V. | Blanton S.H. | Cao Y. | Ferguson P. | Li J. | Venta P.J. | Brewer G.J.
Antioxidant status, and blood zinc and copper concentrations in dogs with uncomplicated babesiosis due to Babesia canis infections
Teodorowski, Oliwier | Winiarczyk, Stanisław | Tarhan, Duygu | Dokuzeylül, Banu | Ercan, Alev Meltem | Or, Mehmet Erman | Staniec, Marta | Adaszek, Łukasz
The aim of the study was to demonstrate a link between uncomplicated Babesia canis infection in dogs and blood concentrations of zinc and copper and erythrocytic antioxidant defence – activities of glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT). The study was based on 15 naturally occurring cases of canine babesiosis with anorexia, pyrexia, depression, pale mucous membrane, splenomegaly and dark red urine. Microscopic examination of Giemsa-stained peripheral blood smears and the results of PCR confirmed B. canis infection. Seven apparently healthy dogs brought in for either a check-up or vaccination were used for comparison. The levels of the erythrocytic antioxidant enzymes - SOD and CAT - were significantly higher in the infected dogs than in cytologically negative dogs. The levels of blood micronutrients were significantly lower in the infected dogs (0.478 μg of zinc per mL vs 1.241 μg/mL and 0.722 μg of copper per mL vs 1.392 μg/mL). Oxidative stress can be posited as one of the mechanisms leading to anaemia in dogs with babesiosis, and therefore antioxidant biomarker and copper and zinc concentrations could be used as indicators of disease severity and prognostic markers.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Selenium, copper, and zinc concentrations in the raw and processed meat of edible land snails harvested in Poland
Drozd, Łukasz | Ziomek, Monika | Szkucik, Krzysztof | Paszkiewicz, Waldemar | Maćkowiak-Dryka, Monika | Bełkot, Zbigniew | Gondek, Michał
Introduction: The objective of the present research was to carry out a comparative assessment of copper, zinc, and selenium concentrations in the meat of edible land snails collected in Poland (Helix pomatia, Cornu aspersum maxima, and Cornu aspersum aspersum), as well as to determine the effect of preliminary processing of Roman snails (Helix pomatia) on the content of the aforementioned elements. Material and Methods: In the first stage, determinations were made on unprocessed snail meat. In the second stage, the study focused on Roman snails and consisted in an additional evaluation of frozen meat after full processing. Zinc and copper contents were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry and the selenium content was established by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Results: The selenium content differed significantly among all three species. The copper content in Roman snails differed significantly from that in farmed snails. No significant difference in the zinc level was noted among the three snail species. The selenium content in raw and processed meat of Roman snails did not show any significant difference while the copper and zinc level was significantly higher in processed meat samples. Conclusion: The present research on the meat of edible snails showed different levels of selenium, copper, and zinc, depending on the species, collection site, and subjection to processing.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Antioxidant status, and blood zinc and copper concentrations in dogs with uncomplicated babesiosis due to Babesia canis infections
Teodorowski Oliwier | Winiarczyk Stanisław | Tarhan Duygu | Dokuzeylül Banu | Ercan Alev Meltem | Or Mehmet Erman | Staniec Marta | Adaszek Łukasz
The aim of the study was to demonstrate a link between uncomplicated Babesia canis infection in dogs and blood concentrations of zinc and copper and erythrocytic antioxidant defence – activities of glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT).
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Hoof quality of Anglo-Arabian and Haflinger horses
Tocci, Roberto | Sargentini, Clara | Martini, Andrea | Andrenelli, Luisa | Pezzati, Antonio | Benvenuti, Doria | Giorgetti, Alessandro
Introduction: Foot quality is essential to the horse’s movement. The barefoot approach favours the animal’s welfare. Environment and selection determine hoof characteristics. Material and Methods: Hoof characteristics of eight Anglo-Arabian (AA) and nine Haflinger (HA) horses were studied. After a preliminary visual analysis of feet, nail samples were collected after trimming for physico-chemical analysis. The parameters were submitted to analysis of variance. A principal component analysis and a Pearson correlation were used to compare mineral contents. Results: The hooves of both breeds were healthy and solid. The hooves of HA horses were longer than those of AA horses (14.90 ±0.30 cm vs 13.10 ±0.60 cm), while the AA hoof was harder than the HA hoof both in the wall (74.55 ±2.95 H vs 60.18 ±2.67 H) and sole (67.00 ±5.87 H vs 43.0 ±4.76 H). In comparison with the sole, the AA hoof wall also had a lower moisture percentage (12.56 ±0.67% vs 20.64 ±0.76%), while crude protein and ash contents were similar in both regions. The AA hoof showed a higher Se content, while the HA hoof had a higher level of macroelements. The negative correlations of K with Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn in the AA hoof may indicate osmoregulation activity. Conclusion: The hoof morphology of AA and HA horses met the literature parameters for mesomorphic horses. Both breeds had healthy and well-conformed hooves, useful for sport and recreation activities.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Selenium, copper, and zinc concentrations in the raw and processed meat of edible land snails harvested in Poland
Drozd Łukasz | Ziomek Monika | Szkucik Krzysztof | Paszkiewicz Waldemar | Maćkowiak-Dryka Monika | Bełkot Zbigniew | Gondek Michał
