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Pharmacokinetics and physiologic effects of intramuscularly administered xylazine hydrochloride-ketamine hydrochloride-butorphanol tartrate alone or in combination with orally administered sodium salicylate on biomarkers of pain in Holstein calves following castration and dehorning
Baldridge, Sarah L. | Coetzee, Johann F. | Dritz, Steve S. | Reinbold, James B. | Gehring, Ronette | Havel, James T. | Kukanich, Butch
Objective—To determine the pharmacokinetic parameters of xylazine, ketamine, and butorphanol (XKB) administered IM and sodium salicylate (SAL) administered PO to calves and to compare drug effects on biomarkers of pain and distress following sham and actual castration and dehorning. Animals—40 Holstein bull calves from 3 farms. Procedures—Calves weighing 108 to 235 kg (n = 10 calves/group) received one of the following treatments prior to sham (period 1) and actual (period 2) castration and dehorning: saline (0.9% NaCl) solution IM (placebo); SAL administered PO through drinking water at concentrations from 2.5 to 5 mg/mL from 24 hours prior to period 1 to 48 hours after period 2; butorphanol (0.025 mg/kg), xylazine (0.05 mg/kg), and ketamine (0.1 mg/kg) coadministered IM immediately prior to both periods; and a combination of SAL and XKB (SAL+XKB). Plasma drug concentrations, average daily gain (ADG), chute exit velocity, serum cortisol concentrations, and electrodermal activity were evaluated. Results—ADG (days 0 to 13) was significantly greater in the SAL and SAL+XKB groups than in the other 2 groups. Calves receiving XKB had reduced chute exit velocity in both periods. Serum cortisol concentrations increased in all groups from period 1 to period 2. However, XKB attenuated the cortisol response for the first hour after castration and dehorning and oral SAL administration reduced the response from 1 to 6 hours. Administration of XKB decreased electrodermal activity scores in both periods. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—SAL administered PO through drinking water decreased cortisol concentrations and reduced the decrease in ADG associated with castration and dehorning in calves.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Сравнительная эффективность различных способов профилактики стресса у телят при обезроживании
Belyavskij, V.N. | Gudz, V.P., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus)
The effectiveness of stress prevention with use of sedative remedy Xyla in a complex with preparations Ascorbic acid with glucose, Aesel and Katosal, which improve adaptation, was researched. Application of a complex of neurotropic and adaptogenic preparations before and after dehorning promoted softening of stressful influence, that in turn has positively affected the general condition of animals and intensity of growth. Comparative test of four schemes of preventive maintenance of negative consequences of the stress caused calf dehorning, has shown their high efficiency. However more expressed stimulating influence on intensity of metabolism, antioxidant status, natural resistance, adaptation to action of stresses-factors and rates of a body weight gain were rendered by the scheme with use of preparations Aesel, Ascorbic acid with glucose and Ksila
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