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An overview of nematodes infecting urban and wild rats (Muridae) in Malaysia
Abdul Aziz | Amal Nasir M. | Santhana Raj L. | Latifa I. | Mohd Zain S. N. | Hassan L. | Jeffery J. | Selvanesan S. | Sani R. A. | Paramasvaran S. | Vellayan S. | Krishnasamy M.
Rodents particularly those belonging to the Muridae family in Malaysia have been well studied because of their medical and economic importance. Much of the work on rodents has been focusing on the identification of endo and ecto parasites. Parasites in rats (Murids) particularly helminthes belonging to the Nematoda family have been described by many workers for more than a century. This
paper is an attempt to compile 50 papers on rodent nematodes that has been published in various scientific journals over the last
100 years in Malaysia. It is hoped that this literature overview on rodent nematodes will come useful as a reference material for the budding parasitologist and biology scientist.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]A beef fattening decision support system
Wan Zaharil M. | Shanmugavelu S. | Wong, H. K. | Mardhati M.
A beef feedlot production decision support system (DSS) was developed based on Microsoft® Excel. The DSS comprises of three modules i) an ingredient database ii) a least-cost ration formulation module and iii) beef growth simulation module. The program uses empirical equations developed for tropical beef to simulate nutrient requirements and daily body weight gains based on the formulated feed ration. The formulated least cost ration can be pasted automatically into the growth model to evaluate performance and economic viability. The growth model calculates nutrient available and computes body weight gain on a daily basis, summates weight gain and stops at the targeted body weight. The data output include i) days to reach target body weight, ii) cumulative feed consumed, iii) anticipated average daily gain, iv) total cost of feed (concentrates and grass), and v) gross profit per cattle. If a portion of the feed is fed as grass, then the model also computes the pasture land required in hectares, based on the forage species
chosen. It is anticipated that the developed model can assist cattle entrepreneurs and farmers in the development of the beef cattle industry in Malaysia.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Профилактика технологических стрессов в бройлерном птицеводстве при введении в рацион экологически чистых препаратов
Glaskovich, M.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Investigation of stress reaction response and productivity of poultry by means of stimulation of natural resistance by biologically active substances was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus by an example of 4 experimental group of broiler chickens of Kobb-500 cross. The first group was a control one. Chickens of the second group were administrated preparation Vigozin twofold in dose of 1 ml/l with water in course of the first three days in 2 cycles and with interval of 8 days. Chickens of the third group were given the preparation with water in dose of 1 ml/1 in course of the first 3 days. The fourth group was given the preparation with water in dose of 1 ml/1 in course of the first 5 days. In course of observation over chickens there was analyzed their clinical state, mortality rate, weight gain, and meat yield. In course of study in chickens of experimental group the daily average weight gain was 37,8 g against 34,1 in control; average live weight – 1099,6 +/- 7,57 g against 95,98 +/- 0,50 g in control. In 46-day old broiler chickens the average daily weight gain was 46,2 g against 43,1 g in control, average live weight – 2166,94 +/- 0,49 g against 2021,08 +/- 1,05 g in control. Forage expenses per 1 kg of weight gain were 2,01 kg against 2,18 kg in control. Forage conversion was 7,8%. Research results proved the efficiency of application of Vigozin preparation: viability of chickens in the second group on increased 3,5%; the third group - on 1,7% ; in the fourth group - on 2,5%
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Резервы повышения экономической эффективности переработки молока и производства молочных продуктов в ОАО Сенненский завод СОМ
Bekish, E.I. | Bekish, R.V. | Semenkova, O.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of market relations formation the lowering of production prime cost at the JSC Sennitsa Plant SOM gained the special importance. The reserve supplies for increasing of economic efficiency of milk processing and dairy products production in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus were analyzed. A subject of activity of the enterprise is milk processing, development of dairy production and its realization. Economic benefit of realization of the offered actions is shown. Transfer to the local sources of fuel (woodfuel) made it possible to reduce considerably the cost price of production at the analysed plant. By means of lowering the current consumption of electric energy the economy of the cost price due to decrease expenses for the electric power will make 0,27%. The general economic benefit will consist in decrease in the cost price of a commodity output on on 2,71%, increase of production profitability on 3,55 items. Thus, the realization of the offered actions will considerably improve the financial indicators of JSC Sennitsa Plant SOM
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Биологически активные вещества в кормлении быков-производителей
Shlyakhtunov, V.I. | Karpenya, M.M. | Karpenya, S.L. | Shamich, Yu.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was determined the efficiency of application of different levels of vitamins and trace elements in feeding of servicing bulls. In course of the study there was analyzed the influence of different levels of supply of servicing bulls with vitamins A, D, E and trace elements (copper; zinc; manganese; iron; cobalt; selenium) on their reproductive ability. On the basis of the experiment there was calculated the economic efficiency of application of the developed vitamin and mineral additive. Research results showed that application of the developed protein and mineral additive in diets of servicing bulls in winter and summer periods made it possible to increase the ejaculate volume on 7,4% and 12,4% (P less than 0,05), sperm activity on 6,7 % (P less than 0,05) and 7,3% (P less than 0,01), concentration of spermium in ejaculate on 6,3% and 7,8% (P less than 0,05). Also, it promoted the lowering of percentage of defective sperm doses.
Показать больше [+] Меньше [-]Экономическая эффективность при иммунизации поросят вакциной СПС с применением иммуностимуляторов
Kazyuchits, M.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Economic efficiency of immunization of piglets with a vaccine against a salmonellosis, pasteurellosis and streptococcosis in combination with 20% solution of sodium thiosulfate and Vitamin С as immune stimulators was analyzed in the production conditions of the Republic of Belarus.
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