Introduction: The objective of the present research was to carry out a comparative assessment of copper, zinc, and selenium concentrations in the meat of edible land snails collected in Poland (Helix pomatia, Cornu aspersum maxima, and Cornu aspersum aspersum), as well as to determine the effect of preliminary processing of Roman snails (Helix pomatia) on the content of the aforementioned elements. Material and Methods: In the first stage, determinations were made on unprocessed snail meat. In the second stage, the study focused on Roman snails and consisted in an additional evaluation of frozen meat after full processing. Zinc and copper contents were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry and the selenium content was established by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Results: The selenium content differed significantly among all three species. The copper content in Roman snails differed significantly from that in farmed snails. No significant difference in the zinc level was noted among the three snail species. The selenium content in raw and processed meat of Roman snails did not show any significant difference while the copper and zinc level was significantly higher in processed meat samples. Conclusion: The present research on the meat of edible snails showed different levels of selenium, copper, and zinc, depending on the species, collection site, and subjection to processing.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Variations of selected trace element contents in two layers of red deer antlers
Giżejewska, Aleksandra | Nawrocka, Agnieszka | Szkoda, Józef | Żmudzki, Jan | Jaroszewski, Jerzy | Giżejewski, Zygmunt
Introduction: Hard antlers of deer are unique bioindicators of environmental metal pollutions, but sampling methods presented in the literature are inconsistent. Due to the specific growth pattern of antlers and their histological structure, sampling methods described in the literature were reviewed, the suitability of using mixed samples of both antler layers as element bioindicators was assessed, and the codified method of antler sampling used for bioindication was described. Material and Methods: Lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, copper, zinc, and iron in trabecular and cortical parts of hard antlers of red deer (Cervus elaphus) were determined using different methods of atomic absorption spectrometry (depending on the element). Results: Mean mercury content in trabecular bone (0.010 ±0.018 mg/kg) was 5 times higher than in cortical bone (0.002 ±0.003 mg/kg). Mean iron concentration was approximately 15 times higher in trabecular (239.83 ±130.15 mg/kg) than in cortical bone (16.17 ±16.44 mg/kg). Concentrations of other analysed elements did not differ statistically between antler layers. Conclusion: In mixed antler samples, concentrations of mercury and iron depend on the particular antler layer contents. This therefore warrants caution when comparing results across studies and specification of the sampling methodology of antlers is highly recommended.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Technological and nutritional properties of ostrich, emu, and rhea meat quality
Horbańczuk, Olaf K. | Wierzbicka, Agnieszka
In recent years a growing demand for ratite meat, including ostrich, emu, and rhea has been observed all over the world. However, consumers as well as the meat industry still have limited and scattered knowledge about this type of meat, especially in the case of emu and rhea. Thus, the aim of the present review is to provide information on technological and nutritional properties of ostrich, emu, and rhea meat, including carcass composition and yields, physicochemical characteristics, and nutritive value. Carcass yields and composition among ratites are comparable, with the exception of higher content of fat in emu. Ostrich, emu, and rhea meat is darker than beef and ratite meat acidification is closer to beef than to poultry. Ratite meat can be recognised as a dietetic product mainly because of its low level of fat, high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), favourable n6/n3 ratio, and high iron content in comparison with beef and chicken meat. Ratite meat is also rich in selenium, copper, vitamin B, and biologically active peptides such as creatine (emu) and anserine (ostrich), and has low content of sodium (ostrich). The abundance of bioactive compounds e.g. PUFA, makes ratite meat highly susceptible to oxidation and requires research concerning elaboration of innovative, intelligent packaging system for protection of nutritional and technological properties of this meat.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Minerals and trace elements composition of raw cow’s milk in Peninsular Malaysia
Falizah A. | Khairunnisak M. | Chandrawathani P. | Kamaliah G. | Ernah G. | Ketty G. S. L. | Roosnoor Farkhan H. | Saipul Bahari A. R. | Faridah F. I. | Norakmar I. | Marni S. | Izwan I.
This study was conductedon raw cow’s milk collected in seven statesof Malaysia to investigate the compositionof minerals and trace elements in the milk.Raw cow’s milk samples were collectedfrom Kedah, Perak, Johor, Melaka,Pahang, Selangor and Negeri Sembilanfrom January to November 2015. ICPMStechnique combined with microwavedigestion were applied to determine theconcentration of five major minerals (Na,Mg, K, Ca and P) and eleven trace elements(Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Se, Sr, Mo,Baand Pb) in the milk samples. The resultof analysis showed relatively constantcomposition of minerals and trace elementsin the samples but some variations wereobserved in certain states. Application ofprincipal component analysis (PCA) in thecomposition data showed different clusterexists between the states of Selangor andNegeri Sembilan as well as Kedah andNegeri Sembilan. There is no significantdifference observed in the compositionsof minerals and trace elements betweenother states. The compositions of mineralsand trace elements in raw cow’s milk inMalaysia are comparable with reports fromother research. Further studies can be doneto investigate the source of nutrient, foodor environmental condition that producedthe amounts of minerals and trace elementsin the milk.
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